For using the dapp, click on this link:
Firstly, you need to connect your wallet by an automatic pop-up when you first load the website. It will also request you to change your network to the Polygon Mumbai testnet.
Then you can use the full-fledged dapp.
Various features in the DeSo dapp:
Create Post feature: A user can create a post by clicking on the Create Post button on the top right corner.
Interact with the posts available on the home page. This interaction includes:
- Like the post
- Comment on the post
- Edit and Delete post feature for the author of the post.
Leaderboard tab featuring the top scorers on the platform (Ranking is decided on the basis of interaction and usage of the platform).
Meet tab featuring a Full-fledged video conferencing service (Huddle01 toolkit) to provide seamless interaction to users.