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Data Toolbox

PkR edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 10 revisions

Data Toolbox is a set of tools to work with binary files.

Table of Contents

Using Data Toolbox

The main window has a tab cotrol. Each tab is a different tool. The following settings are shared across multiple tools:

  • Offset/Data Offset is the number of bytes trimmed from the beginning of the binary file. At the moment it is only needed for the X360 version, where the offset is 0xC800.
  • Ninja ASCII is an alternative way to export models and animations (motions and actions) as C structs. It outputs NJA/NAM files like in the Dreamcast SDK.

Binary Data Extractor

This tool lets you extract a single data item (level, model or action) from a binary file.

Binary Data Extractor

  • Address is the location of the item in the file. The Memory Address checkbox lets you use the memory pointer (key + actual address in the file) instead.

Struct Converter

This tool lets you convert levels, models and animations to C structs. Models and animations can also be exported as Ninja ASCII, and animations can be exported as JSON. You can use drag-and-drop to add files to the list.

Struct Converter


This tool lets you extract data from a single binary file based on a template supplied with SA Tools. Select the base template and add files to split. You can use drag-and-drop to add files to the list.


  • The Labels combo box lets you configure labels in SAModel files:
  1. Address-based labels will name items by their address, e.g. object_0014AC3C for an NJS_OBJECT located at 0x0014AC3C.
  2. Full labels will name items using a label database. We have labels for the X360 prototype (SonicApp.exe only) and partial labels for sonic.exe in the 2004 PC port. When labels aren't found in the database, address-based labels will be used instead.
  3. No labels will strip all metadata from the files. This will reduce their size but item names will be based on the item's location in the model file, not the original binary file.


This tool lets you extract data from SA2/SA2B *MDL and *MTN files.



This tool lets you scan through a binary file to find different types of data in it.


  • The Base Game combo box sets game-specific settings such as landtable format, reversed color order for SADX Gamecube or Endianness.
  • Start Address and End Address can be used if you want to scan a specific section in the file.
  • Skip Metadata will strip all metadata from the files. This will reduce their size but item names will be based on the item's location in the model file, not the original binary file.
  • When the Keep Level Models checkbox is checked, the scanner will not delete models found to be part of a Landtable.
  • When the Keep Child Models checkbox is checked, the scanner will not delete models found to be part of another model.
  • The Basic+ Models checkbox makes the Basic model scanner look for Basic+ models (SADX PC/SADX X360) instead of regular Basic models (SA1 DC, SADX Gamecube).
  • Simple Scan uses a less strict check to determine whether model data is valid.
  • Short Rotation treats rotation value in Motions as short instead of int. Some Chao animations use this.
  • The Nodes numberic box lets you set the minimum number of nodes to scan for in motions. Motions with less nodes will be discarded. Set the value to 0 to find all motions.
  • In Find Model mode, the scanner will scan for models similar to the input model. At the moment only Basic and Basic+ models are supported.

See Data Locations on how to find data in binary files.

Label Tool

This tool lets you import and export labels embedded into SAModel files using external .salabel files. LabelTool

  • The Export Labels radio button makes the tool save all embedded labels to .salabel files.
  • Cheking the Erase Internal Labels checkbox will make the tool clear embedded labels after exporting them. This can be used to reduce the size of SAModel files.
  • The Import Labels radio button overwrites embedded labels in SAModel files with labels found in .salabel files.
  • Checking the Delete Label Files checkbox will make the tool remove the .salabel files after reading labels from them.

Data Locations

Model Locations in SADX (PC, 2004)

Unlike many other games that store models in special archives or as separate files, Sonic Adventure has levels and models compiled directly into the game's code. This carried over to the ports too, and the file structure is different depending on the version of the game. In the 2004 PC port, the majority of levels and models are in sonic.exe, but some assets are also stored in DLL files in the system folder. If you're looking for something specific you need to know which file it is, so first let's have a look at the file structure.

DLLs in the system Folder

File Contents
ADV00MODELS.DLL Station Square level and NPC models
ADV01MODELS.DLL Egg Carrier (outside) level models and objects
ADV01CMODELS.DLL Egg Carrier (inside) level models and objects
ADV02MODELS.DLL Mystic Ruins level models and objects
ADV03MODELS.DLL Mystic Ruins Past level models, objects and NPCs
BOSSCHAOS0MODELS.DLL Chaos 0 boss, Chaos 0 level model and some objects
CHRMODELS_orig.DLL Playable characters
CHAOSTGGARDEN02MR_DAYTIME.DLL Mystic Ruins Garden (Day) level model
CHAOSTGGARDEN02MR_EVENING.DLL Mystic Ruins Garden (Evening) level model
CHAOSTGGARDEN02MR_NIGHT.DLL Mystic Ruins Garden (Night) level model

Everything else is in sonic.exe.

Model Locations in SA1 (Dreamcast)

The Dreamcast version is a little easier to look through than the PC port because each stage is compiled into a separate binary. Character models, common objects, badniks etc. are located in 1ST_READ.BIN, key 8C010000. Stage-specific objects use the corresponding stage binary. All binaries except 1ST_READ.BIN are PRS compressed. The following stage files are used:

Action Stages ("STG" Files)

Filename Key Description
STG00 C900000 Hedgehog Hammer
STG01 C900000 Emerald Coast
STG02 C900000 Windy Valley
STG03 C900000 Twinkle Park
STG04 C900000 Speed Highway
STG05 C900000 Red Mountain
STG06 C900000 Sky Deck
STG07 C900000 Lost World
STG08 C900000 Ice Cap
STG09 C900000 Casinopolis
STG10 C900000 Final Egg
STG12 C900000 Hot Shelter

Adventure Fields ("ADV" Files)

Filename Key Description
ADV00 C900000 Station Square
ADV0100 C920000 Egg Carrier (outside)
ADV0130 C920000 Egg Carrier (inside)
ADV02 C900000 Mystic Ruins
ADV03 C900000 Mystic Ruins (Past)

Bosses ("B" Files)

Filename Key Description
B_CHAOS0 C900000 Chaos 0
B_CHAOS2 C900000 Chaos 2
B_CHAOS4 C900000 Chaos 4
B_CHAOS6 C900000 Chaos 6
B_CHAOS7 C900000 Perfect Chaos
B_E101 C900000 E-101 Beta
B_E101_R C900000 E-101 MK II
B_EGM1 C900000 Egg Hornet
B_EGM2 C900000 Egg Walker
B_EGM3 C900000 Egg Viper

Chao ("AL" files)

Filename Key Description
AL_MAIN C900000 Chao body and related models
AL_RACE CB80000 Chao Stadium and Chao Race
AL_GARDEN00 CB80000 Station Square Garden
AL_GARDEN01 CB80000 Egg Carrier Garden
AL_GARDEN02 CB80000 Mystic Ruins Garden

Other files

Filename Key Description
ADVERTISE 8C900000 Title screen, Super Sonic question mark
MINICART C900000 Twinkle Circuit
SBOARD C900000 Sand Hill
SHOOTING C900000 Sky Chase
EV.... CB80000 Cutscenes
A_MOT CC00000 Amy�s animations
B_MOT CC00000 Big's animations
E_MOT CC00000 Gamma's animations
K_MOT CC00000 Knuckles' animations
S_MOT CC00000 Sonic's animations
S_SBMOT CB08000 Snowboard animations (Sonic)