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Re-write default handling and supply default values. (#60)
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This PR rewrites the formalization of defaults. Specifically:
- We now distinguish between built-ins (non-overridable) and defaults (what you get without an explicit config).
- The defaults are all allow-lists (rather than block-lists, or so).
- Specifies what the defaults and baseline might be.
otherdaniel authored Mar 23, 2021
1 parent 51122f4 commit 3be8e05
Showing 5 changed files with 1,400 additions and 106 deletions.
257 changes: 151 additions & 106 deletions
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@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ HTML in the "real" DOM. Moreover, the libraries need to keep on top of
browsers' changing behavior over time; things that once were safe may turn
into time-bombs based on new platform-level features.

The browser, on the other, has an fairly good idea of when it is going to
The browser has a fairly good idea of when it is going to
execute code. We can improve upon the user-space libraries by teaching the
browser how to render HTML from an arbitrary string in a safe manner, and do
so in a way that is much more likely to be maintained and updated along with
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ Framework {#framework}

The core API is the `Sanitizer` object and the sanitize method. Sanitizers can
be instantiated using an optional `SanitizerConfig` dictionary for options.
The most common use-case - preventing XSS - is handled by the built-in default
lists, so that creating a Sanitizer with a custom config is necessary only to
The most common use-case - preventing XSS - is handled by default,
so that creating a Sanitizer with a custom config is necessary only to
handle additional, application-specific use cases.

<pre class="idl">
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ handle additional, application-specific use cases.

* The constructor creates a Sanitizer instance.
It retains a copy of |config| as its [=configuration=] object.
It retains a copy of |config| as its [=configuration object=].
* The `sanitize` method runs the [=sanitize=] algorithm on |input|,
* The `sanitizeToString` method runs the [=sanitizeToString=] algorithm on |input|.

@@ -169,7 +169,10 @@ Note: Sanitizing a string will use the [=HTML Parser=] to parse the input,
## The Configuration Dictionary {#config}

The <dfn lt="configuration">sanitizer's configuration object</dfn> is a
dictionary which describes modifications to the sanitize operation.
dictionary which describes modifications to the sanitize operation. If a
Sanitizer has not received an explicit configuration, for example when being
constructed without any parameters, then the [=default configuration=] value
is used as the configuration object.

<pre class="idl">
dictionary SanitizerConfig {
@@ -265,60 +268,65 @@ Examples for attributes and attribute match lists:

## Algorithms {#algorithms}

To <dfn lt="sanitize document fragment">sanitize a document fragment</dfn> named |fragment| using |sanitizer| run these steps:
To <dfn>sanitize</dfn> a given |input|, run these steps:

1. run [=create a document fragment=] algorithm on the |input|.
2. run the [=sanitize a document fragment=] algorithm on the resulting fragment,
3. and return its result.

To <dfn>sanitizeToString</dfn> a given |input|, run these steps:

1. let |m| be a map that maps nodes to {'keep', 'block', 'drop'}.
1. run [=create a document fragment=] algorithm on the |input|.
2. run the [=sanitize=] algorithm on the resulting fragment,
3. run the steps of the [=HTML Fragment Serialization Algorithm=] with
the fragment root of step 1 as the |node|, and return the result string.

To <dfn>create a document fragment</dfn>
named |fragment| from a Sanitizer |input|, run these steps:

1. Switch based on |input|'s type:
1. if |input| is of type {{DocumentFragment}}, then:
1. let |node| refer to |input|.
2. if |input| is of type {{Document}}, then:
1. let |node| refer to |input|'s `documentElement`.
3. if |input| is of type `DOMString`, then:
1. let |node| be the result of the {{parseFromString}} algorithm
with |input| as first parameter (`string`),
and `"text/html"` as second parameter (`type`).
2. Let |clone| be the result of running [=clone a node=] on |node| with the
`clone children flag` set to `true`.
3. Let `f` be the result of {{createDocumentFragment}}.
4. [=Append=] the node |clone| to the parent |f|.
5. Return |f|.

Issue(WICG/sanitizer-api#42): It's unclear whether we can assume a generic
context for {{parseFromString}}, or if we need to re-work the API to take
the insertion context of the created fragment into account.

To <dfn>sanitize a document fragment</dfn> named |fragment| run these steps:

1. let |m| be a map that maps nodes to a [=sanitize action=]
2. let |nodes| be a list containing the [=inclusive descendants=] of |fragment|, in [=tree order=].
3. [=list/iterate|for each=] |node| in |nodes|:
1. call [=sanitize a node=] and insert |node| and the result value into |m|
4. [=list/iterate|for each=] |node| in |nodes|:
1. if m[node] is 'drop', remove the |node| and all children from |fragment|.
2. if m[node] is 'block', replace the |node| with all of its element and text node children from |fragment|.
3. if m[node] is undefined or 'keep', do nothing.
1. if m[node] is `drop`, remove the |node| and all children from |fragment|.
2. if m[node] is `block`, replace the |node| with all of its element and text node children from |fragment|.
3. if m[node] is `keep`, do nothing.

