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YaelDillies committed Feb 2, 2025
1 parent be42eca commit c3c8f06
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Showing 18 changed files with 84 additions and 103 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions LeanAPAP.lean
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@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
import LeanAPAP.Extras.BSG
import LeanAPAP.FiniteField
import LeanAPAP.Integer
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Function.LpSpace
import LeanAPAP.Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.Bochner
import LeanAPAP.Physics.AlmostPeriodicity
import LeanAPAP.Physics.DRC
import LeanAPAP.Physics.Unbalancing
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions LeanAPAP/FiniteField.lean
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Expand Up @@ -461,8 +461,8 @@ theorem ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) (hA₀ : A.Nonempty) (hA : ThreeAPFr
(B.dens < (65 / 64 : ℝ) ^ i * α →
2⁻¹ ≤ card V * ⟪μ_[ℝ] B ∗ μ B, μ (B.image (2 • ·))⟫_[ℝ]) := by
induction' i with i ih hi
· exact ⟨G, inferInstance, inferInstance, inferInstance, inferInstance, A, by simp, hA,
by simp, by simp [α, nnratCast_dens, Fintype.card_subtype, subset_iff]⟩
· exact ⟨G, inferInstance, inferInstance, inferInstance, inferInstance, A, by simp [n], hA,
by simp [α], by simp [α, nnratCast_dens, Fintype.card_subtype, subset_iff]⟩
obtain ⟨V, _, _, _, _, B, hV, hB, hαβ, hBV⟩ := ih
obtain hB' | hB' := le_or_lt 2⁻¹ (card V * ⟪μ_[ℝ] B ∗ μ B, μ (B.image (2 • ·))⟫_[ℝ])
· exact ⟨V, inferInstance, inferInstance, inferInstance, inferInstance, B,
Expand All @@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ theorem ff (hq₃ : 3 ≤ q) (hq : q.Prime) (hA₀ : A.Nonempty) (hA : ThreeAPFr
_ ≤ ‖(𝟭_[ℝ] B ∗ μ (V' : Set V).toFinset) x‖ := hx
_ = B'.dens := ?_
rw [mu, conv_smul, Pi.smul_apply, indicate_conv_indicate_eq_card_vadd_inter_neg,
norm_of_nonneg (by positivity), nnratCast_dens, card_preimage, smul_eq_mul, inv_mul_eq_div]
Real.norm_of_nonneg (by positivity), nnratCast_dens, card_preimage, smul_eq_mul, inv_mul_eq_div]
congr 2
· congr 1 with x
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8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions LeanAPAP/Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Function/LpSpace.lean

This file was deleted.

9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions LeanAPAP/Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Integral/Bochner.lean

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LeanAPAP/Physics/AlmostPeriodicity.lean
