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Create graphics.h
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add necessary behavior to class Graphics
  • Loading branch information
aa2mz authored Sep 7, 2020
1 parent 1af89ab commit 2a41139
Showing 1 changed file with 215 additions and 0 deletions.
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions software/core/graphics.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
#pragma once
* Copyright 2020, Edward L. Taychert, AA2MZ
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.

#include "ss_oled.h"
#include "pgmstrings.h"

// this define can save a lot of unused font flash
#define oledWriteString(a, c, r, s, font, m, n) {if(font==0){oledWriteStringNormal((a),(c),(r),(s),(m),(n));} else {oledWriteStringStretched((a),(c),(r),(s),(m),(n));}}

#define COLORWB 0
#define COLORBW 1
#define BLINKBLANK 0

* Requires two font sizes, inverse and blinking characters.
* Screen is layed out as 4 rows of 16 colums. # displayed depends on character size.
class Graphics {
// int pause ;
virtual void init(int rotation) = 0 ;
// virtual int loop (int arg = 0 ) = 0 ;
virtual void startBlink(int brow, int bcol, int nchar, int bType, int bduty, int bperiod=5) = 0 ;
virtual void stopBlink() = 0 ;
// pauseBlink() {pause = 1 ;};
// resumeBlink(){pause = 0 ;};
virtual void eraseLine(int row )=0 ;
// void eraseLine(int row ){ eraseEOL(row,0) ;} ;
virtual void eraseEOL(int row, int col) = 0 ;
virtual void writeString( int row, int col, unsigned char* s, int font=SIZE2 ) = 0 ;
virtual void writeMixedSize(int row, int col, unsigned char* s ) = 0 ;
virtual void writeChar( int row, int col, unsigned char c, int bInvert, int font = SIZE2) = 0 ;
//class OledGraphics : public Graphics, public Taskable {
class OledGraphics : public Taskable {
int lastRow;
unsigned char screen[4][17];
// blink period is typically 4 and duty 1 or 3
// blinks look better with more on-time than off.
int brow, bcol, nchar, bType, btime;
int bperiod , bduty;

void blink(int how) {
int c , size ;
int col = bcol ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < nchar; i++ ) {
c = screen[brow][col];
size = ((c&0x80)?SIZE1:SIZE2) ;
if ( how == BLINKRESTORE ) {
blinkChar(brow,col, c, 0, size) ;
} else if ( how == BLINKBLANK ) {
blinkChar(brow,col, ' ' , 0, size) ;
blinkChar(brow,col, c,1, size) ;
col += (size==SIZE1)?1:2 ;
void blinkChar( int row, int col, unsigned char c, int bInvert, int font = SIZE2){
char s[2];
s[0]= c & 0x7f ; // make sure character isn't fu'ed
s[1] = 0 ;
if ( font == SIZE2) {
oledWriteStringStretched( 0, col*8, row*2, (char*)s, bInvert, 1);
} else {
oledWriteStringNormal ( 0, col*8, row*2, (char*)s, bInvert, 1);
s[0]=' '; s[1]=0;
oledWriteStringNormal ( 0, col*8, row*2+1, (char*)s, bInvert, 1);
} ;


setup(int ms = 200) {
Taskable :: setup ( ms);
bperiod = 0 ;
void startBlink(int brow, int bcol, int nchar, int bType, int bduty, int bperiod=5) {
this->brow=brow; // 0-3
this->bcol=bcol; // 0-15
btime = 0 ;
int loop(int arg=0) {
if ( bperiod == 0 )
return ;
btime ++ ;
if ( btime == bperiod ) {
btime = 0 ;
} else if ( btime == bduty) {
void stopBlink() {
// make sure displayed is unblinked
if ( btime < bduty) {
bperiod = 0 ;
pauseBlink() {};
void eraseScreen( int invert=0) {
memset(screen, sizeof(screen), ' ');
oledFill(invert, 1);
void eraseLine(int row ){
if ( row < 0 || row > 3)
return ;
oledWriteString(0, 0, row, pgm2string(S_SPACES8), SIZE2, 0, 1);
memset(screen + row*16, 16, ' ');
void eraseEOL(int row, int col) { //
for (; col < 16; col++)
writeChar(row, col, ' ', COLORWB, SIZE1 );
// screen addressing is by col 0-15 in x and 0-7 in row
// qqqq not working with literal strings, use writeMixedSize() instead
void writeString( int row, int col, unsigned char* s, int font=SIZE2 ){
int i;
unsigned char p[17];
while (s && *s ) {
if ( font==SIZE2)
p[i] = *s & 0x7fu ;
p[i] = *s | 0x80u ;
s++ ; i++ ;
p[i] = 0 ; // trailing 0
writeMixedSize(row, col, p );

void writeMixedSize(int row, int col, unsigned char* s ) {
unsigned char c ;
int size ;
// store string in screen, update display.
while (s && *s) {
if (col > 15)
c = *s ;
size = 2; if ( c & 0x80u ) size = 1;
if ( col == 15 && size == 2 ) {
c = ' ' | 0x80u;
size = 1;
if ( screen[row][col] != c ) { // update the display
writeChar(row,col, c, 0, ((size==1)?SIZE1:SIZE2) );
col += size;
} ;

void writeChar( int row, int col, unsigned char c, int bInvert, int font = SIZE2){
char s[2];
s[0]= c & 0x7f ; // make sure character isn't fu'ed
s[1] = 0 ;
if ( font == SIZE2) {
oledWriteStringStretched( 0, col*8, row*2, (char*)s, bInvert, 1);
screen[row][col] = (c & 0x7fu) ;
screen[row][col+1] = (c & 0x7fu ) ; // qqqqq it'll be okay if were are consistant ???
} else {
oledWriteStringNormal ( 0, col*8, row*2, (char*)s, bInvert, 1);
s[0]=' '; s[1]=0;
oledWriteStringNormal ( 0, col*8, row*2+1, (char*)s, bInvert, 1);
screen[row][col] = (c | 0x80u) ;
} ;

void init (int rotation = 0) { // 0 = rotatee 0 degrees, 1 == rotate 180
bperiod = 0;
int rc;
rc = oledInit(OLED_128x64, rotation, 0, -1, -1, 400000L); // Standard HW I2C bus at 400Khz
if (rc != OLED_NOT_FOUND)
#if 0
char *msgs[] =
"SSD1306 @ 0x3C",
"SSD1306 @ 0x3D",
"SH1106 @ 0x3C",
"SH1106 @ 0x3D"
oledFill(0, 1);
oledWriteString(0, 0, 0, (char *)"OLED found:", FONT_NORMAL, 0, 1);
oledWriteString(0, 10, 2, msgs[rc], FONT_NORMAL, 0, 1);
// oledFill(0, 1);
} ;
} ;

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