This Jupyter Notebook demonstrates how to perform object detection with a focus on bicycles using OpenCV and a deep learning model. The notebook walks through the following steps:
Environment Setup:
- Import necessary libraries including OpenCV and NumPy.
- Verify the installed version of OpenCV.
Loading and Displaying Images:
- Load an image containing bicycles using OpenCV.
- Display the image to visualize the input data.
Preprocessing for Object Detection:
- Convert the input image into a blob for input to the neural network.
- Resize the image and normalize pixel values.
Loading Model and Class Labels:
- Load the class labels for the objects the model can detect.
- Load a pre-trained deep learning model for object detection (likely YOLO or a similar architecture).
Performing Object Detection:
- Run the model on the input image to detect objects.
- Filter out predictions with low confidence scores.
- Draw bounding boxes around detected bicycles (and other objects) and label them.
Displaying Results:
- Display the image with bounding boxes and labels for detected objects.