A collection of frameworks for solving various problems in building a Swift web framework. Each framework focuses on a single problem, like HTML rendering, CSS preprocessing, routing, middleware, and more. They also do not depend on any other framework in the collection. You can choose which pieces you want and don't want, for example you can use Html
without Css
This library should be considered alpha, and not stable. Breaking changes will happen often.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-web.git", .branch("master")),
This library contains an extensive test suite and a set of playgrounds that can be explored. To get it running:
git clone https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-web.git
cd swift-web
swift package generate-xcodeproj
xed .
- Run tests: Command+U
- Build: Command+B
- Open a playground!
An EDSL for a CSS preprocessor like Sass. A few simple value types and functions allow you to model most of CSS, and allow you express new things not possible in standard CSS.
import Css
let css = body % (
padding(all: .rem(2))
<> background(Color.hsl(60, 0.5, 0.8))
render(css: css)
body {
padding-top : 2rem;
padding-right : 2rem;
padding-bottom : 2rem;
padding-left : 2rem;
background : #e6e6b3;
A few types and functions for modeling server middleware as a simple function that transforms a request to a response. It uses phantom types express the state transitions of when you are allowed to write the status, headers and response body.
import HttpPipeline
let middleware = writeStatus(.ok)
>>> writeHeader(.contentType(.html))
>>> closeHeaders
>>> send(render(document).data(using: .utf8))
>>> end
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "/")!)
let conn = connection(from: request).map(const(Data?.none))
▿ Step
▿ Request
(Data, 0 bytes)
▿ Response
Status 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf8
<html><body><p>Hello world!</p><p>Goodbye!</p><a href="/">Home</a></body></html>
A router built on the principles of “applicatives” that unifies parsing requests and printing routes. It is robust, composable and type-safe. Its job is to take the incoming, unstructured URLRequest
from the browser and turn it into a structured value so that your app can do what it needs to do to produce a response. Additionally, given a value, it can do the reverse in which it generates a request that can be used in a hyperlink. Most of the ideas for this library were taking from this paper.
import ApplicativeRouter
struct UserData: Decodable {
let email: String
enum Route {
case home
case episodes
case episode(String)
case search(String?)
case signup(UserData?)
let router = [
// Matches: GET /
<¢> .get <% end,
// Matches: GET /episode/:str
<¢> get %> lit("episode") %> pathParam(.string) <% end,
// Matches: GET /episodes
<¢> get %> lit("episodes") <% end,
// Matches: GET /search?query=:optional_string
<¢> get %> lit("search") %> queryParam("query", opt(.string)) <% end,
// Matches: POST /signup
<¢> post %> jsonBody(Episode.self) <%> lit("signup") %> opt(.jsonBody)) <% end,
.reduce(.empty, <|>)
// Match a route given a request
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://www.pointfree.co/episode/001-hello-world")!)
let route = router.match(request: request)
// => Route.episode("001-hello-world")
// Generate a string from a route:
router.absoluteString(for: .episode("001-hello-world"))
// => /episode/001-hello-world
Adds middleware for rendering an Html
import Foundation
import Html
import HttpPipeline
import HttpPipelineHtmlSupport
let view = View(p(["Hello world!"]))
let middleware = writeStatus(.ok)
>>> respond(view)
let conn = connection(from: URLRequest(url: URL(string: "/")!))
Status 200
Content-Type: text/html
<p>Hello world!</p>
Adds an element and attribute function to Html
for render Css
values into an internal stylesheet or inline styles. The element function style
allows you to provide a Stylesheet
value that will be rendered to an internal stylesheet:
import Css
import Html
import HtmlCssSupport
let css = body % background(red)
let document = html([head([style(css)])])
The attribute function style
allows you to render a stylesheet inline directly on an element:
import Css
import Html
import HtmlCssSupport
let anchorStyle = color(.red)
<> textTransform(.capitalize)
let styledDocument = p([
"Go back ",
a([style(anchorStyle)], ["Home"])
print(render(styledDocument, config: pretty))
Go back
<a style="color:#ff0000;text-transform:capitalize">
Contains a single value reset
of type Stylesheet
that resets all of the defaults for a webpage. It can be combined with another stylesheet via reset <> otherStyles
, or can be directly rendered to a stylesheet string via render(reset)
All modules are released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.