To <dfn>sanitize a node</dfn> named |node| run these steps:

1. if |node| is an element node, call [=sanitize an element=] and return its result.
2. return 'keep'

To <dfn>sanitize an element</dfn> named |element|, run these steps:
1. let |config| be the Sanitizer's [=effective configuration=].
2. if |node| is an element node:
1. let |element| be |node|'s element.
2. [=list/iterate|for each=] |attr| in |element|'s [=Element/attribute list=]:
1. determine the [=sanitize action=] that |config| assigns to the |element| and |attr| pair.
2. if the result is different from `keep`, remove |attr| from |element|.
3. run the steps to [=handle funky elements=] on |element|.
4. return the [=sanitize action=] that |config| assigns to |element|.
3. otherwise, return 'keep'

1. let |config| be the |sanitizer|'s [=configuration=] dictionary.
2. let |name| be |element|'s tag name.
3. if |name| is a [=valid custom element name=] and if |config|'s
[=allow custom elements option=] is unset or set to anything other than `true`, return 'drop'.
4. if |name| is contained in the built-in [=default element drop list=] return 'drop'.
5. if |name| is in |config|'s [=element drop list=] return 'drop'.
6. if |name| is contained in the built-in [=default element block list=] return 'block'.
7. if |name| is in |config|'s [=element block list=] return 'block'.
8. if |config| has a non-empty [=element allow list=] and |name| is not in |config|'s [=element allow list=] return 'block'
9. [=list/iterate|for each=] |attr| in |element|'s [=Element/attribute list=]:
1. call [=sanitize an attribute=] with |attr|'s name and |element|'s local name.
2. if the result is different from 'keep', remove |attr| from |element|.
10. run the steps of [=handle funky elements=] algorithm on |element|.
11. return 'keep'

Issue: This presently ignores all namespace info, making it impossible to
support different actions for like-named elements from different

To <dfn>sanitize an attribute</dfn> named |attr| belonging to |element|, run these steps:

1. let |config| be the |sanitizer|'s [=configuration=] dictionary.
2. if |attr| and |element| [=attribute-match=] the built-in [=default attribute drop list=] return 'drop'.
3. if |attr| and |element| [=attribute-match=] the |config|'s [=attribute drop list=] return 'drop'.
4. if |config| has a non-empty [=attribute allow list=] and |attr| and |element| do not [=attribute-match=] the |config|'s [=attribute allow list=] return 'drop'.
5. return 'keep'.

To determine whether an |attribute| and |element| <dfn>attribute-match</dfn> an [=attribute match list=] |list|, run these steps:

1. let |attr-name| be |attribute|'s local name.
2. let |elem-name| be |element|'s local name.
3. if |list| does not contain a key |attr-name|, return false.
4. let |matches| be the value of |list|[|attr-name|].
3. if |matches| contains the string |elem-name|, return true.
4. if |matches| contains the string "*", return true.
5. return false.
Issue: What about comment nodes, CDATA, etc. ?

Some HTML elements require special treatment in a way that can't be easily
expressed in terms of configuration options or other algorithms. The following
@@ -341,76 +349,113 @@ run these steps:
1. if |element|'s `formaction` attribute is a [[URL]] with `javascript:`
protocol, remove the `formaction` attribute.

To <dfn>create a document fragment</dfn>
named |fragment| from a Sanitizer |input|, run these steps:

1. Switch based on |input|'s type:
1. if |input| is of type {{DocumentFragment}}, then:
1. let |node| refer to |input|.
2. if |input| is of type {{Document}}, then:
1. let |node| refer to |input|'s `documentElement`.
3. if |input| is of type `DOMString`, then:
1. let |node| be the result of the {{parseFromString}} algorithm
with |input| as first parameter (`string`),
and `"text/html"` as second parameter (`type`).
2. Let |clone| be the result of running [=clone a node=] on |node| with the
`clone children flag` set to `true`.
3. Let `f` be the result of {{createDocumentFragment}}.
4. [=Append=] the node |clone| to the parent |f|.
5. Return |f|.

Issue(WICG/sanitizer-api#42): It's unclear whether we can assume a generic
context for {{parseFromString}}, or if we need to re-work the API to take
the insertion context of the created fragment into account.

To <dfn>sanitize</dfn> a given |input|, run these steps:
### The Effective Configuration {#configuration}

A Sanitizer is potentially complex, so we will define a helper
construct, the *effective configuration*. This is mostly a specification
convenience and allows us to explain a Sanitizer's operation in two steps:
One, how to derive the effective configuration, and two, define the
Sanitzer's operation based on it.

An <dfn>effective configuration</dfn> maps a given |element| or a given pair of
|element| and |attribute| to a [=sanitize action=].
A <dfn>sanitize action</dfn> can have the values `keep`, `drop`, or `block`.

A Sanitizer's [=effective configuration=] is merged from the
[=baseline effective configuration=] and the effective configuration derived
from the Sanitizer's [=configuration object=]. If no configuration object has
been provided, the built-in [=default configuration=] is used instead.
To merge two
[=effective configurations=], map any given |element| or a pair of |element|
and |attribute| to the [=stricter action=] of its constituent configurations.
To determine the <dfn>stricter action</dfn> of two [=sanitize actions=], pick
the 'larger' of the two actions assuming a transitively defined order with
`drop` &gt; `block`, and `block` &gt; `keep`.

