Python package for handling RINEX version 2.1x and 3.x, regardless of number of systems in the data.
Author: Joakim Strandberg
python develop
RinPy can be use used to read data from a RINEX file and store it in numpy's compressed npz-format, or to load it directly into the workspace.
To load into memory and plot GPS SNR data for the L1 signal for satellite with PRN number 20:
import rinpy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
observationdata, systemsatlists, prntoidx, obstypes, header, obstimes = rinpy.processrinexfile('GTGU2000.15o')
snr_idx = [idx for idx, type in enumerate(obstypes['G']) if 'S1' in type][0]
plt.plot(obstimes, observationdata['G'][:, prntoidx['G'][20], snr_idx])
The data for each observable can also be separated into dicts with the help of the function 'separateobservables'. I.e, an equivalent way of writing the previous code snippet would be:
import rinpy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
observationdata, systemsatlists, prntoidx, obstypes, header, obstimes = rinpy.processrinexfile('GTGU2000.15o')
observationdata = separateobservables(observationdata, obstypes)
plt.plot(obstimes, observationdata['G']['S1'][:, prntoidx['G'][20]])
# S1 must be changed to S1C if RINEX v3 is used.
Saving to and loading from file:
import rinpy
rinpy.processrinexfile('GTGU2000.15o', 'GTGU2000.15o.npz')
observationdata, systemsatlists, prntoidx, obstypes, header, obstimes = rinpy.loadrinexfromnpz('GTGU2000.15o.npz')
Each of the outputs from rinpy.processrinexfile
and rinpy.loadrinexfromnpz
are dicts where the keys are the system letters used in the RINEX format, e.g.:
- G - for GPS
- R - for GLONASS
- E - for Galileo
- S - for SBAS
For example obstypes['R']
gives a list of observables for the GLONASS system.
The code in this package is part of a larger code written for analysing GNSS SNR data for GNSS reflectometry, and is part of the work made for the paper:
Strandberg, J., T. Hobiger, and R. Haas (2016), Improving GNSS-R sea level determination through inverse modeling of SNR data, Radio Science, 51, 1286–1296, doi:10.1002/2016RS006057.
RinPy is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file.