A curated list of awesome Editor.js tools, libraries and resources.
Inspired by the awesome list. Feel free to improve this list by contributing!
- @editorjs/paragraph β text block base tool
- @editorjs/header β header block
- @editorjs/quote β tool for quotes
- @editorjs/warning β warning tool can be used as editorials notifications or appeals
- @editorjs/delimiter β delimiter tool
- editorjs-alert - tool for adding colorful alert messages
- paragraph-with-alignment - text block base tool with alignment control. FYI editorjs-alignment-blocktune
- header-with-anchor - header block with the ability to set an anchor text
- @editorjs/list β ordered or unordered (bulleted) lists
- @editor-js/nested-list β Multi-leveled lists
- @editorjs/checklist β checklists for your texts
- @editorjs/image β image block
- @editorjs/simple-image β add images to article by pasting image URLs. no server-side uploader required
- @editorjs/link β link with preview
- @editorjs/attaches β attach files to your article
- @editorjs/embed β pasted patterns handling and inserts iframe with embedded content
- simple-image-editorjs β fork of the SimpleImage repository. It adds in extra functionality such as a toolbar to add images (rather than just drag and drop) and uses blob URL's to improve memory usage
- editorjs-github-gist-plugin β add Github Gists to Editor.js
- editorjs-social-post-plugin β embed uploaded posts from different social media platforms to Editor.js
- editorjs-inline-image β embed images from image files, URLs or Unsplash
- mr8bit/carousel-editorjs β Carousel/Gallery Block for the Editor.js
- mdgaziur/EditorJS-LaTeX β LaTeX block support for EditorJS
- @editorjs/table β table constructor tool
- editorjs-table - Table contructor tool with great editing row/column options.
- @editorjs/code β tools for code examples
- @editorjs/raw β include raw HTML code to your article
- editor-js-code β a fork of Code Tool for the Editor.js that allows to include code examples along with language codes that are supported by PrismJs in your articles
- editorjs-codemirror β Code Mirror for the Editor.js allows to include code examples in your articles.
- @bomdi/codebox β code syntax highlighting tool for Editor.js
- editorjs-button β Create a button with a link and text.
- editorjs-layout β Layout block tool for Editor.js.
- @editorjs/marker β tool for highlighting text-fragments
- @editorjs/inline-code β tool for marking monospace code-fragments
- @editorjs/underline β underlining text fragments
- editorjs-hyperlink β A tool link with target & rel attribute for Editor.js
- editorjs-inline-spoiler-tool β inline text spoiler
- editorjs-inline-tool β create an inline tool for (editorjs.io) with text formatting tags (eg. bold, strong, em, u, ...)
- editorjs-inline β Inline-Editor.js Tool for Editor.js
- editorjs-inline-template β Inline-template Tool for Editor.js
- editorjs-style β Inline-style Tool for Editor.js
- editorjs-alignment-blocktune β Add text alignment to any Block Tools.
- editorjs-anchor β Add anchor field to any Block Tools
- editorjs-drag-drop β Drag/Drop feature for Editor.js
- editorjs-undo β Undo/Redo feature for Editor.js
- editorjs-markdown-parser - Two plugins which allow you to export/import Markdown file
- editorjs-parser β a library to parse Editorjs clean data to HTML in Node and Browser
- editorjs-html β a utility to parse editorjs clean data to HTML
- vue-editor-js β editor.js for Vue users
- react-editor-js β the unofficial editor-js component for React
- @stfy/react-editor.js β React wrapper component for Editor.js
- editorjs-blocks-react-renderer - React component to render blocks to semantic HTML5 tags
- @tinynodes/ngx-editorjs β This library provides Angular support for EditorJS.
- editorjs-php β server-side data validation, HTML sanitization and convertation output JSON to the Block objects
- orchid-editorjs-field
- yii2-editorjs-widget β Editor.js widget for Yii 2
- EditorjsBundle β Symfony bundle for Editor.js
- editorjs2html β Convert blocks of editorjs into html. The parser has been written in php
- nova-editor-js β Editor JS field for Laravel Nova
- codex-to-html β Converter EditorJS JSON to HTML
- magento2-editorjs β Editor.js module for Magento 2
- django-editorjs-fields β Django admin plugin for using Editor.js
- editor_js β it validates, parses, and renders content from editorjs
- micheleriva/editorjs-go β Fast markdown/HTML generator for Editor.js
- davidscottmills/goeditorjs - An extensible HTML/markdown generator for editorjs.
- editor.js-kit-ios - iOS framework for parsing and rendering blocks
- editor.js-kit-android - Android framework for parsing and rendering blocks
- Front Editor - Front Editor plugin for WordPress
- EditorJS - Backend formwidget for OctoberCMS
- editorjs.io β offical docs
- Tutorial: Integrating Editor.js into your react application
- Tutorial: Creating a custom editorjs block tool with React
- editorjs-examples β Examples of using Editor.js
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- β djit.su β hyper-reactive notebook interface
- Poda β Project planning and roadmaping
- Walkthrough - Write great codelab style tutorials.
- Unicorn Platform - Create landing pages and write blogs.
- Slid - Video note-taking tool for online learners.
- CodeX Docs β documentation engine
- CodeX Media β platform for building modern website for educational or media organizations
- CodeX Notes β crossplatform desktop notes application based on Electron and Editor.js
- OmniaWrite.com β a text editor engineered for creative writing
- automad.org β a flat-file content management system and template engine
- Noter - A State of the Art realtime and collaborative note taking platform