Releases: Zstone19/pypetal
Version 1.0.0
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v1.0.0
Main Changes:
MICA2 (PR: #26)
The MICA2 module has now been added! Look through the source code if you're feeling up to it, or take a look through the documentation and examples for how to use the MICA2 module within pyPetal.
In addition, almost all MICA2 input parameters are identical to that in the original MICA2 software. If you experience any issues, please consider reading the MICA2 documentation.
Before this update, the PyROA module used the default priors from the PyROA documentation. However, we've adjusted the PyROA priors to be chosen per-lightcurve. In essence, these are the same priors used in pyPetal for PyROA before the PyROA v3.2.1 .
The pyPetal load function now allows the user to specify the names of the modules run, instead of always inferring it from the pyPetal output directory.
pyPetal now has colored, formatted output! Like before, set
in therun_pipeline
general settings to turn the output off. -
There was a bug in which the user needed to download the dependencies for the detrending module in order to import pyPetal. Now, pyPetal will detect whether optional dependencies are installed, and not run the corresponding module if they aren't installed.
There was a bug in which the PyROA corner plot would attempt to be made when
, even if there are many light curves. This has been changed and pyPetal will now output one corner plot for each light curve.
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1
pyPetal now allows the user to input a function to set priors in the PyROA module. Use the key "prior_func" in the PyROA parameter dictionary to set this parameter. This function must take the same inputs as pypetal.pyroa.utils.set_priors
, except the "delimiter"
argument. This is set to None
by default, and will use the default get_priors
function when None
is chosen.
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.2.0
- Updated PyROA module to include the associated changes from updating to PyROA 3.2.1
- Fixed various issues with using data as input for
directly instead of the filenames - Fixed issues in the total weighting plot
What's Changed
- Updated README installation instructions
- Fixed multithreading issues for MacOS
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.2.0
Initial release
The initial release of pyPetal. Now available on PyPI.
What's Changed
- Fixed up docstrings and added API docs by @Zstone19 in #5
- Add tests and related updates by @Zstone19 in #6
- Update python-package.yml by @Zstone19 in #10
- Add improved weighting by @Zstone19 in #17
- Implement PyROA by @Zstone19 in #18
- Improve weighting, configure for PyROA by @Zstone19 in #19
- Rearrange source code by @Zstone19 in #20
- Implement poetry by @Zstone19 in #21
Full Changelog: