a simple application to see some movies. Swift - IOS11
I created this application because I was bored, and I like to spend my free time studing or doing stuffs like this app, I did that using themoviedb api.
I would like to improve this app or do a bigger one but that is all that I can do in my free time.
See more apps as that on my github profile.
List of genres
List of Movies by genre
- This endpoint you must send a genre identifier to receive all movies related with that.
I did that using this pods:
- Alamofire
- AlamofireImage
- XCDYouTubeKit
The architeture that I saw most useful for this project was MVP (Model View Presenter), I chose this because in the future I gonna implement more tests and with this I can manipulate layer by layer.
I might have a coverage near by than 90%
- themoviedb to have this rest api ready for use.