0.0.1 For all systems
This is early alpha and is only ment as a full scale demo
Open Source Arduino Securty system- Website & Python - Stephen Jones Moible app & Arduino - Wil Permenter
Files Arduino Files - Free to edit ( Infact currently you have to ) Unless you do the exact same set up as us. And it is poorly documented. Look though code to find out what goes where. Moible app - All you have to change is the email that you set up for your bot. Re compile , test, then build APK Python Files - Figure out Serial Port - If using Lunix ," Sudo ls /dev/tty * " If on windows [System.IO.Ports.SerialPort]::getportnames() and find out what one it is. Website - This is our project website. You can dig though it if you want but If you deploy it change it. Plz
Disclamer: As stated by MIT License We are not responsable if you break any thing. This securty system is a fun project and should not be relied on for persanal safty.