Note: This definition of stricter actions ensures that the built-in baseline
configuration cannot be overriden, and therefor forms a hard guarantee
for all Sanitizer instances.

Before describing how an effective configuration is derived, we need a
helper definition: The <dfn>element kind</dfn> of an |element| is one of
`regular`, `unknown`, or `custom`. Let |kind| be:
- `custom`, if |element|'s tag name is a [=valid custom element name=],
- `unknown`, if |element| is not in the [[HTML]] namespace or if |element|'s
tag name denotes an unknown element &mdash; that is, if the
[=element interface=] the [[HTML]] specification assigns to it would
be {{HTMLUnknownElement}},
- `regular`, otherwise.

Similarly, the <dfn>attribute kind</dfn> of an |attribute| is one of `regular`
or `unknown`. Let |kind| be:
- `unknown`, if the [[HTML]] specifcation does not assign any meaning to
|attribute|'s name.
- `regular`, otherwise.

Issue(WICG/sanitizer-api#72): The spec currently treats MathML and SVG as
`unknown` content and therefore blocked by default. This needs to be fixed.

The [=effective configuration=] for a [=configuration object=] named |config|
for a given |element| is determined by running these steps:

1. if |element|'s [=element kind=] is `custom` and if |config|'s
[=allow custom elements option=] is unset or set to anything other than `true`, return 'drop'.
2. let |name| be |element|'s tag name.
3. if |name| is in |config|'s [=element drop list=] return 'drop'.
4. if |name| is in |config|'s [=element block list=] return 'block'.
5. if |config| has a non-empty [=element allow list=] and |name| is not in |config|'s [=element allow list=] return 'block'.
6. if |config| does not have a non-empty [=element allow list=] and |name| is not it the [=default configuration=]'s [=element allow list=] return 'block'.
8. return 'keep'.

1. run [=create a document fragment=] algorithm on the |input|.
2. run the [=sanitize document fragment=] algorithm on the resulting fragment,
3. and return its result.
And for a given pair of |element| and |attribute|:

To <dfn>sanitizeToString</dfn> a given |input|, run these steps:
1. if |config|'s [=attribute drop list=] contains |attribute|'s local name as key, and the associated value contains either |element|'s tag name or the string `"*"`, then return `drop`.
2. if |config| has a non-empty [=attribute allow list=] and it does not contain |attribute|'s local name, or |attribute|'s associated value contains neither |element|'s tag name nor the string `"*"`, then return `drop`.
3. if |config| does not have a non-empty [=attribute allow list=] and [=default configuration=]'s [=attribute allow list=] does not contain |attribute|'s local name, or |attribute|'s associated value contains neither |element|'s tag name nor the string `"*"`, then return `drop`.
4. return 'keep'.

1. run [=create a document fragment=] algorithm on the |input|.
2. run the [=sanitize=] algorithm on the resulting fragment,
3. run the steps of the [=HTML Fragment Serialization Algorithm=] with
the fragment root of step 1 as the |node|, and return the result string.
### Baseline and Defaults {#defaults}

Issue: The sanitizer baseline and defaults need to be carefully vetted, and
are still under discussion. The values below are for illustrative
purposes only.

## Default Configuration {#defaults}
The <dfn>baseline effective configuration</dfn> is defined as follows:

Issue: The sanitizer defaults need to be carefully vetted, and are still
under discussion. The values below are for illustrative purposes only.
- For an |element|:
1. if |element|'s [=element kind=] is `regular` and if |element|'s tag name
is not in the [=baseline element allow list=], return `drop`.
2. otherwise, return `keep`.
- For an |element| and |attribute| pair:
1. if |attribute|'s [=attribute kind=] is `regular` and if |attribute|'s
name is not in the [=baseline attribute allow list=] return `drop`
2. otherwise, return `keep`.

The sanitizer has a built-in default configuration, which aims to eliminate
any script-injection possibility. Note that the [=sanitize document fragment=]
is defined so that these defaults are handled first and cannot be overridden
by a custom configuration.

The sanitizer has a built-in [=default configuration=], which is stricter than
the baseline and aims to eliminate any script-injection possibility, as well
as legacy or unusual constructs.

: Default Drop Elements
The built-in <dfn>baseline element allow list</dfn> has the following value:

:: The <dfn>default element drop list</dfn> has the following value:
[ "script", "this is just a placeholder" ]
<pre class=include-code>
path: resources/baseline-element-allow-list.json
highlight: js

: Default Block Elements
The <dfn>baseline attribute allow list</dfn> has the following value:

:: The <dfn>default element block list</dfn> has the following value:<br>
[ "noscript", "this is just a placeholder" ]
<pre class=include-code>
path: resources/baseline-attribute-allow-list.json
highlight: js

: Default Drop Attributes
The built-in <dfn>default configuration</dfn> has the following value:

:: The <dfn>default attribute drop list</dfn> has the following value:
<pre class=include-code>
path: resources/default-configuration.json
highlight: js

# Security Considerations {#security-considerations}


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