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Path planning using global path planner has successfully been built
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We now need to move on to the hardware and integrate oak-d with tb3
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aPR0T0 authored Feb 20, 2023
1 parent df84341 commit b7282c4
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Showing 44 changed files with 1,892 additions and 2,236 deletions.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
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91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions .vscode/settings.json
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# TurtleBot3 - BFS path planning
# TurtleBot3 - Visual Slam and Path Planning with Dynamic Obstacle avoidance

## Objective of the project :
To Understand path planning concepts using slam, and implementing BFS on LiDAR based TurtleBot3, and then further increasing that knowledge and implementing more advanced path planning concepts

## Reference for the Model:- [Robotis](
To make Localization through Visual SLAM and making a local costmap using OAKD and global costmap using LIDAR on the TurtleBot3, along with this we need to implement dynamic Obstacle Avoidance

## Table of Contents

- [<span style="color:black">Project</span>](#objective-of-the-project)
- [<span style="color:purple">Demo</span>](#demo)
- [<span style="color:purple">Table of Contents</span>](#table-of-contents)
- [<span style="color:purple">Stages</span>](#stages)
- [<span style="color:purple">Demo</span>](#demo)
- [<span style="color:purple">Algorithm Flowchart</span>](#algorithm-for-bfs)
- [<span style="color:purple">Our Approach</span>](#pseudocode:using-stacks)
- [<span style="color:purple">Getting Started</span>](#how-to-run-bfs-from-this-project)

### Stages
* Stage 1:
- [x] Understanding Various Path Planning Algorithms
- [x] Writing a brute Code for BFS
- [x] Using LIDAR to create a map and then use MOVE_BASE along with a custom GLOBAL PLANNER for BFS
- [x] Implement BFS in Simulation with Global/Static Map
* Stage 2:
- [ ] Mapping and Localization through OAK-D
- [ ] Implementing Algorithm for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance in simulation
- [ ] Creating an Arena for the same

* Reference for the Model : [Robotis](

We are Using turtle bot burger for our Path planning objective

Expand All @@ -19,7 +45,7 @@


## Algorithm for BFS

### Basic Algorithm for BFS
Expand All @@ -32,27 +58,94 @@ nodes first, before moving to the next level neighbors.

![Algorithm Visualization](

## Pseudocode
## Pseudocode : Using Queues
`Note: That we use stack and layers instead of traditional queues to implement the BFS algorithm`


Pre: root is the node of the BST
Post: the nodes in the BST have been visited in breadth first order
q ← queue

while root = ø

yield root.value
if root.left = ø
end if

if root.right = ø
end if

if !q.isEmpty()
root ← q.dequeue()
root ← ø
end if

end while

end BFS
* Before Moving on to the next part we need to have a better understanding of three data structures
* **Vectors** : Vectors are sequence containers representing arrays that can change in size. [Click Here]( to know more
* We don't specify namespace in the code because there are two main things `ros` and `std` so instead we use scope resolution operator to specify the functionality
* **Stacks** : Stacks are a type of container adaptors with LIFO(Last In First Out) type of working, where a new element is added at one end (top) and an element is removed from that end only. [Click here]( to know more.
* **Pairs** : Pair is used to combine together two values that may be of different data types. Pair provides a way to store two heterogeneous objects as a single unit. It is basically used if we want to store tuples. The pair container is a simple container defined in < utility > header consisting of two data elements or objects. [Click here]( to know more.
## Pseudocode : Using Stacks
Some Initializations:
* **path** : vector of pair, where two elements in the pair are the ith and jth index respectively
* **layer** : vector of pair of pairs, where one pair is for the parent node indices and the other pair is for child's node index
* **stack** : stack of vector of pair of pairs, basically used to store layers
`Note : Layer contains the elements which lie in the same level.`

Pre: root is the node of the BST
Post: the nodes in the BST have been visited in breadth first order
st ← stack : which will store individual layers
layer ← layer : vector of pair of pairs, each pair contains pairs of indices of parent node and current node respectively

// Creating a tree
while root != final index:

check for the neighbours in east, south, north and west directions
layer = children which are unvisited, and then mark them visited

st.push(layer) ← adding the whole layer

clear layer ← After this new layer begins as the previous layer is already pushed into the stack and marked visited

end while

if root == final index:

path.push_back(final index)
while stack is not empty:

temp_layer = ← get the topmost layer in the stack because it definitely will contain the final index
x = find final index in temp layer ← this will give us the node we were looking for

if (found):

parent = temp_layer[x].first ← Now get the parent of the and put that in the path
path.push_back(parent) ← parent is now in the path

end if


end while

end if


end BFS
Expand All @@ -63,14 +156,63 @@ end BFS
* Testing bipartiteness of a graph.
## Our use case
#### There are two main steps that we need to perform here:
- Storing each [node]() by connecting them to its neighbours which are unoccupied and unvisited. The subpart for this is:
1. Storing a single parent of current node.
2. Storing all the unvisited neighbours as children in the form of a list.
- After storing, we just need to reach the required node, that will be set as target and will be given as the input by the user
## How to run BFS from this project
1. In the first terminal source the cloning repo in the src folder of the workspace that you have created `git clone`

nano ~/.bashrc
// And add these lines and the source the bashrc
alias get_tb3='source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash && export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger && source ~/your_ws/devel/setup.bash'

2. As we have now created an alias so no need to repeat the previous step as you relaunch the nodes, just use the alias to source the directories!
// alias

roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch

// In 3rd terminal

roslaunch turtlebot3_slam turtlebot3_slam slam_method:=gmapping

// In 4th terminal

roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch

// Now, just move the bot until whole arena is traversed and then close 4th terminal as map is not created
// Once done mapping close terminal 3 and go to next instruction

// In 5th terminal

roslaunch turtlebot3 map_node.launch map_file:=$HOME/map.yaml

// Now use Estimated pose Icon on GUI to give initial estimate of where bot is...
// then in 6th terminal

roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch

// traverse the map until all particles closer and closer to the bot

Voila! You got the simulation done!!
Now, Just click on nav_goal_2d in RVIZ GUI and see the magic of path planning
## References
- [trekhleb/javascript-algorithms](
Expand Down
Binary file removed Test_djikstra/path_planning_intro.tar
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed Test_djikstra/turtlebot_description.tar
Binary file not shown.

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