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Stiff rotatable bonds for double bonds and general simplification of …
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…side chain MC move generation
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Justin Spiriti committed Sep 13, 2017
1 parent bd9ce71 commit 3c644b6
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Showing 3 changed files with 222 additions and 2 deletions.
216 changes: 216 additions & 0 deletions par-scripts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
#to install parmed: python install --home=~
#To use parmed: echo $PYTHONPATH=~/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH
from parmed.amber import *
import networkx as nx

#import parmed
#create a dictionary of edges (i,j) such that each edge gives the set of other edges with which it shares an atom

parm = LoadParm(sys.argv[1])
resname = sys.argv[2] #residue name for definitions file
typestart = int(sys.argv[3])
defsfname = sys.argv[4]
classstart = int(sys.argv[5])
solvfname = sys.argv[6]
dihcutoff = float(sys.argv[7])
natom = parm.ptr('natom')
ntypes = parm.ptr('ntypes')
#need to get all the bonds, angles, and dihedrals
nbond = parm.ptr('nbonh') + parm.ptr('mbona')

for ibond in range(0,nbond):
iatom = parm.bonds[ibond].atom1.idx
jatom = parm.bonds[ibond].atom2.idx

cycles= nx.cycle_basis(molgraph)
print cycles
for cycle in cycles:
for i in range(0,n):
if (i==n-1):

#ring_set_atoms, ring_set_bonds = find_cycles(parm,natom)
print ring_set_atoms
print ring_set_bonds

#to do the definitions file
defsfile = open(defsfname,'w')
defsfile.write('RESI {0}\n'.format(resname))
for iatom in range(0,natom):
type = iatom + typestart
defsfile.write('\tATOM {0} {1:d}\n'.format(parm.atoms[iatom].name,type))
for ibond in range(0,nbond):
iatom = parm.bonds[ibond].atom1
jatom = parm.bonds[ibond].atom2
#determine if the bond is rotatable -- both atoms must be bonded to at least two others and not be part of a ring
if ((len(iatom.bond_partners)>1) and (len(jatom.bond_partners)>1) and ((iatom.idx,jatom.idx) not in ring_set_bonds) and ((jatom.idx,iatom.idx) not in ring_set_bonds)):
rotatable = True
stiff = False
#changed my mind: every bond not part of the ring should be rotatable (including double bonds)
#that way we can deal with twisting motions, letting the force field restrain the motion
#9/10/2017 -- I am getting unwanted cis/trans isomerizations, especially when I improve sampling. I am going to designate these as "stiff" bonds
#and see waht I can do in the code.
#Examine all the dihedrals whose central bond is (iatom,jatom). If any have k>cutoff, it is a "stiff" bond.
for dih in iatom.dihedrals:
if (((dih.atom2 is iatom) and (dih.atom3 is jatom)) or ((dih.atom2 is jatom) and (dih.atom3 is iatom))):
if (dih.type.phi_k>dihcutoff):
stiff = True
rotatable = False
#todo: logic to determine which bonds are rotatable
if (rotatable):
if (stiff):
defsfile.write('\tBOND {0} {1} STIFF SIDECHAIN\n'.format(,
defsfile.write('\tBOND {0} {1} ROTATABLE SIDECHAIN\n'.format(,
defsfile.write('\tBOND {0} {1}\n'.format(,

#create solvation file containing EEF1-style hydration volumes for Garden and Zhorov method
#we need to assign class numbers in the same way as, so this is a duplicat eof the code
#also store the first atom for each class, so as to be able to analyze bonding
nextclass = classstart
classname2num = {}
firstatom = {}
for iatom in range(0,natom):
#tinkerfile.write(parm.atoms[iatom].name, parm.atoms[iatom].type, parm.atoms[iatom].mass, parm.atoms[iatom].charge, parm.atoms[iatom].nb_idx
type = iatom + typestart
classname = parm.atoms[iatom].type
if (classname not in classname2num):
iclass = nextclass
classname2num[classname] = nextclass
#tinkerfile.write('# {0:d} {1}'.format(iclass,classname)
nextclass = nextclass + 1
firstatom[classname] = iatom
iclass = classname2num[classname]

