This repository contains the core part of the code for paper: A Reinforcement-Learning-Based Multiple-Column Selection Strategy for Column Generation (AAAI2024).
We propose the first reinforcement-learning-based (RL) multiple-column selection strategy for column generation (CG). The network model contains an encoder, a critic decoder, and an actor decoder, which is trained using the proximal policy optimization (PPO).
- python 3.10
- dgl 1.1.1
- gym 0.21.0
- networkx 2.8.7
- numpy 1.23.1
- tianshou 0.4.8
- torch 1.12.1
A small example data is available in the state/
folder, where each .pkl
file corresponds to the state of a column generation iteration for CSP. To run the example, you can directly execute the
We also provide the implementation of our network model in
, the environment for solving CSP in
(which should be properly registered in gym.env
), the basic training process in
(implemented based on tianshou
), and the evaluation data set in
(please unzip it before training). You can use them as a reference to generate your own data for the problem you want to solve.
If you find our work is useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={A Reinforcement-Learning-based Multiple-Column Selection Strategy for Column Generation},
author={Haofeng Yuan and Lichang Fang and Shiji Song},
booktitle = {38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the authors. Haofeng Yuan: [email protected].