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Cross-platform Google APIs for Swift built on Codable & NIO


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Queenfisher - Cross-Platform Google APIs for Swift built with NIO

What's Done:

  • Authenticating using OAuth & using refresh tokens to continually fetch new access tokens
  • Authenticating using a service account
  • GMail -- reading, modifying, fetching, sending & replying to emails
  • Spreadsheets -- reading, modifying & writing to sheets
  • Synchronize & maintain a database on Sheets


  1. Queenfisher is written in Swift 5.2, so you need either XCode 11.4 or Swift 5.2 installed on your system.
  2. Add Queenfisher to your swift package:
	dependencies: [
		// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
		.package(url: "", from: "0.1.0")
	targets: [
		.target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: ["Queenfisher", ...])
  1. Finally, import Queenfisher in your code using:
	import Queenfisher

Authenticating with Google

  1. Before you can use these APIs, you need to have a project setup on Google Cloud Platform, you can create one here.
  2. Once you have a project setup, you must enable the APIs you want to use. Queenfisher currently wraps around the GMail & Sheets API, so you can enable either or both.
  3. To authenticate using O-Auth
    • Create & download your client secret, learn how to do that here.
    • Store the downloaded JSON somewhere nice & safe.
    • Now you can load the JSON & generate an access token:
    import Queenfisher
    import NIO
    let pathToSecret = URL(fileURLWithPath: "Path/to/client_secret.json")
    let pathToToken = URL(fileURLWithPath: "Path/to/my_token.json") // place to save the generated token
    let client: GoogleOAuthClient = try .loading(from: pathToSecret)
    // generate the authentication url where you can sign in & get your access token
    let authUrl = client.authUrl(for: .mailAll + .sheets) // authenticate for full access to mail & spreadsheets
    print ("sign in here & paste the code from the link below: \(authUrl)") // open the url in a browser
    	Once you sign off on the permissions, google will redirect you to the url you specified in the client secret
    	If you don't have a server listening, you can just extract the code & paste it here, and you will get your access & refresh tokens
    	The code will be in the url query like: http://localhost:8080?code=abcdefg&scope=blahblah
    	Paste `abcdefg` below
    let code = readLine(strippingNewline: true)!
    let accessToken = try client.fetchToken(fromCode: code).wait() // will exchange code for access & refresh tokens
    print("got access token: \($0)")
    /* You can now use this access token for sheets or gmail */
    try JSONEncoder().encode(accessToken).write(to: pathToToken) // save the token as a JSON
    • To continually ensure you have an active token, you can create a factory. New tokens are fetched using the refresh token whenever one expires. Do note, that refresh tokens never expire, they stop working whenever the user revokes access to your GCP project.
    // get your client secret
    let client: GoogleOAuthClient = try .loading(from: pathToSecret)
    // create an authentication factory using the access token & secret
    let authFactory = try client.factory(usingAccessToken: .loading(fromJSONAt: pathToToken))
    Use authFactory as your access mediator when accessing APIs. 
    This will ensure you always have an active access token
  4. To authenticate using a Service Account:
    • Create a service account or use one you already have, learn about creating one here.
    • Download the credentials of said service account.
    import Queenfisher
    let pathToAcc = URL(fileURLWithPath: "Path/to/service_account.json")
    let serviceAcc: GoogleServiceAccount = try .loading(fromJSONAt: pathToAcc)
    let authFactory = serviceAcc.factory (forScope: .sheets) // get authentication for sheets
    Use authFactory as your access mediator when accessing APIs. 
    This will ensure you always have an active access token


  • Create an instance
     import Queenfisher
     import Promises
     // create an authentication factory using the access token & secret
     // make sure your token has access to GMail
     // do note, service accounts cannot access GMail unless with GSuite accounts
     let client: GoogleOAuthClient = try .loading(from: pathToSecret)
     let authFactory = try client.factory(usingAccessToken: .loading(fromJSONAt: pathToToken))
     let gmail: GMail = .init(using: authFactory)
     let profile = try gmail.profile().wait()
     print ("Oh hello: \(profile.emailAddress)") // print email address
  • Listing emails
     gmail.list() // lists all messages in inbox, sent & drafts ordered by timestamp
     .map {
     	print ("got \($0.resultSizeEstimate) messages")
     	if let messages = $0.messages {
     		for m in messages { // metadata of messages
     			print ("id: \(")
    You can refine your search by specifying query parameters mentioned here. For example:
     gmail.list(q: "is:unread") // lists all unread messages
     gmail.list(q: "subject:permission") // subject contains the word `permission`
     gmail.list(q: "from:[email protected]") // all emails from this email address
  • Reading emails
     gmail.list() // lists all messages in inbox, sent & drafts ordered by timestamp
     .flatMap { gmail.get(id: $0.messages![0].id, format: .full) } // get the first email received
     .map { 
     	print ("email from: \($0.from!)") 
     	print ("email subject: \($0.subject!)") 
     	print ("email snippet: \($0.snippet!)") 
    Dive deeper into the GMail.Message class to get the attachements & the entire text of the email.
  • Sending emails
     let attachFile = URL(fileURLWithPath: "Path/to/fave_image.jpeg")
     let mail: GMail.Message = .init(to: [ .namedEmail("Myself & I", profile.emailAddress) ],
     								subject: "Hello",
     								text: "My name <b>Jeff</b>.",
     								attachments: [ try! .attachment(fileAt: attachFile) ])
     gmail.send (message: mail)
     .whenComplete { print ("yay sent mail with ID: \($") }
     .whenFailure { print ("error in sending: \($0)") }
    The text in emails must be some html text.
  • Replying to emails
     let profile = try await(gmail.profile()) // get profile
     .flatMap { gmail.get(id: $0.messages![0].id, format: .full) } // get the first email received
     .flatMap { message -> EventLoopFuture<GMail.Message> in
     	let isMailFromMe = $0.from!.email == profile.emailAddress // determine if the email was sent by me
     	let reply: GMail.Message = GMail.Message(replyingTo: message, 
     											fromMe: isMailFromMe, 
     											text: "Wow this is a reply")!
     	return gmail.send (message: reply)
     .whenComplete { print ("yay sent reply with ID: \($") }
  • Fetching Emails
     // fetch unread emails every 60 seconds
     // note: once a mail is forwarded to this handler, it will not be forwarded again in the future
     gmail.fetch(over: .seconds(60), q: "is:unread") { result in
     	switch result {
     	case .success(let messages):
     		print ("got \(messages.count) new messages")
     	case .failure(let error):
     		print("Oh no, got an error: \(error)")
  • Misc Tasks
     	gmail.markRead (id: idOfTheMessage)
     	.whenComplete { print ("yay read mail with ID: \($") }
     	gmail.trash (id: idOfTheMessage)
     	.whenComplete { print ("yay trashed mail with ID: \($") }
     	gmail.modify (id: idOfTheMessage, adddingLabelIds: ["UNREAD"]) // effectively mark an email as unread
     	.whenComplete { print ("yay modified mail with ID: \($") }