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Expand Up @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ lemma lemma28_part_one (hm : 1 ≤ m) (x : G) :
simp only [boole_mul, indicate_apply]
rw [← sum_filter, filter_mem_eq_inter, univ_inter, sub_self, smul_zero]
congr with a : 1
simp only [sum_sub_distrib, Pi.smul_apply, sum_const, card_fin]
simp only [sum_sub_distrib, Pi.smul_apply, sum_const, card_fin, f']

lemma big_shifts_step2 (L : Finset (Fin k → G)) (hk : k ≠ 0) :
(∑ x ∈ L + S.piDiag (Fin k), ∑ l ∈ L, ∑ s ∈ S.piDiag (Fin k), ite (l + s = x) (1 : ℝ) 0) ^ 2
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions LeanAPAP/Physics/DRC.lean
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Expand Up @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ lemma drc (hp₂ : 2 ≤ p) (f : G → ℝ≥0) (hf : ∃ x, x ∈ B₁ - B₂
refine ⟨(lt_of_mul_lt_mul_left (hs.trans_eq' ?_) $ hg s).le, this.trans $ mul_le_of_le_one_right
?_ $ div_le_one_of_le₀ ?_ ?_, this.trans $ mul_le_of_le_one_left ?_ $ div_le_one_of_le₀ ?_ ?_⟩
· simp_rw [A₁, A₂, g, ← card_smul_mu, smul_dconv, dconv_smul, ← Nat.cast_smul_eq_nsmul ℝ,
wInner_smul_left, smul_eq_mul, star_trivial, mul_assoc]
wInner_smul_left, smul_eq_mul, star_trivial, mul_assoc, A₁, A₂]
any_goals positivity
all_goals exact Nat.cast_le.2 $ card_mono inter_subset_left
rw [← sum_mul, lemma_0, nsmul_eq_mul, Nat.cast_mul, ← sum_mul, mul_right_comm, ← hgB,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ lemma drc (hp₂ : 2 ≤ p) (f : G → ℝ≥0) (hf : ∃ x, x ∈ B₁ - B₂
:= sum_lt_sum_of_nonempty ⟨s, mem_filter.2 ⟨mem_univ _, hs.symm⟩⟩ ?_
_ ≤ ∑ s, M * sqrt (g s) := sum_le_univ_sum_of_nonneg fun s ↦ by positivity
_ = M * (∑ s, sqrt #(A₁ s) * sqrt #(A₂ s))
:= by simp_rw [mul_sum, sqrt_mul $ Nat.cast_nonneg _]
:= by simp_rw [mul_sum, g, sqrt_mul $ Nat.cast_nonneg _]
_ ≤ M * (sqrt (∑ s, #(A₁ s)) * sqrt (∑ s, #(A₂ s))) := by
gcongr; exact sum_sqrt_mul_sqrt_le _ fun i ↦ by positivity fun i ↦ by positivity
_ = _ := ?_
Expand All @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ lemma drc (hp₂ : 2 ≤ p) (f : G → ℝ≥0) (hf : ∃ x, x ∈ B₁ - B₂
lemma sifting (B₁ B₂ : Finset G) (hε : 0 < ε) (hε₁ : ε ≤ 1) (hδ : 0 < δ) (hp : Even p)
(hp₂ : 2 ≤ p) (hpε : ε⁻¹ * log (2 / δ) ≤ p) (hB : (B₁ ∩ B₂).Nonempty) (hA : A.Nonempty)
(hf : ∃ x, x ∈ B₁ - B₂ ∧ x ∈ A - A ∧ x ∉ s p ε B₁ B₂ A) :
∃ A₁, A₁ ⊆ B₁ ∧ ∃ A₂, A₂ ⊆ B₂ ∧ 1 - δ ≤ ∑ x in s p ε B₁ B₂ A, (μ A₁ ○ μ A₂) x ∧
∃ A₁, A₁ ⊆ B₁ ∧ ∃ A₂, A₂ ⊆ B₂ ∧ 1 - δ ≤ ∑ x s p ε B₁ B₂ A, (μ A₁ ○ μ A₂) x ∧
(4 : ℝ)⁻¹ * ‖𝟭_[ℝ] A ○ 𝟭 A‖_[p, μ B₁ ○ μ B₂] ^ (2 * p) / #A ^ (2 * p) ≤
#A₁ / #B₁ ∧
(4 : ℝ)⁻¹ * ‖𝟭_[ℝ] A ○ 𝟭 A‖_[p, μ B₁ ○ μ B₂] ^ (2 * p) / #A ^ (2 * p) ≤
