You need to have docker and preferely docker-compose installed on your system.
Follow these steps to set everything up locally on your machine
Clone repo
git clone && cd base-wagtail
Copy .env.dist to .env
cp .env.dist .env
Install node modules
cd web_frontend yarn install
Start Containers with docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
As soon as everything is up and running visit these addresses to interact with the provided APIs, where necessary use Credentials.
Default Credentials for the dev setup containing only insensitive test data. It is advised to change these in the .env.dist and .env files.
database | cms |
user | root |
password | root |
user | root |
password | root |
access-key | root |
secret-key | rootroot |
Search the project for strings starting with "PLACEHOLDER_" and exchange to enable custom branding of the admin panel and more.
Details concerning the nuxt instance serving the frontend can be found in its own README
To interface with the containers, a Makefile is provided which provides additional management commands to the default django-admin commands.
If there is a key not found
error due to a dead reference, wagtail images might be the problem.
It usually helps to delete all instances of the wagtail.images.Image
This make command shortens the procedure:
make deletewagtailimages
To shorten the migration process after a database relevant change was made use:
make migrate
This will execute inside the container the commands ./ makemigrations
and ./ migrate
To be able to work with data from a different docker volume, fixtures can be created with:
make backup
To load the fixtures us:
make load