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Zeioth edited this page Dec 29, 2024 · 8 revisions

You can add this component to the tabline section of heirline opts.


It applies padding under certain conditions. For example, given the next screenshot screenshot_2024-02-23_21-43-06_942302604

If we open neotree, it will apply padding to the components of the tabline: screenshot_2024-02-23_21-41-45_183029696

Available providers

These are the available providers for this component and its options.

-- If it returns 1 or more, add padding. If return false, don't.
condition = function(self)
  self.winid = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(0)[1]
  local pattern = (opts and opts.pattern) or {
    filetype = { "aerial", "dapui_.", "dap%-repl", "neo%-tree", "NvimTree", "edgy" },
    buftype = {}
  return condition.buffer_matches(
-- Amount of padding is self-caltulated based on the opened panel.
provider = function(self)
  return string.rep(" ", vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(self.winid) + 1)
hl = { bg = "tabline_bg" },


For example you could change the condition with

component.tabline_conditional_padding({ condition = function() end })

Or how the padding is applied with

component.tabline_conditional_padding({ provider = function() end })

Or the background color of the padding with

component.tabline_conditional_padding({ bg = "#777777" })
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