This repository was archived by the owner on Jul 18, 2024. It is now read-only.
Releases: YuKongA/Updater
Releases · YuKongA/Updater
What's Changed
- Fixed an issue where requesting information crashed after login expired by @YuKongA
- Add unlock=0 to the request parameters by @YuKongA
- Add save password and automatic login functions by @YuKongA
- Add Android4.4+ support by @YuKongA
- Unify dropdown rounded corner by @YuKongA
- All colors follow the md3 standard by @YuKongA
- Limit too long dropdown display by @YuKongA
- Fab will now be hidden when scrolling down by @YuKongA
- app: Add device to Xiaomi 14 Pro Ti Satellite by @mu7220 in #34
- device: Add devices data for xiaomi civi4 pro (chenfeng) by @mu7220 in #41
- device: add device data (Redmi Turbo 3 / Redmi Pad Pro) by @mu7220 in #42
- New Crowdin updates by @YuKongA in #47
- Updater: Drop fitsSystemWindows, fix fab issue by @lightsummer233 in #51
- Bump all dependencies by @dependabot
Full Changelog: 1.1-release...1.2-release
What's Changed
- Add three available CDN download addresses by @YuKongA
- Optimize about and login dialog styles by @YuKongA
- Refactor app structure && redesign about dialog by @AkaneTan
- Distribute under GPL-3.0 by @AkaneTan
- Enhance fuzzy search by @YuKongA
- Device: Add Redmi Note 13 (sapphire/sapphiren) by @YuKongA
- Fix crash caused by incorrect login by @YuKongA
- Cleanup code && userId int fix by @hosizoraru in #10
- Use kotlinx.serialization instead of Gson by @hosizoraru & @YuKongA
- MiuiStringToast: Add PendingIntent usage example by @YuKongA
- Optimize download experience by @hosizoraru in #11
- Update github by @mu7220 in #12
- Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #14
- New Crowdin updates by @YuKongA in #25
Full Changelog: 1.0-release...1.1-release
24.1.9 Update:
- Remove all CDN download links
24.1.7 Update:
- DeviceList added Redmi 13R
- Replace some old implementations with modern APIs
24.1.4 Update:
- Added ViewModel support
24.1.2 Update:
- Add haptic feedback
- Replace some MD3 icons
- Delete airtel.bigota
- Replaced ks3orig.bigota to orig.bigota
- Removed display of MD5 because it is already included in the file name
- Add support for application-specific language API
23.12.28 Update:
- Support the use of AUTO to automatically complete the official version number suffix of the device
- Support global xiaomi account login (please use email or Xiaomi ID)
- Add login expiration reminder
- Replaced duplicate MD3 icons
23.12.17 Update:
- Optimize horizontal screen display
- Optimize notch screen display
- Support logout of xiaomi account
- Import MiuiStringToast support (only supports HyperOS devices, other devices still display Toast)
23.12.16 Update:
- Optimize login logic
- Optimize the timing of reading Perfs
23.12.11 Update:
- Optimize MIUI version display
23.12.10 Update:
- Added two CDN download links
- Redesigned UI interface
- Corrected typos in Simplified Chinese
- Added Traditional Chinese (TW)
23.12.8 Update:
- Support logging in to xiaomi account
- Support using v2 interface
24.1.9 更新:
- 移除全部 CDN 下载链接
24.1.7 更新:
- 列表添加 Redmi 13R
- 使用现代 API 代替部分旧实现
24.1.4 更新:
- 添加 ViewModel 支持
24.1.2 更新:
- 添加触觉反馈
- 替换部分 MD3 图标
- 删除 airtel.bigota (已经被限速)
- 更换 ks3orig.bigota 到 orig.bigota, 测试下来表现更好
- 去除 MD5 的展示,因为文件名中已经包含
- 添加 应用单独设置语言 API 的支持
23.12.28 更新:
- 支持使用 AUTO 自动补全软件列表内包含设备的正式版版本号后缀
- 支持海外小米账号登录 (请使用邮箱或 Xiaomi ID)
- 添加登录过期提醒
- 更换掉重复的 MD3 图标
23.12.17 更新:
- 优化横屏显示
- 优化缺口屏显示
- 支持登出小米账号
- 合并小米灵动额头 (只支持 HyperOS 设备,其他系统依旧显示 Toast)
23.12.16 更新:
- 优化登录逻辑
- 优化读取 Perfs 的时机
23.12.11 更新:
- 优化 MIUI 版本展示
23.12.10 更新:
- 添加两个 CDN 下载链接
- 重新设计 UI 界面
- 更正简中错别字
- 添加繁体中文 (TW)
23.12.8 更新:
- 支持登录小米账号
- 支持使用 v2 接口