The XYO Foundation provides this source code available in our efforts to advance the understanding of the XYO Procotol and its possible uses. We continue to maintain this software in the interest of developer education. Usage of this source code is not intended for production.
A library to perform all basic XYO Network functions. This includes creating an origin chain, maintaining an origin chain, negotiations for talking to other nodes, and other basic functionality. The library has heavily abstracted modules so that all operations will work with any crypto, storage, networking, etc.
You can add sdk-core-c to your existing app by cloning the project, building the library, and linking it into your project.
git clone [email protected]:XYOracleNetwork/sdk-core-c.git
cd sdk-core-c
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
This should compile a XYO library in the `build` folder.
To install the project run sudo make install
- C compiler
- Cmake
- Arie Trouw
See the LICENSE file for license details.
Made with 🔥and ❄️ by XYO