The native navigation system of Cocoa, say, UINavigationController
, UINavigationBar
and UINavigationItem
is somewhat difficult to be customized, e.g., to set different height in some particular scenes. LSCustomNavigation is just here aiming to make things easier, while the Cocoa transition style is still remained. More custom transition styles will be available in the future.
Use LSCustomNavigationController
as your navigation controller. Feel free to use it just the same way as native UINavigationController
To customize the navigation bar, your view controllers that embeded in the navigation system need to conform to LSCustomNavigationProtocol
protocol and offer a LSNavigationItem
instance, whose properties identity the appearance of the navigation bar when current view controller is pushed into the navigation system, or popped to from the previous view controller. If the view controller don't conform to the LSCustomNavigationProtocol
protocol, a default one will be used.
#pragma mark - LSCustomNavigationProtocol
- (LSNavigationItem *)ls_customNavigationItem {
LSNavigationItem *navigationItem = [[LSNavigationItem alloc] init];
navigationItem.leftTitle = @"VCA";
navigationItem.title = @"This is A";
navigationItem.titleColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
navigationItem.leftTitleColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
UISwitch *UIswitch = [[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 80, 40)];
navigationItem.customTitleView = UIswitch;
navigationItem.barTranslucent = NO;
navigationItem.barBackgroundColor = [UIColor cyanColor];
return navigationItem;
You can also modify properties of [LSNavigationItem appearance]
to config global navigation bar appearance:
[LSNavigationItem appearance].barBackgroundColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor];
- iOS 8.0 +