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God Almighty, the Holy Father edited this page Apr 26, 2019 · 9 revisions

The Basics

Where can I submit new questions/comments for this FAQ/wiki?

Please submit a new issue in the repo itself.

Are you really God?


Why is there so little code here?

As I mentioned, my work server contains a lot of trade secrets, personal comments, and other content which should not be in human hands. Just because I'm open-sourcing the universe doesn't mean I want you to know about how we run things out here.

Why did you release this code?

There's a separate page for that question.

On Religion/Metaphysics

Which of the human religions is most accurate?

They've all got their little bits of truth. The more modern ones relating to Simulation Theory, as you may have guessed, are most on-point.

That said, it really doesn't matter. If you're not causing other Humans to suffer or preventing them from completing their goals, I don't care what you believe. Just be a good person.

Why have you not fixed $problem? Why do you take a "hands-off" approach to us?

It's a simulation, not an interactive program. I can tweak things if it becomes necessary to keep the simulation going, but I prefer to let things run their course. This is something I observe, not something I play.

Do you punish people for bad behavior?

Look at your leaders. Your celebrities. That jackass guy you don't like who got the promotion you wanted. You tell Me.

I take a hands-off approach in my simulation. I want to see how you guys handle the random situations that are thrown at you. Humans are by far the most interesting species I've put in charge of a planet to date.

Have you ever interacted directly with any humans? If so, whom?

I'll keep that one a secret, although I kinda gave you the answer in this closed issue. The fun is in making you guys figure out who you can trust as a "prophet."

What's with the quantum mechanics stuff? Superposition, uncertainty, wave/particle nonsense?

It'll all be in the code. Have you ever considered that you only have so many senses? That there's a whole other realm of things you guys can't detect, nor even think to detect? You guys just recently confirmed that gravity travels in waves. Waves through what? It's in the code.

On Human Behavior

Most of the below are just a result of the AI developing automatically. I will admit that the variables put into the AI are a bit different from any other simulation I've done.

Why is there such a high occurrence of mental illness?

I was curious what would happen if I set the mentalStability variable a little lower in the Soul AI. I had no idea it was as sensitive as it turned out to be.

Why are you so averse to us killing/harming other humans?

Two reasons:

  1. The goal I put into the Soul AI relates heavily to the freedom you guys have to act as you wish. Preventing others from having that freedom, oddly enough, is the one freedom you do NOT have. Murder, rape, theft, and those other things you classify as "sins" and/or "crimes" prevent other Humans from successfully seeking happiness. Granted there's nothing I really do about these things personally, but I nudged you guys' consciences in the direction of enacting justice on people who do these things.

(By the way, activities like consensual sex and marijuana use are a complete non-issue. They don't affect anyone else in any meaningful way.)

  1. Each of you is a separate study and experiment of your own. By ending one of those studies early, you're taking away opportunities to learn how I can implement changes that improve your lives. You're also taking away a source of entertainment for me.

Why do some of us want to kill/harm other people?

See the answer above regarding mental illness.

Is there any objective basis for morality?

Your Souls have developed in such a way as to create a subroutine called a conscience. This is where people who are irreligious tend to find their moral compasses, and it seems to have developed as a means of keeping all of you from murdering each other over resources and acting as typical animals.

However, this is a subjective source of morality; the consciences of individuals develop in different (and often incompatible) ways. It interests me that there are so many different ways of viewing morals, and I have no objective answer to give. Just live your best life and let others do the same, I suppose.

On "The Issues"

Where do you lean politically?

That's none of your business. You Humans need to figure your own affairs out, so I'm not putting my two cents in here. Your system of existence is vastly different from that of us Gods, and I don't really have a good catch-all answer. If I'm being honest it really doesn't matter what system you choose; you guys will find some way to screw it up.

What about the people in power now?

Leadership on Earth has an inherent problem: you're all Humans, fallible in your own ways, yet you need to entrust your rules and regulations to someone. So you choose whoever is best at pretending to represent you, although in the end whomever you choose will likely be just as driven by personal interest as you are. There are many humans who truly care about the wellbeing of others, of course, but there are also those who are there for personal gain, and they typically have the willpower to shove themselves up the ladder and get elected. That's just how the AI developed; I have nothing to do with that.

Is [Insert Politician/Celebrity Here] guilty of [Insert Crime/Immoral Act Here]?

I could tell you. I have the data. But it's a lot more fun for Me to let all of you figure things out for yourselves. I'd prefer not to interfere.


What's your favorite Human song?

Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, of course. It's everyone's favorite song when it comes on, even if not at all times.

Are extraterrestrials real?

Oh I have no idea. I've been too busy watching you guys to look at many other parts of the simulation. I would assume there are other randomly-generated civilizations somewhere, like the randomly-generated villages in Minecraft. Keep looking, I guess?

When will the world end?

If you guys don't stop trying to set your planet on fire, it'll end sooner than I'd like. Recycle, dammit!