vim script to move cursor quickly accorrding indent
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Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIndentMove'
use keymap to move cursor, default keymap:
nnoremap E <nop> nnoremap EE `` nnoremap <silent> EH :call ZF_IndentMoveParent('n')<cr> xnoremap <silent> EH :<c-u>call ZF_IndentMoveParent('v')<cr> nnoremap <silent> EL :call ZF_IndentMoveParentEnd('n')<cr> xnoremap <silent> EL :<c-u>call ZF_IndentMoveParentEnd('v')<cr> nnoremap <silent> EK :call ZF_IndentMovePrev('n')<cr> xnoremap <silent> EK :<c-u>call ZF_IndentMovePrev('v')<cr> nnoremap <silent> EJ :call ZF_IndentMoveNext('n')<cr> xnoremap <silent> EJ :<c-u>call ZF_IndentMoveNext('v')<cr> nnoremap <silent> EI :call ZF_IndentMoveChild('n')<cr> xnoremap <silent> EI :<c-u>call ZF_IndentMoveChild('v')<cr>
you may disable the default keymap by
let g:ZFIndentMove_autoKeymap=0
get indent level of line, accorrding to your
min(tabstop, softtabstop)
true if line is empty or contains spaces or tabs only
move up to nearest parent indent (whose indent is less than current line)
move >> foo foo cur >> foo
move down to nearest parent indent (whose indent is less than current line)
cur >> foo foo move >> foo
move down to nearest child indent (whose indent is larger than current line)
cur >> foo foo move >> foo
move up to nearest sibling or parent indent (whose indent is equal to or less than current line, skip first empty or same indent line)
move >> foo foo cur >> foo
move >> foo foo cur >> foo
move down to nearest sibling or parent indent (whose indent is equal to or less than current line, skip first empty or same indent line)
cur >> foo foo move >> foo
cur >> foo foo move >> foo