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separate ligand bond rotations (bug fixed), add ligand parameterizati…
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Justin Spiriti committed Aug 19, 2016
1 parent d5970af commit acdb5d0
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Showing 16 changed files with 538 additions and 32 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions par-scripts/antechamber_script
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/bin/bash -v

#echo "Starting openbabel to add H atoms to the ligand"
# Use Babel to add H atoms [ this is already done on converting SDF files to PDB]
#babel -h -ipdb $ligand.pdb -opdb $ligand.babel-h.pdb >> $molname.err
#obabel -h -ipdb $ligand.pdb -opdb $ligand.babel-h.pdb >> $molname.err

#if [ ! -s $ligand.babel-h.pdb ]
# echo "FAILURE: Unable to add H atoms to the ligand. Some likely reasons are invalid pdb format or very non-standard atom name. Check to make sure atom name starts in column 14 of the pdb file. Check the $molname.err file for clues."
# exit 1

# Prepare/read in ligand parameters

# Set initial ligand net charge to zero or whatever is appropriate [filled in by parameterize-it]

echo "Starting antechamber to create prep file for tleap. Assuming ligand net charge = " $ligand_charge >> $molname.err
# Use Amber Antechamber to create tleap prepi file
$ACHOME/bin/antechamber -nc $ligand_charge -s 2 -c bcc -i $ligand.pdb -fi pdb -o pdb2pqr.ligand.prepi -fo prepi -at gaff >> $molname.err
if [ ! -s pdb2pqr.ligand.prepi ]
echo "WARNING: Likely inconsistency between the assumed net charge and the number of electrons."

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions par-scripts/check-all
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@

rm results
for drug in `cat successful-drugs`
#for drug in `echo "oht"`
echo $drug
cd $drug
sander -i ../ -o amber.out -p $drug.prm7 -c $drug.inpcrd -O
amber=`awk '/DIHED/ {bond=$3; angle=$6; dih=$9} /VDWAALS/ {vdw=$3; elec=$6} /1-4 VDW/ {vdw14=$4; elec14=$8} END {print bond, angle, dih, vdw+vdw14, elec+elec14}' amber.out`
#echo $amber
cp NEWPDB.PDB $drug-test.pdb
sed -e "s/:drug;/$drug/g" ../new-exact-energy.txt > exact-energy-$drug.txt
~/justin-mrmc/mrmc-7-28-16/mrmc-debug exact-energy-$drug.txt > exact-energy-$drug.out
mrmc=`grep -i "Energy:" exact-energy-$drug.out | awk '($2==0) {print $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10}'`
cd ..
comp=`echo "$drug $amber $mrmc" | awk '{print $1,$7-$2,$8-$3,$9+$10-$4,$11-$5,$12-$6}'`
echo $comp >> results
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions par-scripts/check-collect
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@

rm successful-drugs
rm failed-drugs
for drug in `cat drug-codes`
echo $drug
if [ -s $drug/$drug.prm ]; then
cp -v $drug/amber99sb-$drug.prm params/
cp -v $drug/defs-amber99sb-$drug.txt params/
cp -v $drug/$drug.pdb params/
cp -v $drug/matches-$drug params/
cp -v $drug/$drug.frcmod params/
cp -v $drug/$drug.prepi params/
#cp -v $drug/$drug.prm7 params/
echo $drug >> successful-drugs
echo $drug >> failed-drugs
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions par-scripts/check-parameters
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

rname=$1 #"rnamel" from previous script

163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions par-scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
#to install parmed: python install --home=~
#To use parmed: echo $PYTHONPATH=~/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH
from parmed.amber import *
#import parmed
parm = LoadParm(sys.argv[1])
typestart = int(sys.argv[2])
classstart = int(sys.argv[3])
tinkerfname = sys.argv[4]
tinkerfile = open(tinkerfname,'w')

natom = parm.ptr('natom')
ntypes = parm.ptr('ntypes')
#need to get all the bonds, angles, and dihedrals
nbond = parm.ptr('nbonh') + parm.ptr('mbona')
nangle = parm.ptr('ntheth') + parm.ptr('mtheta')
ndihedral = parm.ptr('nphih') + parm.ptr('mphia')
#tinkerfile.write(natom, ntypes, nbond

nextclass = classstart
atomlinefmt = 'atom {0:d} {1:d} {2} "{3}" {4:d} {5:.3f} {6:d}\n'
classname2num = {}
for iatom in range(0,natom):
#tinkerfile.write(parm.atoms[iatom].name, parm.atoms[iatom].type, parm.atoms[iatom].mass, parm.atoms[iatom].charge, parm.atoms[iatom].nb_idx
type = iatom + typestart
classname = parm.atoms[iatom].type
if (classname not in classname2num):
iclass = nextclass
classname2num[classname] = nextclass
#tinkerfile.write('# {0:d} {1}'.format(iclass,classname)
nextclass = nextclass + 1
iclass = classname2num[classname]
#todo: the "0" should be the atomic number
tinkerfile.write(atomlinefmt.format(type, iclass, parm.atoms[iatom].type, parm.atoms[iatom].name, parm.atoms[iatom].atomic_number, parm.atoms[iatom].mass, 1))

