Monorepo containing all the main components of the RedStone oracles ecosystem.
RedStone is a data ecosystem that delivers frequently updated, reliable and diverse data for your dApp and smart contracts.
It uses a radically different way of putting data on-chain. The data is automatically attached to a user's transaction and erased afterwards thus reducing gas fees without touching the expensive evm storage.
You can learn more at
- oracle-node (Reference implementation of the data provider node)
- cache-service (Implementation of the redstone cache nodes)
- evm-connector (@redstone-finance/evm-connector)
- protocol (redstone-protocol)
- sdk (redstone-sdk)
- oracles-smartweave-contracts (redstone-oracles-smartweave-contracts)
- eth-contracts (Implementation of Redstone token with vesting, locking, and disputes resolution protocol)
Please feel free to contact us on Discord or send email to [email protected]