Expand All @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ lemma sifting (B₁ B₂ : Finset G) (hε : 0 < ε) (hε₁ : ε ≤ 1) (hδ : 0
clear hcard₁ hcard₂ aux
rw [sub_le_comm]
_ = ∑ x in (s p ε B₁ B₂ A)ᶜ, (μ A₁ ○ μ A₂) x := ?_
_ = ∑ x (s p ε B₁ B₂ A)ᶜ, (μ A₁ ○ μ A₂) x := ?_
_ = ⟪μ_[ℝ] A₁ ○ μ A₂, (↑) ∘ 𝟭_[ℝ≥0] ((s (↑p) ε B₁ B₂ A)ᶜ)⟫_[ℝ] := by
simp [wInner_one_eq_sum, -mem_compl, -mem_s, apply_ite NNReal.toReal, indicate_apply]
_ ≤ _ := (le_div_iff₀ $ dLpNorm_conv_pos hp₀.ne' hB hA).2 h
Expand All @@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ lemma sifting (B₁ B₂ : Finset G) (hε : 0 < ε) (hε₁ : ε ≤ 1) (hδ : 0
simp only [apply_ite NNReal.toReal, indicate_apply, NNReal.coe_one, NNReal.coe_zero, mul_boole,
Fintype.sum_ite_mem, mul_div_right_comm]
∑ x in (s p ε B₁ B₂ A)ᶜ, (μ B₁ ○ μ B₂) x * (𝟭 A ○ 𝟭 A) x ^ p ≤
∑ x in (s p ε B₁ B₂ A)ᶜ,
∑ x (s p ε B₁ B₂ A)ᶜ, (μ B₁ ○ μ B₂) x * (𝟭 A ○ 𝟭 A) x ^ p ≤
∑ x (s p ε B₁ B₂ A)ᶜ,
(μ B₁ ○ μ B₂) x * ((1 - ε) * ‖𝟭_[ℝ] A ○ 𝟭 A‖_[p, μ B₁ ○ μ B₂]) ^ p := by
gcongr with x hx
· exact Pi.le_def.1 (dconv_nonneg (R := ℝ) mu_nonneg mu_nonneg) x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ lemma sifting (B₁ B₂ : Finset G) (hε : 0 < ε) (hε₁ : ε ≤ 1) (hδ : 0
/-- Special case of `sifting` when `B₁ = B₂ = univ`. -/
lemma sifting_cor (hε : 0 < ε) (hε₁ : ε ≤ 1) (hδ : 0 < δ) (hp : Even p) (hp₂ : 2 ≤ p)
(hpε : ε⁻¹ * log (2 / δ) ≤ p) (hA : A.Nonempty) :
∃ A₁ A₂, 1 - δ ≤ ∑ x in s p ε univ univ A, (μ A₁ ○ μ A₂) x ∧
∃ A₁ A₂, 1 - δ ≤ ∑ x s p ε univ univ A, (μ A₁ ○ μ A₂) x ∧
(4 : ℝ)⁻¹ * A.dens ^ (2 * p) ≤ A₁.dens ∧
(4 : ℝ)⁻¹ * A.dens ^ (2 * p) ≤ A₂.dens := by
by_cases hf : ∃ x, x ∈ A - A ∧ (𝟭 A ○ 𝟭 A) x ≤ (1 - ε) * ‖𝟭_[ℝ] A ○ 𝟭 A‖_[p, μ univ]
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30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions LeanAPAP/Physics/Unbalancing.lean
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Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ private lemma unbalancing'' (p : ℕ) (hp : 5 ≤ p) (hp₁ : Odd p) (hε₀ : 0
set P : Finset _ := {i | 0 ≤ f i}
set T : Finset _ := {i | 3 / 4 * ε ≤ f i}
have hTP : T ⊆ P := monotone_filter_right _ fun i ↦ le_trans $ by positivity
have : 2⁻¹ * ε ^ p ≤ ∑ i in P, ↑(ν i) * (f ^ p) i := by
have : 2⁻¹ * ε ^ p ≤ ∑ i P, ↑(ν i) * (f ^ p) i := by
rw [inv_mul_le_iff₀ (zero_lt_two' ℝ), sum_filter]
convert this using 3
rw [Pi.posPart_apply, posPart_eq_ite]
Expand All @@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ private lemma unbalancing'' (p : ℕ) (hp : 5 ≤ p) (hp₁ : Odd p) (hε₀ : 0
rw [Nat.succ_le_iff]
have : ∑ i in P \ T, ↑(ν i) * (f ^ p) i ≤ 4⁻¹ * ε ^ p := by
have : ∑ i P \ T, ↑(ν i) * (f ^ p) i ≤ 4⁻¹ * ε ^ p := by
