footer: add footer components (1359aaa )
footer: add How to Acknowledge ACCESS link (3aa9801 )
footer: add persona links and update style (deae672 )
footer: add scroll-to-top button (d84fafb )
header: add header and logo components (8c6695f )
index: add warning banner with link to production catalog (4309bb8 )
logo: adjust logo to match main ACCESS site (e9491a9 )
menus: add footer menus (0000b88 )
menus: add universal and site menus (c58291d )
menus: highlight current site in universal menus (a88dd51 )
menus: update search URL in universal nav (c106f12 )
menus: use FontAwesome home icon (6101066 )
menu: update icons and spacing (274d6db )
menu: update menu items and styles (5d4ef70 )
mini-bar: add mini bar chart component (c618fcd )
resource-catalog: add catalog and carousel components (c0a354b )
resource-catalog: add filter icon (b1963ae )
resource-catalog: add filter reset button (db73d79 )
resource-catalog: add filtering by tag (a490306 )
resource-catalog: add node details (8665dd5 )
resource-catalog: add queue metrics component (6f4da60 )
resource-catalog: add resource group description component (a006f4e )
resource-catalog: add resource groups and tags (f47a3ba )
resource-catalog: add software list to resource group detail page (3c639cf )
resource-catalog: add support for custom base URI (e12d79e )
resource-catalog: add tags and filtering (3a9965e )
resource-catalog: remove resources path element (aba2256 )
resource-catalog: render using shadow DOM (a49d33e )
resource-catalog: use group data from the Operations API (3bc9079 )
resource-group-affinity-group: add affinity group component (91570a4 )
resource-group-affinity-group: make links active (bd84903 )
resource-group-description: link Get Started button to Allocations site (9c83113 )
resource-group-description: use CIDeR resource group data (4bac6f0 )
resource-group-detail: move documentation up in order (f861191 )
resource-group-detail: use resource data from CIDeR (096778b )
resource-group-discussion: add discussion topics component (4c12099 )
resource-group-discussion: use data from the Ask.CI API (1413241 )
resource-group-documentation: add list of documentation links (c3069b9 )
resource-group-documentation: get data from Support knowledge base API (8227e26 )
resource-group-events: add events and announcements (c1a32b4 )
resource-group-events: filter events to include only future events (3c34ce1 )
resource-group-events: get data from affinity group events API (82e86ce )
resource-group-events: use announcement data from the Operations API (a351040 )
resource-group-hardware: add OS and batch system to specs table (199e605 )
resource-group-projects: add charts for project statistics (28ba672 )
resource-group-projects: replace statistics with recent projects carousel (2f4cfc6 )
resource-group-projects: use grid with mini bar for displaying projects (d1b5dd3 )
resource-group-projects: use real project statistics (e69937d )
resource-group-queue-metrics: add detail charts (9295650 )
resource-group-queue-metrics: improve formatting of overview metrics (ee0986b )
resource-group-queue-metrics: remove CORS proxy (99a4f6f )
resource-group-queue-metrics: remove CORS proxy (114912b )
resource-group-queue-metrics: support multiple time periods (b3a4b5f )
resource-group-queue-metrics: use overview data from XDMoD (ea84e5e )
resource-group-software: load software data from SDS API (46fc4f5 )
resource-home: use resource group data exported from CIDeR (60f9dd0 )
resource-news: add resource headlines to catalog (d04b882 )
resource-pathways: add pathways buttons (35f4b17 )
search: add clear button (2e8f0e6 )
section-navigation: add section navigation component (43204c5 )
table-of-contents: add table of contents component (5be54ed )
tags: prevent long tags from wrapping (308c265 )
tags: sort tag categories by name (a442135 )
utils: allow useJSON to accept multiple URIs (f12d16f )
utils: improve error handling while parsing JSON (dd0c8ab )
utils: use organization and feature data from CIDeR (b51aeac )
Bug Fixes
donut-chart: reset the active index when the items change (70ec29d )
footer: use lighter color for footer rule (70a3d81 )
footer: use NSF acronym in disclaimer text (f8fb3e8 )
grid: remove buggy auto-scroll feature (1c1be21 )
header: fix side padding on mobile (83558e4 )
header: move styles to child element to avoid conflicts (a5bd218 )
header: set parent element box sizing model (dd4dd80 )
logo: include images in published bundle (a8214b3 )
menu: fix error for sites without a top-level nav item (3722bf8 )
menu: rename Acceptable Use menu item (d8a82bc )
menus: fix typo in reset password URL (241c1d0 )
menus: use ACCESS skin for default login link (762aada )
resource-catalog: allow base component props to be overriden (1cc6df0 )
resource-catalog: allow body to be longer than browser height (2cbfe38 )
resource-catalog: include icon CSS in parent DOM (ff3de37 )
resource-filters: fix vertical alignment of dropdown menu (aac7aa6 )
resource-group-affinity-group: use affinity group URL from API (30ae827 )
resource-group-discussion: get category ID from affinity group API (4934a14 )
resource-group-discussion: remove CORS proxy for Ask.CI API (37620ce )
resource-group-software: fix usage example link and version spacing (8e34ed6 )
section-navigation: fix navigation in shadow DOM (2e5ddcb )
section-navigation: hide for fewer than two sections (67711a0 )
section-navigation: set font size and line height (5c7ef8a )
style: fix mobile style bugs (66dc1e0 )
tags: sort tags by name (e25b2bd )
update resource providers link (2403248 )
use production URLs for Support APIs (f3c8e4c )
utils: use favicon URL field from CIDeR (f82685b )
Performance Improvements
resource-group-events: use events API version 1.1 (a41234c )
utils: optionally cache JSON responses (ef6c765 )
Miscellaneous Chores
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