Lambda project with claudiajs, nodejs and dynamoDB
In order to execute this project you must:
1 - Install Nodejs
npm install node
2 - Install claudiajs
npm install claudia -g
3 - Install the project dependencies, run the following command on the project root:
npm install
4 - Install AWS command line client
apt-get install awscli
5 - Confige credentials to AWS Services
run: aws configure
fill with
This needs to be configure because claudiaJS use the AWS API to connect to aws services(lambda, gateway, etc...)
To get the access_key_id and secret_access_key go to your amazon account credentials settings.
6 - Run claudia command line
claudia create --name greetings --region us-east-1 --api-module server
This command is going to create the service on us-east-1, in order to see the server running on aws console, you must use the same region.
7 - Open your AWS gateway console, and you should see your service already deployed and ready to run.