_ ≤ ∑ i in P \ T, ↑(ν i) * (3 / 4 * ε) ^ p := sum_le_sum fun i hi ↦ ?_
_ = (3 / 4) ^ p * ε ^ p * ∑ i in P \ T, (ν i : ℝ) := by rw [← sum_mul, mul_comm, mul_pow]
_ ≤ ∑ i P \ T, ↑(ν i) * (3 / 4 * ε) ^ p := sum_le_sum fun i hi ↦ ?_
_ = (3 / 4) ^ p * ε ^ p * ∑ i P \ T, (ν i : ℝ) := by rw [← sum_mul, mul_comm, mul_pow]
_ ≤ 4⁻¹ * ε ^ p * ∑ i, (ν i : ℝ) := ?_
_ = 4⁻¹ * ε ^ p := by norm_cast; simp [hν₁]
· simp only [mem_sdiff, mem_filter, mem_univ, true_and, not_le, P, T] at hi
Expand All @@ -137,19 +137,19 @@ private lemma unbalancing'' (p : ℕ) (hp : 5 ≤ p) (hp₁ : Odd p) (hε₀ : 0
simp [wLpNorm_one, ENNReal.mul_ne_top, *]
_ = 3 := by norm_num
replace hp' := zero_lt_one.trans_le hp'
have : 4⁻¹ * ε ^ p ≤ sqrt (∑ i in T, ν i) * 3 ^ p := by
have : 4⁻¹ * ε ^ p ≤ sqrt (∑ i T, ν i) * 3 ^ p := by
4⁻¹ * ε ^ p = 2⁻¹ * ε ^ p - 4⁻¹ * ε ^ p := by rw [← sub_mul]; norm_num
_ ≤ _ := (sub_le_sub ‹_› ‹_›)
_ = ∑ i in T, ν i * (f ^ p) i := by rw [sum_sdiff_eq_sub hTP, sub_sub_cancel]
_ ≤ ∑ i in T, ν i * |(f ^ p) i| :=
_ = ∑ i T, ν i * (f ^ p) i := by rw [sum_sdiff_eq_sub hTP, sub_sub_cancel]
_ ≤ ∑ i T, ν i * |(f ^ p) i| :=
(sum_le_sum fun i _ ↦ mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (le_abs_self _) ?_)
_ = ∑ i in T, sqrt (ν i) * sqrt (ν i * |(f ^ (2 * p)) i|) := by simp [← mul_assoc, pow_mul']
_ ≤ sqrt (∑ i in T, ν i) * sqrt (∑ i in T, ν i * |(f ^ (2 * p)) i|) :=
_ = ∑ i T, sqrt (ν i) * sqrt (ν i * |(f ^ (2 * p)) i|) := by simp [← mul_assoc, pow_mul']
_ ≤ sqrt (∑ i T, ν i) * sqrt (∑ i T, ν i * |(f ^ (2 * p)) i|) :=
(sum_sqrt_mul_sqrt_le _ (fun i ↦ ?_) fun i ↦ ?_)
_ ≤ sqrt (∑ i in T, ν i) * sqrt (∑ i, ν i * |(f ^ (2 * p)) i|) := by
_ ≤ sqrt (∑ i T, ν i) * sqrt (∑ i, ν i * |(f ^ (2 * p)) i|) := by
gcongr; exact T.subset_univ
_ = sqrt (∑ i in T, ν i) * ‖f‖_[2 * ↑p, ν] ^ p := ?_
_ = sqrt (∑ i T, ν i) * ‖f‖_[2 * ↑p, ν] ^ p := ?_
_ ≤ _ := by gcongr; exact mod_cast hf₁
any_goals positivity
rw [wLpNorm_eq_sum_nnnorm (mod_cast hp'.ne') (by simp [ENNReal.mul_ne_top])]
Expand All @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ private lemma unbalancing'' (p : ℕ) (hp : 5 ≤ p) (hp₁ : Odd p) (hε₀ : 0
simp [mul_comm, this, Real.sqrt_eq_rpow]
set p' := 24 / ε * log (3 / ε) * p
have hp' : 0 < p' := p'_pos hp hε₀ hε₁
have : 1 - 8⁻¹ * ε ≤ (∑ i in T, ↑(ν i)) ^ p'⁻¹ := by
have : 1 - 8⁻¹ * ε ≤ (∑ i T, ↑(ν i)) ^ p'⁻¹ := by
rw [← div_le_iff₀, mul_div_assoc, ← div_pow, le_sqrt, mul_pow, ← pow_mul'] at this
_ ≤ exp (-(8⁻¹ * ε)) := one_sub_le_exp_neg _
Expand All @@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ private lemma unbalancing'' (p : ℕ) (hp : 5 ≤ p) (hp₁ : Odd p) (hε₀ : 0
_ = 1 + 5 / 8 * ε - 3 / 32 * ε * 1 := by ring
