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Merge pull request #4345 from tock/archive-acd52832 #62

Merge pull request #4345 from tock/archive-acd52832

Merge pull request #4345 from tock/archive-acd52832 #62

Workflow file for this run

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
# Copyright Tock Contributors 2024.
# This workflow contains all Treadmill-based hardware CI jobs.
# Treadmill is a distributed hardware testbed developed within the Tock OS
# project. For more information on Treadmill, have a look at its documentation
# [1] or repository [2].
# This workflow is based on the Treadmill GitHub Actions integration guide [3].
# In addition, it features the ability to run multiple Treadmill jobs and
# test-execute stages through GitHub Action's job matrices, and uses a GitHub
# environment to allow deployments with access to secrets for select PRs.
# [1]:
# [2]:
# [3]:
name: treadmill-ci
TERM: xterm # Makes tput work in actions output
# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on pull request and
# merge group checks:
- master
# Add any additional branches you want to include
# - dev/test_ci_branch
# Pull requests from forks will not have access to the required GitHub API
# secrets below, even if they are using an appropriate deployment environment
# and the workflow runs have been approved according to this environment's
# rules. We don't know whether this is a bug on GitHub's end or deliberate.
# Either way, for now we disable this workflow to run on PRs until we have
# an API proxy that securely performs these GitHub API calls (adding runners
# and starting Treadmill jobs with those runner registration tokens), which
# allows this workflow to run without access to repository secrets.
# However, because GitHub's merge queues don't allow to differentiate required
# checks for *entering* the merge queue from those that are required to *pass*
# it, we also can't disable this trigger entirely. Instead, we use a selector
# to avoid running any actual checks on this trigger, while still technically
# succeeding for PRs.
merge_group: # Run CI for the GitHub merge queue
# Manually dispatch for a specific branch (will require approval
# through the treadmill-ci-merged environment:
description: 'Ref (revision/branch/tag) of the upstream Tock repo to test'
required: true
default: 'master'
description: 'Ref (revision/branch/tag) of the upstream libtock-c repo to test'
required: true
default: 'master'
description: 'tests-json value passed to HWCI workflow (if empty, output from hwci-determine-tests step is used)'
required: false
contents: read
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Don't run on a pull request, as explained above.
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request'
hwci-tests-json: ${{ steps.determine-tests.outputs.hwci-tests-json }}
- name: Checkout the tock/tock repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Checkout the repository at the commit that triggered the workflow
repository: tock/tock
ref: ${{ github.sha }}
path: tock-tock
- name: Checkout the tock-hardware-ci repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: tock/tock-hardware-ci
# Change this in accordance with the two other `tock-hardware-ci` refs
# referenced below in the reusable workflow's parameters:
ref: 'main'
path: tock-hardware-ci
- name: Analyze changes to determine relevant tests
id: determine-tests
run: |
# Ensure Python dependencies are installed
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
# Run the script
python3 tock-hardware-ci/hwci/ \
--repo-path tock-tock \
--hwci-path tock-hardware-ci/hwci \
--output selected_tests.json
echo "Selected HWCI tests:"
cat selected_tests.json
# Output the tests JSON
hwci_tests_json=$(cat selected_tests.json | jq -c '.')
echo "hwci-tests-json=${hwci_tests_json}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
needs: [hwci-determine-tests]
# This checks whether there is at least one test to run, see
# Don't run on a pull request, as explained above.
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' && (fromJSON(needs.hwci-determine-tests.outputs.hwci-tests-json)[0] != null || github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch')
# The main tock-hardware-ci workflow is imported from another repository. It
# can be reused across multiple Tock repositories such as the kernel,
# libtock-c, and libtock-rs.
uses: tock/tock-hardware-ci/.github/workflows/treadmill-ci.yml@main
# Only run on a specific repository, as others will not have the right
# environments set up and secrets configured. Forks may want to change
# this parameter.
repository-filter: 'tock/tock'
# Provide access to the required Treadmill secrets by running in the
# appropriate environment (depending on the `on:` triggers above)
job-environment: ${{ (github.event_name == 'pull_request' || github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch') && 'treadmill-ci' || 'treadmill-ci-merged' }}
# Reference for tock-hardware-ci repo, change if you want a specific test
# suite. In this case, you should also update the branch reference in the
# "uses" line above.
tock-hardware-ci-ref: 'main'
# Test the tock kernel revision that triggered this workflow:
tock-kernel-ref: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && inputs.tock-kernel-ref || github.sha }}
# Use the latest upstream libtock-c library:
libtock-c-ref: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && inputs.libtock-c-ref || 'master' }}
# Pass the selected tests:
tests-json: ${{ (github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && inputs.tests-json != '') && inputs.tests-json || needs.hwci-determine-tests.outputs.hwci-tests-json }}
secrets: inherit
# We cannot depend on *all* test-execute jobs of hwci-treadmill-dispatch as
# required checks for pull requests and merge queues. Thus, we run another
# single dummy step here that waits for all the hwci-treadmill-dispatch jobs
# to complete and report success.
# We also use this to report a "dummy" success value for the "pull_request"
# trigger, as explained in the comment of the "on:" parameters above.
needs: [hwci-determine-tests, hwci-treadmill-dispatch]
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Fail if any of the 'hwci-treadmill-dispatch' jobs failed
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' && contains(needs.*.result, 'failure')
run: exit 1