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Macintosh Hardware Compatibility

Alex Perez edited this page Aug 27, 2024 · 3 revisions

ZuluSCSI is compatible with all Macintosh computers that have a SCSI interface, all the way from the Macintosh Plus, up through the beige PowerMac G3's, which were the last Apple machines to ship with an on-board SCSI controller. With nearly all Macintosh systems, the maximum throughput that the on-board SCSI controller can support is significantly less than what ZuluSCSI can provide, throughput-wise, making the system itself the bottleneck, not the ZuluSCSI.

In order to use ZuluSCSI on a Macintosh Plus, you should set the following in your zuluscsi.ini file:


On all other Macintosh computers, you should set the following in your zuluscsi.ini file:


The following historical Technical Advisory from Apple explains the throughput capabilities of the SCSI controller in each Macintosh computer that supports SCSI:

It's reproduced here for completeness:

---------------            ---------            ---------      -----
Macintosh 128K             none                 0
Macintosh 512K             none                 0
Macintosh 512Ke            none                 0
Mac Plus                   NCR 53C80            1.25 MB/sec
Macintosh SE               NCR 53C80            1.25 MB/sec
Macintosh SE/30            NCR 53C80            1.25 MB/sec
Macintosh Classic          NCR 53C80            1.25 MB/sec
Macintosh Classic II       NCR AM85C80          1.25 MB/sec
Macintosh Color Classic    NCR AM85C80          1.25 MB/sec

Macintosh LC               NCR AM85C80          1.5 MB/sec
Macintosh LC II            NCR AM85C80          1.5 MB/sec
Macintosh LC III           NCR AM85C80          1.5 MB/sec
Macintosh LC 475           NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1),(2)
Macintosh LC 520           NCR AM85C80          1.5 MB/sec
Macintosh TV               NCR AM85C80          1.5 MB/sec

Macintosh II               NCR 53C80            1.25 MB/sec
Macintosh IIx              NCR 53C80            1.25 MB/sec
Macintosh IIcx             NCR 53C80            1.25 MB/sec
Macintosh IIci             NCR 53C80            1.25 MB/sec
Macintosh IIfx             Apple SCSI DMA       3 MB/sec
Macintosh IIsi             NCR AM85C80          1.25 MB/sec
Macintosh IIvi             NCR AM85C80          1.5 MB/sec
Macintosh IIvx             NCR AM85C80          1.5 MB/sec

Macintosh Centris 610      NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1),(2)
Macintosh Centris 650      NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1),(2)

Macintosh Quadra 605       NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1),(2)
Macintosh Quadra 610       NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1),(2)
Macintosh 630 Family       Custom IC                            (5)
Macintosh Quadra 650       NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1) (2)
Macintosh Quadra 660AV     NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1),(2)
Macintosh Quadra 700       NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1)
Macintosh Quadra 800       NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1),(2)
Macintosh Quadra 840AV     NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1),(2)
Macintosh Quadra 900       NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1),(2),(3)
Macintosh Quadra 950       NCR 53C96            5 MB/sec        (1),(2),(3)

Power Macintosh 5200
Power Macintosh 6100       Custom IC            5 MB/sec        (2)
Power Macintosh 6200
Power Macintosh 7100       Custom IC            5 MB/sec        (2)
Power Macintosh 7200       Custom IC            5 MB/sec
Power Macintosh 7500                                          (2),(6)
 Internal/external        Custom IC            5 MB/sec
 Fast SCSI (internal)     MESH Custom IC      10 MB/sec
Power Macintosh 7600                                          (2),(6)
 Internal/external        Custom IC            5 MB/sec
 Fast SCSI (internal)     MESH Custom IC      10 MB/sec
Power Macintosh 8100       Custom IC            5 MB/sec        (2)
Power Macintosh 8500                                          (2),(6)    
 Internal/external        Custom IC            5 MB/sec
 Fast SCSI (internal)     MESH Custom IC      10 MB/sec
Power Macintosh 9500                                          (2),(6)
 Internal/external        Custom IC            5 MB/sec
 Fast SCSI (internal)     Custom IC           10 MB/sec
Power Macintosh G3         Custom IC

Macintosh Portable         NCR 53C80            1.25 MB/sec
Macintosh PowerBook 100    NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh PowerBook 140    NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh PowerBook 145    NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh PowerBook 145B   NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh PowerBook 150    NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec       (4)
Macintosh PowerBook 160    NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh PowerBook 165c   NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh PowerBook 170    NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh PowerBook 180    NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh PowerBook 180c   NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh PowerBook 190

Macintosh Duo 210          NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh Duo 230          NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh Duo 250          NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh Duo 270c         NCR AM85C80          1.5MB/sec
Macintosh Duo 280c         Custom IC            1.5MB/sec

Macintosh PowerBook 520    Custom IC            1.5MB/sec
Macintosh PowerBook 540    Custom IC            1.5MB/sec

PowerBook 1400             Custom IC

PowerBook 2400             Custom IC

PowerBook 3400             Custom IC

PowerBook 5300             Custom IC

PowerBook G3               Custom IC
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