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[BUGFIX] Fixed the get_cache_timeout within StructuredDataProviderMan… #41

[BUGFIX] Fixed the get_cache_timeout within StructuredDataProviderMan…

[BUGFIX] Fixed the get_cache_timeout within StructuredDataProviderMan… #41

Workflow file for this run

name: Tests
on: [push, pull_request]
name: Tests
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
php: ['8.2', '8.3']
typo3: ['11', '12', '13']
composerInstall: ['composerInstallLowest', 'composerInstallHighest']
- typo3: '11'
php: '8.1'
composerInstall: 'composerInstallLowest'
- typo3: '11'
php: '8.1'
composerInstall: 'composerInstallHighest'
- typo3: '12'
php: '8.1'
composerInstall: 'composerInstallLowest'
- typo3: '12'
php: '8.1'
composerInstall: 'composerInstallHighest'
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Composer validate
run: Build/Scripts/ -t ${{ matrix.typo3 }} -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s composerValidate
- name: Install dependencies
run: Build/Scripts/ -t ${{ matrix.typo3 }} -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s ${{ matrix.composerInstall }}
- name: Composer normalize
run: Build/Scripts/ -t ${{ matrix.typo3 }} -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s composerNormalize -n
- name: Lint PHP
run: Build/Scripts/ -t ${{ matrix.typo3 }} -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s lint
- name: CGL
run: Build/Scripts/ -n -t ${{ matrix.typo3 }} -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s cgl -n
- name: PHPStan
run: Build/Scripts/ -t ${{ matrix.typo3 }} -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s phpstan -e "--error-format=github"
- name: Functional tests
run: Build/Scripts/ -t ${{ matrix.typo3 }} -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s functional
- name: Unit tests
run: Build/Scripts/ -t ${{ matrix.typo3 }} -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s unit
- name: Functional tests coverage
if: matrix.php == '8.2' && matrix.typo3 == '13' && matrix.composerInstall == 'composerInstallHighest'
run: Build/Scripts/ -t ${{ matrix.typo3 }} -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s unit -x -e "--coverage-php=.Build/coverage/functional.cov"
- name: Unit tests coverage
if: matrix.php == '8.2' && matrix.typo3 == '13' && matrix.composerInstall == 'composerInstallHighest'
run: Build/Scripts/ -t ${{ matrix.typo3 }} -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s unit -x -e "--coverage-php=.Build/coverage/unit.cov"
- name: Composer require phpunit/phpcov for merging the code coverage
if: matrix.php == '8.2' && matrix.typo3 == '13' && matrix.composerInstall == 'composerInstallHighest'
run: Build/Scripts/ -t ${{ matrix.typo3 }} -p ${{ matrix.php }} -s composer require --dev phpunit/phpcov
- name: Merge coverage
if: matrix.php == '8.2' && matrix.typo3 == '13' && matrix.composerInstall == 'composerInstallHighest'
run: ./.Build/bin/phpcov merge --clover=build/logs/clover.xml .Build/coverage
- name: Upload coverage
if: matrix.php == '8.2' && matrix.typo3 == '13' && matrix.composerInstall == 'composerInstallHighest'
run: |
composer global require php-coveralls/php-coveralls
export PATH="$(composer config -g home)/vendor/bin:$PATH"
php-coveralls --coverage_clover=build/logs/clover.xml -v