1155 commits
to 9.0-caf-upstream
since this release
- Linux 4.9.167
- LA.UM.7.6.2-r1-07600-89xx.0
- Reduce CPU Bwl
- Reduce CPU Voltage
- Backport GPU Freq 725 MHz
- Tsunami / Scalable RE TCP Congestion Algorithm
- Merge Latest WireGuard
- Some Fix
About Nito
Yes, this version is the last gift for everyone.
I'm not buy a new device. Just feel tried.
I need some break.
I'll still give it support before Sept. 1st, 2019.
But in the future, Nito Kernel won't be add any new function.
Just some upstream merge.
This is a end.
And this is a new start.
Ladies and gentlemen, let's start.
All things will new, tonight...
Destr0yer - Sakuzyo feat. Nikki Simmons