for classname in classname2num:
iclass = classname2num[classname]
tinkerfile.write('# {0} {1:d}\n'.format(classname,iclass))

bondlinefmt = 'bond {0:d} {1:d} {2:.2f} {3:.4f} #{4} {5}\n'
bondset = set() #to make sure we don't duplicate
for ibond in range(0,nbond):
iatom = parm.bonds[ibond].atom1
jatom = parm.bonds[ibond].atom2
iclass = classname2num[iatom.type]
jclass = classname2num[jatom.type]
k = parm.bonds[ibond].type.k
req = parm.bonds[ibond].type.req
#todo:really should sort these
if ((iclass,jclass) not in bondset):

anglelinefmt = 'angle {0:d} {1:d} {2:d} {3:.2f} {4:.2f} #{5} {6} {7}\n'
angleset = set()
for iangle in range(0,nangle):
iatom = parm.angles[iangle].atom1
jatom = parm.angles[iangle].atom2
katom = parm.angles[iangle].atom3
iclass = classname2num[iatom.type]
jclass = classname2num[jatom.type]
kclass = classname2num[katom.type]
k = parm.angles[iangle].type.k
theteq = parm.angles[iangle].type.theteq
#todo:really should sort these
if ((iclass,jclass,kclass) not in angleset):

#For the dihedrals, we separate identifying the parameters and writing them out, so that we can come up with multiple dihedrals as needed
ndih = {}
impdih = {}
dihset = set()
for idih in range(0,ndihedral):
iatom = parm.dihedrals[idih].atom1
jatom = parm.dihedrals[idih].atom2
katom = parm.dihedrals[idih].atom3
latom = parm.dihedrals[idih].atom4
iclass = classname2num[iatom.type]
jclass = classname2num[jatom.type]
kclass = classname2num[katom.type]
lclass = classname2num[latom.type]
per = parm.dihedrals[idih].type.per
classes = (iclass, jclass, kclass, lclass, per)
phi_k = parm.dihedrals[idih].type.phi_k
per = int(parm.dihedrals[idih].type.per)
phase = parm.dihedrals[idih].type.phase
dihparams = (phi_k, phase)
if (parm.dihedrals[idih].improper):
if (classes not in impdih):
impdih[classes] = dihparams
else: #normal dihedral
if (classes not in ndih):
ndih[classes] = dihparams


imptorsfmt='imptors {0:d} {1:d} {2:d} {3:d} {4:.3f} {5:.1f} {6:d}\n'
#assume there is only one improper dihedral for each combination of classes.
for classes in impdih:
iclass,jclass,kclass,lclass,per = classes
phi_k,per = impdih[classes]
per = int(per)
tinkerfile.write(imptorsfmt.format(iclass, jclass, kclass, lclass, phi_k, phase, per))

#these do not have \n so we can continue
torsfmt1='torsion {0:d} {1:d} {2:d} {3:d} '
torsfmt2=' {0:.3f} {1:.1f} {2:d}' #magnitude, phase, multiplicity
for classes in dihset:
iclass, jclass, kclass, lclass = classes
firsttorsion = True
for per in range(1,7):
ndihlookup = (iclass, jclass, kclass, lclass, per)
if (ndihlookup in ndih):
phi_k, phase = ndih[ndihlookup]
if (firsttorsion):
firsttorsion = False
tinkerfile.write(torsfmt2.format(phi_k, phase, per))
if (not firsttorsion):

vdwfmt="vdw {0:d} {1:.4f} {2:.4f}\n"
#tinker's files have charges to only 4 sig digits
chargefmt="charge {0:d} {1:.4f}\n"

for classname in classname2num:
classnum = classname2num[classname]
LJtype = parm.LJ_types[classname]-1
tinkerfile.write(vdwfmt.format(classnum, parm.LJ_radius[LJtype], parm.LJ_depth[LJtype]))

#Force an integer charge.

totalcharge = 0.0
for itype in range(0,natom):
type = itype + typestart
totalcharge += parm.atoms[itype].charge

adjust = -(totalcharge - round(totalcharge,0))/natom
print "Adjusting charges by {0:.6f} to get total charge of {1:.1f}".format(adjust,round(totalcharge,0))

totalcharge2 = 0.0
for itype in range(0,natom):
type = itype + typestart
charge = parm.atoms[itype].charge+adjust
totalcharge2 += charge
print parm.atoms[itype].name,charge
tinkerfile.write(chargefmt.format(type, charge))

print totalcharge2


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