Sheets API

  • Getting a Spreadsheet:
     import Queenfisher
     import NIO
     // create an authentication factory using the access token & secret
     // make sure your token has access to GMail
     // do note, service accounts cannot access GMail unless with GSuite accounts
     let client: GoogleOAuthClient = try .loading(from: pathToSecret)
     let authFactory = try client.factory(usingAccessToken: .loading(fromJSONAt: pathToToken))
     let spreadsheetId = "abcdefghi" // insert actual spreadsheet ID
     let spreadsheet: Spreadsheet = try .get(spreadsheetId, using: authFactory).wait ()
     print("Got spreadsheet '\(', sheets: \({$}))") 
  • Writing rows to a spreadsheet:
     // get the sheet ID, it's the unique ID for every sheet, you'll need it for almost all operations
     let sheetId = spreadsheet.sheet (forTitle: "Sheet 1")!.properties.sheetId!
     let rows = [
     	["hello", "this", "is", "jeff"],
     	["yes", "my", "name", "jeff"],
     	["of course", "this", "is", "jeff"]
     // write these rows to the start of the spreadsheet
     spreadsheet.writeRows (sheetId: sheetId, rows: rows, starting: .cell(0,0))
     .whenComplete { _ in print ("yay done") }
  • Appending rows to a spreadsheet:
     // get the sheet ID, it's the unique ID for every sheet, you'll need it for almost all operations
     let sheetId = spreadsheet.sheet (forTitle: "Sheet 1")!.properties.sheetId!
     let rows = [
     	["wow", "more", "rows", "!"],
     	["yes", "this", "is", "great"]
     // append these rows after the last row with data in the sheet
     spreadsheet.appendRows (sheetId: sheetId, rows: rows)
     .whenComplete { _ in print ("yay done") }
  • Reading from a spreadsheet:
     let sheetId = spreadsheet.sheet (forTitle: "Sheet 1")!.properties.sheetId!
  (sheetId: sheetId)
     .whenComplete { print ("\($0.values)") }
     /* or if you want to read a specific range */ (sheetId: sheetId, range: (.row(1), .row(5))) // read all columns in row index 1 to 5
     .whenComplete { print ("\($0.values)") }
  • Inserting empty rows/columns into a sheet:
     spreadsheet.insert(sheetId: sheetId, range: 2..<4, dimension: .columns) // insert 2 columns at index 2
     .whenComplete { _ in print ("yay inserted") }
  • Appending empty rows/columns into a sheet:
     spreadsheet.append(sheetId: sheetId, size: 3, dimension: .columns) // append 3 columns
     .whenComplete { _ in print ("yay appended") }
  • Moving rows/columns in a sheet:
     spreadsheet.move(sheetId: sheetId, range: 2..<3, to: 2, to: 1, dimension: .rows) // move rows 2-3 to index 1
     .whenComplete { _ in print ("yay moved") }
  • Deleting rows/columns in a sheet:
     spreadsheet.delete(sheetId: sheetId, range: 2..<3, to: 2, dimension: .rows) // deletes rows at indexes 2-3
     .whenComplete { _ in print ("yay deleted") }
  • Adding rows/columns in a sheet:
     spreadsheet.create(title: "Name of the sheet", dimensions: .init(rowCount: 10, columnCount: 5))
     .whenComplete { print ("yay created with ID: \($0.replies.first!.addSheet!.properties!.sheetId)") }
  • Deleting a sheet from a spreadsheet:
     spreadsheet.delete(sheetId: sheetId)
     .whenComplete { _ in print ("yay deleted") }
  • Clearing a sheet:
     spreadsheet.clear(sheetId: sheetId) // will delete all data in the sheet
     .whenComplete { _ in print ("yay cleared") }

Haven't documented IndexedSheet & AtomicSheet yet :/


Cross-platform Google APIs for Swift built on Codable & NIO







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