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How to setup RHEVM test env?
Red Hat Virtualization Manager(RHVM) is one of the core components of Red Hat Virtualization environment. The rhvm provides centralized management for a virtualized environment. A number of different interfaces can be used to access the rhvm. Each interface facilitates access to the virtualized environment in a different manner.
The RHVM provides graphical interfaces and an Application Programming Interface(API), each interface connects to the Manager, an application delivered by an embedded instance of the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. There are a number of other components which support the RHVM in addition to Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.
Firstly we need to install a Red Hat Enterprise Linux base operating system (RHEL-7.8) and configure it as rhevm requirements.
Set up a new virtual machine(RHEL7.8) by KVM with the following values:
- memory:4096
- cpu:2
- disk:50G
(1). Configure Hostname
Firstly, we check the default hostname by command #hostname
, then add it to /etc/hostname
Note: no need to rename the hostname, otherwise will make error when setup rhevm below, because the DNS server can't analysis the renamed hostname.
# hostname
# cat /etc/hostname
(2). Configure /etc/hosts
Then we configure the /etc/hosts file with hostname, which is a mapping of hosts to IP address, then we can connect or ping the system by IP or hostname.
#vi /etc/hosts bootp-73-5-244.rhts.eng.pek2.redhat.com
(3). Disable Firewall
And we need to stop/disable the firewall service.
#systemctl disable firewalld #permanent#
#systemctl stop firewalld #temporary#
#iptables -F #temporary#
Then we can start to install the rhevm packaged by yum option, it will install all dependent packages by auto from above repos.
# subscription-manager repos --disable='*' --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-supplementary-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-rhv-4.3-manager-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-rhv-4-manager-tools-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-ansible-2.9-rpms --enable=jb-eap-7.2-for-rhel-7-server-rpms
# yum update
# yum install rhevm ovirt-engine-cli
After we have installed the rhevm package and dependencies, we must configure the rhvm using the engine-setup
command. This command will ask us a series of questions and after we provide the required values for all questions, applies that configuration and then we can start the ovirt-engine service.
After start engine-setup, it will guide us through several distinct configuration stages, each comprising several steps that require us input, but the suggested configuration defaults are provided in square brackets, if the suggested value is acceptable for a given step, we can just press Enter to accept it.
Note: Most of the values we can press Enter to accept the suggested options, besides below 3 points:
- For FQDN, must check if it matches the default hostname, if yes, press Enter.
But if we have renamed the hostname or other connection issue, will result in below fail info:
[WARNING] Failed to resolve dhcp-128-73.nay.redhat.com using DNS, it can be resolved only locally.
- For firewall, we select "No" to setup.
- Set the admin password by manual.
Install a Red Hat Enterprise Linux base operating system by KVM and configure it as RHEVM Host.
(1).Set up a new virtual machine(RHEL7.9) by KVM with the following values:
- memory:4096
- cpu:2
- disk:30G
(2).Configure Hostname
Check the default hostname by command #hostname
, then add it to /etc/hostname
# hostname
# cat /etc/hostname
(3). Install vdsm package
subscription-manager register --username=[username] --password=[password]
subscription-manager list --av
subscription-manager attach --pool [poolid]
subscription-manager repos --disable=*
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhv-4-mgmt-agent-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-ansible-2-rpms
yum install vdsm
yum install ansible-2.9.13
yum install nmap
(1). Login with FQDN In a web browser, navigate to https://manager-fqdn/ovirt-engine, like https://bootp-73-3-244.eng.pek2.redhat.com/ovirt-engine. And the first time we connect to the Administration Portal, we will be prompted to trust the certificate being used to secure communications between browser and the web server like below interface, we must accept this certificate.
(2). Logging Into Administration Portal
After accept above certification, it will enter the welcome page, we click the "Administration Portal" to log in and then need enter the user name and password, that we specified during installation.
Besides, we can select language to view the Administration Portal from the language drop-down list, the default selection will be chosen based on the local settings of our web browser.
(3). RHVM Page
With right user name and password entering, it will enter into the RHVM page, then we can add RHV-H to it to begin our test.
(1). Hit Compute -> Hosts -> New
(2). Input the Name, Hostname and Password in the Authentication, hit OK.
(3). Check if the host up successfully by Events. (Status of host xxxx was set to Up).
(1). Hit Compute -> Data Centers -> Guide Me
(2). Input the Name, Input the path to Export Path, Hit OK.
(3). Check if the status of the data_storage is Active.
(1). Hit Comput -> Virtual Machines -> New.
(2). Input the name of the VM, choose the nic1(like ovirtmgmt/ovirtmgmt).
(3). Hit Boot Options, choose the Network(PXE) in First Device, hist OK.
(4). Add disk for VM, hit the name of the virtual machines -> Disks -> new, input Size, hit OK.
(5). Hit Console of the VM, install VM by PXE.
(6). After install successfully, change boot options to Hard Disk.(Edit Virtual Machin->Boot Options->Fisrst Device)