print classname2num
print firstatom

#hydration volume and shell thickness
hvol = {}
hshell = {}
for classname in classname2num:
iclass = classname2num[classname]
iatom = firstatom[classname]
atom = parm.atoms[iatom]
atnum = atom.atomic_number
nbond =
print iatom,parm[iatom].name,classname,atnum,nbond
#assume it isn't ionizable for now
hshell[iclass] = 3.5
if (atnum==6):
#carbon, can't be ionizable
if (nbond==4):
#sp3 hybrid carbon, parameters from "CT2" in solvpar22.inp -- possibly check whether it is primary/secondary/tertiary?
hvol[iclass] = 22.4
elif (nbond==3):
#sp2 hybrid carbon. Need to tell if it's a carbonyl carbon or an aromatic-type carbon.
bonded = molgraph.neighbors(iatom)
#assume it's aromatic type -- this would also cover double bonds not in rings, not sure if we really need a different volume for this
carbonyl = False
hvol[iclass] = 18.4
for jatom in bonded:
if ((parm.atoms[jatom].atomic_number==8) and (
carbonyl = True
hvol[iclass] = 14.7
print "does this structure have sp hybrid carbons or some other invalidity?"
print "atom",parm.atoms[iatom].name,iclass
elif (atnum==7):
if (nbond==4):
#it must be ionized!
hshell[iclass] = 6.0
hvol[iclass] = 11.2 #from type NH3 in solvpar22.inp
elif (nbond==3):
#it could be an sp3 hybrid nitrogen that is not ionized. But all sp3 hybrid nitrogens have pKa's greater than 7, so are ionized at pH 7.
#therefore we assume it's an sp2 hybrid. We should determine if it's a guanidinium/imino-type sp2 hybrid or aromatic-type (count the number of hydrogens)
bonded = molgraph.neighbors(iatom)
hcount = 0
for jatom in bonded:
if (parm.atoms[jatom].atomic_number==1):
hcount = hcount + 1
if (hcount<=1):
#it's an aromatic nitrogen, copy NR1 and NR2 in solvpar22.inp
hvol[iclass] = 4.4
#it's a guanidinium-type
hvol[iclass] = 11.2
hshell[iclass] = 6.0
elif (nbond==2):
#assume it's an sp2 hybrid nitrogen (not ionized)
hvol[iclass] = 4.4
print "sp hybrid nitrogen?"
print "atom",parm.atoms[iatom].name,iclass
elif (atnum==8):
hvol[iclass] = 10.8
#need to determine if this is part of a carboxyl group. Look to see if we are bonded to a carbon, then count the oxygens bonded to it.
if (nbond==1):
if (parm.atoms[jatom].atomic_number==6):
for katom in bonded:
if (parm.atoms[jatom].atomic_number==8):
ocount = ocount+1
if (ocount==2):
#it's a carboxyl
elif (atnum==9):
#fluorine -- this is not in the EEF1 set, but we need it for fluorinated drugs. The only possibility is a C-F bond.
#we assume a vdw radius for fluorine of 1.75, for carbon of 1.908 A, and a c-f bond length of 1.35 A
#if we use equation 3 in the EEF1 paper we get 16.4 A^3 for fluorine, but this is bigger than oxygen
#I'm going to pick 8 A^3 for a guess (it should be smaller than oxygen)
hvol[iclass] = 8.0
elif (atnum==16):
#sulfur, see S and SM in solvpar22.inp
hvol[iclass] = 14.7
elif (atnum==1):
pass #don't bother
print "unrecognized element"

solvfile = open(solvfname,'w')

for classname in classname2num:
iclass = classname2num[classname]
iatom = firstatom[classname]
atom = parm.atoms[iatom]
atnum = atom.atomic_number
if (atnum>1):
solvfile.write("{0:d} {1} {2:.1f} {3:.1f}\n".format(iclass,classname,hvol[iclass],hshell[iclass]))


5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion par-scripts/parameterize-it
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,10 +22,13 @@ echo "converting parameters to tinker format"
export PYTHONPATH=~/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH
drugu=`echo $drug | awk '{print toupper($0)}'`
#on the compute nodes "python" points to "/usr/bin/python" which doesn't seem to be able to handle parmed
#the 2.0 is the cutoff on dihedral force constant for declaring "stiff" bonds
/usr/local/bin/python ../ $drug.prm7 2501 51 $drug.prm
/usr/local/bin/python ../ $drug.prm7 $drugu 2501 defs-$drug.txt 51 solv-$drug.txt
/usr/local/bin/python ../ $drug.prm7 $drugu 2501 defs-$drug.txt 51 solv-$drug.txt 2.0
#append amber parameters and definitions to create a complete parameter set for the protein-ligand system
cat ../amber99sb.prm $drug.prm > amber99sb-$drug.prm
cat ../defs-amber99sb.txt defs-$drug.txt > defs-amber99sb-$drug.txt
cat ../solvpar-seddd.txt solv-$drug.txt > solvpar-seddd-$drug.txt
cd ..

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion par-scripts/parameterize-it2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ export PYTHONPATH=~/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH
drugu=`echo $drug | awk '{print toupper($0)}'`
#on the compute nodes "python" points to "/usr/bin/python" which doesn't seem to be able to handle parmed
/usr/local/bin/python ../ $drug.prm7 2501 51 $drug.prm
/usr/local/bin/python ../ $drug.prm7 $drugu 2501 defs-$drug.txt 51 solv-$drug.txt
#the 2.0 is the dihedral cutoff for declaring a "stiff" double bond
/usr/local/bin/python ../ $drug.prm7 $drugu 2501 defs-$drug.txt 51 solv-$drug.txt 2.0
#append amber parameters and definitions to create a complete parameter set for the protein-ligand system
cat ../amber99sb.prm $drug.prm > amber99sb-$drug.prm
cat ../defs-amber99sb.txt defs-$drug.txt > defs-amber99sb-$drug.txt
Expand Down

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