_ ≤ 1 + 5 / 8 * ε - 3 / 32 * ε * ε := (sub_le_sub_left (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left hε₁ ?_) _)
_ = (1 - 8⁻¹ * ε) * (1 + 3 / 4 * ε) := by ring
_ ≤ (∑ i in T, ↑(ν i)) ^ p'⁻¹ * (1 + 3 / 4 * ε) := (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right ‹_› ?_)
_ = (∑ i in T, ↑(ν i) * |3 / 4 * ε + 1| ^ p') ^ p'⁻¹ := by
_ ≤ (∑ i T, ↑(ν i)) ^ p'⁻¹ * (1 + 3 / 4 * ε) := (mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right ‹_› ?_)
_ = (∑ i T, ↑(ν i) * |3 / 4 * ε + 1| ^ p') ^ p'⁻¹ := by
rw [← sum_mul, mul_rpow, rpow_rpow_inv, abs_of_nonneg, add_comm] <;> positivity
_ ≤ (∑ i in T, ↑(ν i) * |f i + 1| ^ p') ^ p'⁻¹ :=
_ ≤ (∑ i T, ↑(ν i) * |f i + 1| ^ p') ^ p'⁻¹ :=
rpow_le_rpow ?_ (sum_le_sum fun i hi ↦ mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (rpow_le_rpow ?_
(abs_le_abs_of_nonneg ?_ $ add_le_add_right (mem_filter.1 hi).2 _) ?_) ?_) ?_
_ ≤ (∑ i, ↑(ν i) * |f i + 1| ^ p') ^ p'⁻¹ :=
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24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions LeanAPAP/Prereqs/Chang.lean
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Expand Up @@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ lemma general_hoelder (hη : 0 ≤ η) (ν : G → ℝ≥0) (hfν : ∀ x, f x
choose c norm_c hc using fun γ ↦ RCLike.exists_norm_eq_mul_self (dft f γ)
have :=
η * ‖f‖_[1] * #Δ ≤ ∑ γ in Δ, ‖dft f γ‖ := ?_
_ ≤ ‖∑ x, f x * ∑ γ in Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ := ?_
_ ≤ ∑ x, ‖f x * ∑ γ in Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ := (norm_sum_le _ _)
_ = ∑ x, ‖f x‖ * ‖∑ γ in Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ := by simp_rw [norm_mul]
η * ‖f‖_[1] * #Δ ≤ ∑ γ Δ, ‖dft f γ‖ := ?_
_ ≤ ‖∑ x, f x * ∑ γ Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ := ?_
_ ≤ ∑ x, ‖f x * ∑ γ Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ := (norm_sum_le _ _)
_ = ∑ x, ‖f x‖ * ‖∑ γ Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ := by simp_rw [norm_mul]
_ ≤ _ := inner_le_weight_mul_Lp_of_nonneg _ (p := m) ?_ _ _ (fun _ ↦ norm_nonneg _)
fun _ ↦ norm_nonneg _
_ = ‖f‖_[1] ^ (1 - (m : ℝ)⁻¹) * (∑ x, ‖f x‖ * ‖∑ γ in Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ ^ m) ^ (m⁻¹ : ℝ) :=
_ = ‖f‖_[1] ^ (1 - (m : ℝ)⁻¹) * (∑ x, ‖f x‖ * ‖∑ γ Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ ^ m) ^ (m⁻¹ : ℝ) :=
by simp_rw [dL1Norm_eq_sum_norm, rpow_natCast]
· rw [← nsmul_eq_mul']
Expand All @@ -127,22 +127,22 @@ lemma general_hoelder (hη : 0 ≤ η) (ν : G → ℝ≥0) (hfν : ∀ x, f x
(‖f‖_[1] * (η ^ m * #Δ ^ m)) ^ 2
≤ (∑ x, ‖f x‖ * ‖∑ γ ∈ Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ ^ m) ^ 2 := by gcongr
