before you start, please
- install
- install
- install and set up Postgres for your system
- create a database in Postgres named
(see Postgres DEV setup) - install Redis
git clone
cd Network-Map
npm install
npm run sql migrate:latest
npm run sql seed:run
npm run dev
- land
- login email
- home page
Landing (route === /) !userIsAuthenticated ? Component = Welcome + Send Login Email : !userIsOnboarded ? Component = Onboarding : Component = Home
- users
- id
- name
- asset server (netlify)
- web server (heroku)
- mailer worker (heroku)
web server
web app
mailer worker
- node-resque
- nodemailer
- third-party: mailgun
- dev tool: maildev
we're following the dogstack folder structure convention, adapted for our stack.
starts production server
npm start
starts development server
npm run dev
runs ava
Can optionally take a glob
npm test -- './todos/**/*.test.js'
Default glob is ./**/*.test.js
ignoring node_modules
checks for standard style
can optionally take a glob
npm run lint -- './todos/**/*.js'
default glob is ./**/*.js
ignoring node_modules
runs knex
command, with any arguments.
npm run sql migrate:latest
npm run sql seed:run
heroku login
heroku run npm run sql migrate:latest --app=yip-network
use a ~/.pgpass
file to automate your passwords!
echo "localhost:5432:*:postgres:password" > ~/.pgpass
chmod 600 ~/.pgpass
create your database with:
createdb yipalumni_development -h localhost -U postgres
drop your database with:
dropdb yipalumni_development -h localhost -U postgres
connect to your database with:
psql -h localhost -U postgres -d yipalumni_development