- stat shadowman.player - list player info
- stat - list AI information
freecam - allows you to fly around with a free camera that isn't attached to the player
god - makes the player invincible so their health cannot go down
demigod - makes the player invincible so their health can go down but cannot reach 0
infiniteammo - toggles infinite ammo on or off
givehealth - fully heals the player
givedarksoul <soul level between 0 and 10> - sets your dark soul level to the amount specified
freezegamelogic - freezes the game's logic
givetedpoints - unlocks all teddy warps
giveinv - gives the player the specified item
- giveinv -1 - gives the player all items
- giveinv 1 - gives the player an Accumulator
- giveinv 2 - gives the player the Asson
- giveinv 3 - gives the player the Baton
- giveinv 4 - gives the player the Book of Shadows
- giveinv 5 - gives the player a Cadeaux
- giveinv 6 - gives the player the Calabash
- giveinv 7 - gives the player the Handgun
- giveinv 8 - ???
- giveinv 9 - gives the player the Engineer's Key
- giveinv 10 - gives the player the Enseigne
- giveinv 11 - gives the player the Flambeau
- giveinv 12 - gives the player the 0.9-SMG
- giveinv 13 - gives the player the MP909
- giveinv 14 - gives the player the Flashlight
- giveinv 15 - ???
- giveinv 16 - gives the player the L'Eclipser: La Lune
- giveinv 17 - gives the player the L'Eclipser: La Lame
- giveinv 18 - gives the player the Marteau
- giveinv 19 - ???
- giveinv 20 - gives the player a Prism
- giveinv 21 - gives the player the Key Card
- giveinv 22 - gives the player The Prophecy
- giveinv 23 - gives the player a Retractor
- giveinv 24 - gives the player Jack's Journal
- giveinv 25 - gives the player the Handgun
- giveinv 26 - gives the player the Shotgun
- giveinv 27 - ???
- giveinv 28 - gives the player the L'Eclipser: Le Soleil
- giveinv 29 - gives the player the Teddy Bear
- giveinv 30 - gives the player the Violator (and the second violator if you type it again)
givevoodoo <amount between 0 and 100> - sets the player's voodoo power (orange bar) to the specified amount
givecadeaux <amount between -666 and 666> - gives the player the specified amount of cadeaux
giveammo9mm <amount between -100 and 100> - gives the player the specified amount of 9mm ammo
giveammoshotgun <amount between -12 and 12> - gives the player the specified amount of shotgun ammo
giveammoviolator <amount between -250 and 250> - gives the player the specified amount of violator ammo
- givegad 0 - removes all gads
- givegad 1 -
- givegad 2 -
- givegad 3 -
- givegad 4 - gives the player poigne and gad 1
- givegad 5 - gives the player poigne and gad 2
- givegad 6 - gives the player poigne and gad 3
- givegad 7 - gives the player poigne and gad 4
setpos - sets the players position
jumpsector <increment number, either -1 or 1> - teleports the player to another sector
con_showfps <0 or 1> - shows your FPS in the top right
g_freezeai <0 or 1> - freezes AI in place
r_hideaimeshes <0 or 1> - makes AI meshes invisible (doesn't affect projectiles)
r_showaievents <0 or 1> - display AI events
r_showAIPath <0 or 1> - display AI path network
r_hidetransparentsurfaces <0 or 1> - hide translucent surfaces
r_showobjectbounds <0 or 1> - display object bounding boxes
r_showobjectorigins <0 or 1> - display object origins
r_showdetectboxes <0 or 1> - display detect boxes
r_showspecialtriggers <0 or 1> - display special trigger boxes
r_showleafs <0 or 1> - display leafs (not sure what these are but it appears to be some kind of level geometry)
r_showcollisionballs <0 or 1> - display object collision balls
g_wireframemode <0 or 1> - shows the world as a wireframe which allows you to see through walls and see what areas and enemies are currently loaded