_ ≤ (∑ x, ‖f x‖ * sqrt (ν x) * ‖∑ γ in Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ ^ m) ^ 2 := by
_ ≤ (∑ x, ‖f x‖ * sqrt (ν x) * ‖∑ γ Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ ^ m) ^ 2 := by
gcongr with x; exact hfν _
_ = (∑ x, ‖f x‖ * (sqrt (ν x) * ‖∑ γ in Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ ^ m)) ^ 2 := by
_ = (∑ x, ‖f x‖ * (sqrt (ν x) * ‖∑ γ Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ ^ m)) ^ 2 := by
simp_rw [mul_assoc]
_ ≤ (∑ x, ‖f x‖ ^ 2) * ∑ x, (sqrt (ν x) * ‖∑ γ in Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ ^ m) ^ 2 :=
_ ≤ (∑ x, ‖f x‖ ^ 2) * ∑ x, (sqrt (ν x) * ‖∑ γ Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ ^ m) ^ 2 :=
sum_mul_sq_le_sq_mul_sq _ _ _
_ ≤ ‖f‖_[2] ^ 2 * ∑ x, ν x * (‖∑ γ in Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ ^ 2) ^ m := by
_ ≤ ‖f‖_[2] ^ 2 * ∑ x, ν x * (‖∑ γ Δ, c γ * conj (γ x)‖ ^ 2) ^ m := by
simp_rw [dL2Norm_sq_eq_sum_norm, mul_pow, sq_sqrt (NNReal.coe_nonneg _), pow_right_comm]; rfl
rw [mul_rotate', mul_left_comm, mul_pow, mul_pow, ← pow_mul', ← pow_mul', ← div_le_iff₀',
mul_div_assoc, mul_div_assoc] at this
_ ≤ _ := this
_ = ‖(_ : ℂ)‖ := Eq.symm $ RCLike.norm_of_nonneg $ sum_nonneg fun _ _ ↦ by positivity
_ = ‖∑ γ in Δ ^^ m, ∑ δ in Δ ^^ m,
_ = ‖∑ γ Δ ^^ m, ∑ δ Δ ^^ m,
(∏ i, conj (c (γ i)) * c (δ i)) * conj (dft (fun a ↦ ν a) (∑ i, γ i - ∑ i, δ i))‖ := ?_
_ ≤ ∑ γ in Δ ^^ m, ∑ δ in Δ ^^ m,
_ ≤ ∑ γ Δ ^^ m, ∑ δ Δ ^^ m,
‖(∏ i, conj (c (γ i)) * c (δ i)) * conj (dft (fun a ↦ ν a) (∑ i, γ i - ∑ i, δ i))‖ :=
(norm_sum_le _ _).trans $ sum_le_sum fun _ _ ↦ norm_sum_le _ _
_ = _ := by simp [energy, norm_c, -Complex.norm_eq_abs, norm_prod]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ lemma chang (hf : f ≠ 0) (hη : 0 < η) :
#Δ ≤ ⌈changConst * exp 1 * ⌈𝓛 ↑(‖f‖_[1] ^ 2 / ‖f‖_[2] ^ 2 / card G)⌉₊ / η ^ 2⌉₊ ∧
largeSpec f η ⊆ Δ.addSpan := by
refine exists_subset_addSpan_card_le_of_forall_addDissociated fun Δ hΔη hΔ ↦ ?_
obtain hΔ' | hΔ' := @eq_zero_or_pos _ _
obtain hΔ' | hΔ' := eq_zero_or_pos #Δ
· simp [hΔ']
let α := ‖f‖_[1] ^ 2 / ‖f‖_[2] ^ 2 / card G
have : 0 < α := by positivity
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LeanAPAP/Prereqs/Energy.lean
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ open scoped Nat
variable {G : Type*} [AddCommGroup G] {s : Finset G}

def energy (n : ℕ) (s : Finset G) (ν : G → ℂ) : ℝ :=
∑ γ in piFinset fun _ : Fin n ↦ s, ∑ δ in piFinset fun _ : Fin n ↦ s, ‖ν (∑ i, γ i - ∑ i, δ i)‖
∑ γ piFinset fun _ : Fin n ↦ s, ∑ δ piFinset fun _ : Fin n ↦ s, ‖ν (∑ i, γ i - ∑ i, δ i)‖

lemma energy_nonneg (n : ℕ) (s : Finset G) (ν : G → ℂ) : 0 ≤ energy n s ν := by
