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torwager committed Jun 18, 2015
0 parents commit 9cbde46
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Showing 230 changed files with 29,117 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added KDA_density_flowchart.ppt
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Binary file added MetaDocumentation111908.pdf
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179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions Meta_NBC/@meta_dataset/meta_dataset.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
classdef meta_dataset
% Define a meta-analysis dataset object for classification analyses
% Properties:
% ---------------------------------------------------------------
% dat Data; sparse logical
% connames cell array of contrast names
% volInfo volInfo structure for 3-D reconstruction; see iimg_get_data.m
% classes Contrast classes; integers
% classnames Names for classes; cell of strings
% params Parameter structure
% terms Terms to classify
% include_cases Logical vector of contrasts to include
% include_vox Logical vector of voxels to include (features)
% train_pred_fcn Function handle to create predicted classes from binary data
% test__pred_fcn Function handle to create predicted classes
% loss_fcn Function handle of loss (error) function to evaluate
% Class constructor: Creating a meta_dataset object
% ---------------------------------------------------------------
% obj = meta_dataset(varargin)
% varargin can be any property, value pair
% Examples:
% data = meta_dataset;
% data = meta_dataset('dat', MC_Setup.unweighted_study_data);
% data = meta_dataset('MC_Setup', MC_Setup); % special to convert MC_Setup structure
% Full classification example for pain vs. touch (from Neurosynth):
% data = meta_dataset('MC_Setup', MC_Setup);
% data = setup_data(data, {'pain', 'touch'});
% nbc = train(meta_nbc, data);
% nbc = test(nbc, data.dat);
% nbc = get_error(nbc, data.classes);
% report(nbc);
% Full classification example 2:
% ---------------------------------------------------------
% DB = Meta_Setup(DB, 10);
% MC_Setup = Meta_Activation_FWE('setup', DB); % Here, choose Valence / positive negative
% - you must enter a contrast (any contrast) across the
% levels you wish to classify
% data = meta_dataset('MC_Setup', MC_Setup);
% data.params.min_vox = 50; % do not exclude sparse maps, just those < 50 vox
% data = setup_data(data, {'positive', 'negative'});
% % Cross-validate and get cv error rate
% nbc = cv(nbc, data);
% nbc = report(nbc);





% Class constructor
function obj = meta_dataset(varargin)
% obj = meta_dataset(varargin)

% ---------------------------------
% Create empty fmri_data object, and return if no additional
% arguments
% ---------------------------------

obj.dat = sparse(logical(false));
obj.connames = {};
obj.volInfo = [];
obj.classes = single(0);
obj.classnames = {};
obj.terms = {};
obj.include_cases = logical(false);
obj.include_vox = logical(false);

obj.train_pred_fcn = [];
obj.test_pred_fcn = [];
obj.loss_fcn = [];

obj.params.min_vox = 5000; % Studies must report at least this many sig voxels (after kernel conv)
obj.params.term_freq_cutoff = 0.001; % Minimum frequency of word use for study to be counted as involving term
obj.params.min_prop_active = 0.03; % Voxels must have at least this proportion of active studies

% Varying the threshold has a substantial effect. A
% cut-off around .001 seems to work well for different
% datasets.
obj.params.predict_pval_thresh = 0.05;

obj.params.k = 10; % number of cross-validation folds
obj.params.s_param = 2; % smoothing param for Naive Bayes m-estimator; Caffo says 2

% The code below can be generic to any class definition
% It parses 'fieldname', value pairs of inputs
% and returns a warning if unexpected strings are found.

if nargin == 0

% all valid fieldnames
valid_names = fieldnames(obj);
valid_names = [valid_names; {'MC_Setup', 'MC_setup', 'mc_setup'}'];

for i = 1:length(varargin)
if ischar(varargin{i})

% Look for a field (attribute) with the input name
wh = strmatch(varargin{i}, valid_names, 'exact');

% behaviors for valid fields
if ~isempty(wh)

% special methods for specific fields
switch varargin{i}

% Re-cast vars as correct data types
case {'include_cases' 'include_vox'}
obj.(varargin{i}) = logical(varargin{i+1});

case 'dat'
obj.(varargin{i}) = sparse(logical(varargin{i+1}));

case {'MC_Setup', 'MC_setup', 'mc_setup'}
M = varargin{i+1};
M.unweighted_study_data = sparse(logical(M.unweighted_study_data));
obj.dat = M.unweighted_study_data;
M = rmfield(M, 'unweighted_study_data'); % save memory space
obj.volInfo = M.volInfo;

%This worked for Neurosynth...below is mod
%for MC_Setup from Meta_Activ_FWE
%obj.connames = M.connames;

obj.connames = cell(size(obj.dat, 2), 1);
if isfield(M, 'Xi')
for j = 1:size(M.Xi, 2)
obj.connames(logical(M.Xi(:, j))) = M.Xinms(j);

obj.(varargin{i}) = varargin{i + 1};

% eliminate strings to prevent warnings on char
% inputs
if ischar(varargin{i + 1})
varargin{i + 1} = [];

warning('inputargs:BadInput', 'Unknown field: %s', varargin{i});

end % string input
end % process inputs

end % constructor function

end % methods

end % classdef


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