By: Alex Caloggero
Python wrapper to work with the Binance API.
- Pass query strings as named arguments i.e. symbol='BTC', limit=5
- Methods prefixed with 'get_' return a JSON object.
- No authentication required for public requests.
- Be mindful of API limits.
- For detailed information on Binance's REST API visit here.
client = Client()
average_price = client.get_average_price(symbol='BTCUSDT')
- server_time()
- ping()
- exchange_info()
- get_order_book(symbol, limit)
- get_average_price(symbol)
- get_trades_list(symbol, limit)
- get_historical_trades(symbol, limit, fromId)
- get_aggregate_trades(symbol, fromId, startTime, endTime, limit)
- get_candlesticks(symbol, interval, startTime, endTime, limit)
- get_24_hr_price(symbol)
- get_price_ticker(symbol)
- get_book_ticker(symbol)