a. Front Cover (Dark Theme):
b. Main Page (Same theme is shared by previous page - URL Parms changed): Allow Location Access to render the main page with user's location data is required (Browser: Google Chrome).
c. Rendered Page for User Location: Dwarka , New Delhi. Displays current forecast, forecast for next upcoming hours and next 7 days forecast.
**d. Interactive Button **- to see more of the climatic condition paramters - UV Index etc.
e. You can search for other places, cities and districts. (Eg. Toronto, Canada is searched here)
f. 2nd Page (from left Navigation Panel) - It uses the location values from URL of previous page, and returns the near 4 cities and their weather forecast (Current, next hours and 6 days).
g. Selecting another option, will get you different district/city/place details to the right panel.
h. Configuration Page : To configure theme of the page - dark or lite and other units of weather conditions. Eg. Miles per sec (MPS) for wind speed can be changed to Miles per hour (MPHR).
i. Scrollbars can independently change positions. (Positions or the selected units of measures are synced with previous pages)
j. Changed Theme from dark to lite. This change will be relfected on next pages as well.
k. Help and Support Features:
l. On clicking an option, the data is displayed (with animation like arrow direction changes eventually) - to display the details on side panel.