This shader was made for Onward by Virus and Argon.
You are free to use it for Onward Custom Maps, for other projects please reach out to us.
If you encounter problems please, DM virus_vr or argon_vr on Discord
Base Map: Select a base texture map for your material
Base Color: Adjust the color of the Base Map
Specular Map: Select a specular map for your material
Specular Color: Adjust the color of the Specular Map
Metal Value: Adjust the metalness of your material
Roughness Map: Select a roughness map for your material
Roughness Value: Adjust the Roughness Map strength
Normal Map: Select a normal map for your material (gx format)
Normal Map Strength: Adjust the strength of the Normal Map
Emission Map: Select an emission map for your material
Emission Color: Adjust the color of the Emission Map (black for no emission)
Height Map: Select a height map for your material (this is used for the parallax mapping)
ARM Texture: Enable the ARM texture (overrides Roughness Map and Metal Value)
ARM Map: Select an ARM map (R: Ambient Occlusion; G: Roughness; B: Metalness)
UV Magic: Select what UV mode is used
- Default: Will use default UVs
- Parallax Mapping: Will use UVs based on Height Map and Parallax Settings (requires Height Map)
- No_Tiling: Will enable No-Tiling (can have a performance impact over default, since Textures have to be sampled twice)
Tiling and Offset: Adjust the tiling (X & Y) and the offset (Z & W) of all maps selected in Main
Sample Steps: Adjust the max sample steps for Parallax Mapping (This can impact performance by a lot! Keep it as low as possible)
Amplitude: The depth of Parallax Mapping (expected values above 1)
Rain Normal Map: Select a flipbook normal map with your rain effect (expected order: left to right, top to bottom; no empty slots)
FlipBook Dimensions: Input the dimensions of your selected Rain Normal Map
FlipBook Speed: Adjust how many times a second the flipbook switches to the next page
Enable Water: This will Enable/Disable ALL Water effects
Enable Rain: Enable/Disable rain (requires Rain Normal Map)
Rain Strength: Adjust the strength of the rain
Rain Tiling: Adjust tiling of the rain
Tiling: Adjust tiling of puddles
Size: Adjust the size of puddles
Height: Adjust the height of puddles on Height Map (reqires Height Map)
Edge Wetness: Adjust how wet the area around the edge of the puddles is
Internal Size: Adjust how far away from the edge of the puddle the water starts
Overall Wetness: Adjust the wetness for the rest of the material (outside of the puddles)
Incline Consideration: On how steep of an incline puddles can still appear (not is degrees)
Specular/Metallic Setup: Select if Specular or Metal should be used for the shader
Additional Lights: If disabled, flashlights will not work on the materal
These are Unity's settings, for information search the Unity documentation