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions LeanAPAP/Prereqs/Function/Indicator/Defs.lean
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Expand Up @@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ section CommSemiring
variable [CommSemiring β]

lemma indicate_inf_apply [Fintype α] (s : Finset ι) (t : ι → Finset α) (x : α) :
𝟭_[β] (s.inf t) x = ∏ i in s, 𝟭 (t i) x := by simp [indicate_apply, mem_inf, prod_boole]
𝟭_[β] (s.inf t) x = ∏ i s, 𝟭 (t i) x := by simp [indicate_apply, mem_inf, prod_boole]

lemma indicate_inf [Fintype α] (s : Finset ι) (t : ι → Finset α) :
𝟭_[β] (s.inf t) = ∏ i in s, 𝟭 (t i) :=
𝟭_[β] (s.inf t) = ∏ i s, 𝟭 (t i) :=
funext fun x ↦ by rw [Finset.prod_apply, indicate_inf_apply]

variable [StarRing β]
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions LeanAPAP/Prereqs/MarcinkiewiczZygmund.lean
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ private lemma step_one (hA : A.Nonempty) (f : ι → ℝ) (a : Fin n → ι)
|∑ i, f (a i)| ^ (m + 1)
= |∑ i, (f (a i) - (∑ b ∈ B, f (b i)) / #B)| ^ (m + 1) := by
simp only [hf, sub_zero, zero_div]
simp only [B, hf, sub_zero, zero_div]
_ = |(∑ b ∈ B, ∑ i, (f (a i) - f (b i))) / #B| ^ (m + 1) := by
simp only [sum_sub_distrib]
rw [sum_const, sub_div, sum_comm, sum_div, nsmul_eq_mul, card_piFinset, prod_const,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,18 +72,18 @@ private lemma step_two_aux (A : Finset ι) (f : ι → ℝ) (ε : Fin n → ℝ)
intro xy
exact (fun i ↦ if ε i = 1 then xy.1 i else xy.2 i, fun i ↦ if ε i = 1 then xy.2 i else xy.1 i)
have h₁ : ∀ a ∈ (A ^^ n) ×ˢ (A ^^ n), swapper a ∈ (A ^^ n) ×ˢ (A ^^ n) := by
simp only [mem_product, and_imp, mem_piFinset, ← forall_and]
simp only [mem_product, and_imp, mem_piFinset, ← forall_and, swapper]
intro a h i
· exact h i
· exact (h i).symm
have h₂ : ∀ a ∈ (A ^^ n) ×ˢ (A ^^ n), swapper (swapper a) = a := fun a _ ↦ by
ext <;> simp only <;> split_ifs <;> rfl
ext <;> simp only [swapper] <;> split_ifs <;> rfl
refine sum_nbij' swapper swapper h₁ h₁ h₂ h₂ ?_
· rintro ⟨a, b⟩ _
congr with i : 1
simp only [Pi.mul_apply, Pi.sub_apply, Function.comp_apply]
simp only [mem_piFinset, mem_insert, mem_singleton] at hε
simp only [Pi.mul_apply, Pi.sub_apply, Function.comp_apply, swapper]
split_ifs with h
· simp [h]
rw [(hε i).resolve_right h]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ private lemma end_step {f : ι → ℝ} (hm : 1 ≤ m) (hA : A.Nonempty) :
add_assoc, Nat.sub_add_cancel hm, pow_add, ← mul_pow, ← mul_pow, card_piFinset, prod_const,
Finset.card_univ, Fintype.card_fin, Nat.cast_pow, mul_div_cancel_left₀]
dsimp [B]

namespace Real
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