A library that allows using Htmx attributes with Feliz.ViewEngine
dotnet add package Feliz.ViewEngine.Htmx
The library exposes the hx
module and type which are the entry point to the attributes available from HTMX
Here is an example AspNet controller (see ./sample
application) but this library can be used anywhere to render out HTML
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open Feliz.ViewEngine
open Feliz.ViewEngine.Htmx
type HomeController (logger : ILogger<HomeController>) =
inherit Controller()
(* Utility functions here *)
member private this.MainLayout (body: ReactElement list) =
let mainLayout = Html.html [
Html.head [
Html.title "F# ♥ Htmx"
Html.script [ prop.src "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]" ]
Html.meta [ prop.charset.utf8 ]
Html.body body
member this.Clicked() = this.Partial [
Html.p "Content retrieved by HTMX"
member this.Index() = this.MainLayout [
Html.h1 "Home"
Html.button [
hx.get "/Home/Clicked"
prop.text "Click me!"