cd frontend
- For first time:
npm install
npm start
cd backend
- Start psql database:
- For first time:
npm install
- setup database and sample data:
- Firstly connect to database with
- Then load the database and sample data with
\i path\to\backend\db\schema.sql
- Firstly connect to database with
npm start
- React Components:
Core Layout Components: These components form the basic structure of your application, providing the framework on which page-specific components are mounted.
- Main Container
- Main Component: The main component for rendering the webpage.
- Navbar:
- Navbar: The main Navigation bar component that adapts based on user authentication status.
- NavLinks: Displays links based on user role (e.g., Borrow, Lend, My Account). For logged in, list "Tool", "Library / Borrow", "List Item / Lend", "My Account", "Help". For logged out, list "Login", "Register".
- NotificationIcon: An icon that shows notifications with a visual indicator for new activity.
- Footer:
- Footer: A basic footer component for site-wide links or copyright information.
- Main Container
Item Management Components: Components related to listing, managing, and viewing tool details.
- Item Library:
- ItemList: Displays a list of item cards.
- ItemCard: A card that shows brief information about a tool, clickable for more details.
- ItemDetailsModal: A modal or detailed page that opens when a ItemCard is clicked, showing extended information and interaction options like borrowing.
- Manage Items:
- AddItemForm: Form for adding new tools.
- EditItemForm: Form for editing existing tool details.
- Item Library:
Borrowing and Lending Components: These components handle the functionalities specific to borrowing and lending tools.
- Borrowing:
- BorrowPage: Main page for tool borrowing, including search and filter - capabilities.
- ItemRequestForm: Form used to request to borrow a tool.
- Lending:
- LendPage: Main page for managing tools that a user is lending out.
- ItemAvailabilityManager: Component for managing when a tool is available for lending.
- Borrowing:
Transaction and History Components: Components for managing and viewing past transactions and activities. History: TransactionHistory: A list that displays past transactions with statuses like requested, approved, lent, and returned.
Requests Components: Handling requests and user alerts.
- requests:
- requestList: Dropdown list that lists requests, show as a red dot if there is any new request.
- requestItem: Individual request items within the list, status includes 'requested', 'approved', 'lent' and 'returned'.
- requests:
Utility Components: Reusable utility components that might be used across various parts of the application.
- Common:
- Modal: A reusable modal component.
- Button: Custom button component for various actions.
- Input: Reusable input component for forms.
- Common:
Support and Miscellaneous Components: LOW PRIORITY Components for help, FAQs, and other general user support.
- Help:
- IntroPage: Contains intro information.
- HelpPage: Contains FAQs and other help-related information.
- SupportContactForm: A form for users to contact support for help.
- Help:
Authentication and User Account Components: LOW PRIORITY Components deal with user registration, login, and profile management.
- Auth:
- LoginForm: Form for users to enter login credentials.
- RegisterForm: Form for new users to register.
- UserProfile: Displays user profile information.
- EditProfileForm: Allows users to edit their profiles.
- Auth:
- Express.js backend
Tool Management Routes: Routes for adding, updating, fetching, and deleting tool listings.
- Tool Listings
- POST /api/tools: Add a new tool.
- Controller: toolControllers.createTool
- GET /api/tools: Fetch all tools (with optional filters).
- Controller: toolControllers.getAllTools
- GET /api/tools/:id: Get details of a specific tool.
- Controller: toolControllers.getToolById
- PUT /api/tools/:id: Update tool information.
- Controller: toolControllers.updateTool
- DELETE /api/tools/:id: Delete a tool listing.
- Controller: toolControllers.deleteTool
- POST /api/tools: Add a new tool.
- Tool Listings
Transaction Management Routes: These routes deal with creating and managing borrowing transactions.
- Transactions
- POST /api/transactions: Record a new borrowing transaction.
- Controller: transactionControllers.createTransaction
- GET /api/transactions: Retrieve transaction history for a user.
- Controller: transactionControllers.getUserTransactions
- PUT /api/transactions/:id: Update the status of a transaction (e.g., approve, return).
- Controller: transactionControllers.updateTransactionStatus
- GET /api/transactions/:id: Get specific transaction details.
- Controller: transactionControllers.getTransactionById
- POST /api/transactions: Record a new borrowing transaction.
- Transactions
Requests Service Routes: Handling requests and user alerts related to user interactions with the system.
- Requests
- GET /api/requests: Fetch requests for a user.
- Controller: requestControllers.getRequests
- PUT /api/requests/:id/read: Mark a request as read.
- Controller: requestControllers.markAsRead
- GET /api/requests: Fetch requests for a user.
- Requests
Review and Feedback Routes: Enable users to post and retrieve reviews for tools and other users.
- Reviews
- POST /api/reviews: Submit a review.
- Controller: reviewControllers.createReview
- GET /api/reviews: Fetch reviews for a specific tool or user.
- Controller: reviewControllers.getReviews
- POST /api/reviews: Submit a review.
- Reviews
User Management Routes: LOW PRIORITY These routes handle user registration, login, profile management, and authentication.
Registration and Login
- POST /api/users/register: Register a new user.
- Controller: userControllers.register
- POST /api/users/login: Authenticate user and issue token.
- Controller: userControllers.login
- POST /api/users/register: Register a new user.
User Profile
- GET /api/users/profile: Retrieve user profile details.
- Controller: userControllers.getProfile
- PUT /api/users/profile: Update user profile details.
- Controller: userControllers.updateProfile
- GET /api/users/profile: Retrieve user profile details.