We wanted to practise working with APIs and data retrieval. We drew inspiration from the Transit app as it incorporates a list and a map very well.
This app is meant to help you keep track of where you have seen ducks and where you can go to potentially see ducks. You can click on the list to get directions to the clicked duck.
We used Android Studio, Kotlin and the google maps api to make the app. We specifically used the maps sdk for geo-location, places api for details of specific places, and directions api for directions to clicked places.
We had performance problems because we were making too many calls to the api and struggled to keep the interface updating in real time.
We were happy that we were able to process the mass amount of information needed to make this happen.
We learned about differents kinds of APIs and their usefulness to our project.
We wish we had more time to polish it and make it more responsive but are happy with the result regardless.
Assets Ducky
Circle Duck Icon
Transit icon
Getting names of nearby places
Google Maps Directions API (route from 1 lat,lng to another)
Kotlin Implementation: