TrignoWireless is a sublibrary for LSL. It provides all the information from the EMG in four streams (EMG, ACC, IMEMG and AUX)
First launch Trigno Control Utility, wait until the software is connected to the box. Turn on all the EMGs you want to use. Now you can launch the TrignoWireless app and choose the channels you want to extract from the EMG. Then enter the number of EMGs you want to record. To finshed, click on "Connect" to link the application to the TrignoWireless software and after the "Disconnect" button appears, click on "link" to link to lsl.
Go to labstreaminglayer/Apps/TrignoWireless/Build/install/TrignoWireless/
Launch TrignoWireless.exe
TO DO...
run this command line : /usr/local/TrignoWireless/
To start, you must install the LSL library by following each step mentionned on this link: LSL build.
Before building this library, be sure you have installed the Trigno Control Utility and that the firmware of the Trigno box and EMGs are up to date. You can find it here: Delsys Software.
Step to follow:
- Create the "build" foledr at the root
- Open a terminal and move into this one
- Run this command line :
build> cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DQt5_DIR="C:\Qt\version\msvc_version\cmake\Qt5" -DBOOST_DIR="C:\local\boost_version"
- Run this command line :
build> cmake --build . --config Release --target install
Step to follow:
- Open a terminal at the root of the library
- Run this command line :
TW> mkdir build & cd build
- Run this command line :
TW> ccmake ..
- Press "c" to configure
- Fill the path for the LSL library, Qt5 and Boost if there're missing and press c again
- Press "q" to quit
- Run this command line :
TW> cmake --build . --target install