The major changes since the previous release include a full revision of charting, substantial changes to annotations, and an improved process for uploading files to BALSA. Otherwise, there are many minor updates and bug fixes.
- Chart View fully revised to include a layer-like system and support for histograms and for charts from many more file types
- Improved and expanded options for control of axes
- Old version of charting remains for compatibility with older scenes
- Improved aspect locking with notifications
- Warn if annotation text is too small
- Added new coordinate space for adding annotations in the new version of charting
- Line thickness maximum removed and line thickness scales with tab height
BALSA compatibility (BALSA = Brain Analysis Library of Spatial Maps and Atlases database for sharing analyzed data as WB scenes)
- Improved dialog for uploading scene file to BALSA with ability to create and edit BALSA study names
- Scene Identifiers are requested from BALSA and added to the scene file after successful upload of a scene file to BALSA
- Added automatic detection of the base path (for recreating directory structure of shared datasets)
- Scenes window revised, including ability to save scene files directly without using Save/Manage Files
- Added List Files... button to show all data files referenced by a scene file
- Scenes reload a file if the version on disk has been modified since loaded into memory
- Warn if there are modified files prior to loading a scene
- Volume attributes (crosshairs, labels, etc.) are saved to scenes
- Volume surface outline scales with tab height
- Improved sform support of non LPI oriented files
- Warn if a NIFTI volume file contains invalid qform and sform
- Added masking option for oblique slice drawing so that edge effects from cubic interpolation can be hidden
- Window->Identify... cifti index now uses 1-based indexing
- Reading of GIFTI RGBA files is now supported
- Upgraded to Qt 5.7 and compilers that support C++11. Using Qt 5.7 may help with some "XCB errors" encountered on Linux
Overlay Settings
- Added thresholding of Overlay Layers using data from another data file and map
- Added inversion of Palettes for brainordinate coloring
Changes to existing behavior:
- corrected qform calculation in oblique or unusual orientation volume files (workbench prefers sform, and pipelines use standard orientations, so this rarely affects users)
- built against QT5, on newer OSes for mac and linux
- surface to volume mapping defaults have changed for less overshoot and sharper results (volume to surface defaults are unchanged, but has option available for sharper results)
- volume to surface myelin mapping method has been fixed to use the cylindrical cutoff described in the paper, with a new option to restore the old unintended behavior
- -*-stats commands now use multi-map roi files to output multiple columns of stats
New notable features:
- override map index for yoking group in -show-scene, give error message on command failure
- tab completion for wb_command (extensive) and wb_shortcuts (basic) in bash
- acceleration of correlation by use of SIMD instructions - thanks to Kristian Loewe
- ability to write smaller low-precision cifti using integer datatypes and scaling
- new -*-label-probability commands
- new strain-based surface and volume distortion measures
- generates warnings when writing files with incorrect extensions
- wb_shortcuts concatenate functions don't fail with "unbound variable"
- -cifti-merge-dense fixed for volume label data
- -cifti-parcel-mapping-to-label help corrected
- -cifti-create-dense-from-template handling of -cifti with voxel data
- GEO_GAUSS and GEO_GAUSS_EQUAL smoothing methods now use the corrected vertex areas in their distance computation (GEO_GAUSS_AREA, the default, recommended method, already used them)