npm install -g nativescript typescript webpack
tns create app-name --template tns-template-webpack-ts-vue
cd app-name
npm install
npm run watch:android
NativeScript is a way to build Cross-Platform application.
- The rendering part is binded to native element for Android and iOS platforms. It means everytime something is rendered, it does render a native element within a native view on the device, there is no webview involved.
- The applicative part is JavaScript run by a VM (v8 on Android, and JavaScriptCore on iOS )
Webpack is the module Bundler which preprocess everything and bundle within few files the whole application. It improves performance of application by removing unecessary file loads.
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript.
PUG (former Jade) is a XML preprocessor using indentation to structure elements
SCSS is a style preprocessor adding support for variables, mixins, etc...