# Lishuo Pan, Xuchen Wang - CIS 581 Project 3B
This project tracks the object feature points in a video and generate the result called 'eval_tracking.gif'.
## Running the tests
Simply running objectTracking.py. The function will call the createMask.py provided by TA. You have to manually choose 4 points around the object. Window will be the smallest polygon containing these 4 points. And you can have maltiple windows. For each one of them, you have to repeat the previous steps.
will get the feature tracking gif for 'Easy.mp4'. The gif is stored in the folder called 'eval_tracking.gif'.
We already have the result for 'Easy.mp4', Easy_eval_tracking.gif, the result for 'Medium.mp4', Medium_eval_tracking.gif, and the result of 'hard.mp4', Hard_eval_tracking.gif.