A simple game framework I am making for learning purposes. It has an OpenGL renderer core and uses a Entity-Component architecture for interacting. This is a highly WIP.
- Logging Facility
- Entity-Component Architecture
- Basic Input Handling
- Object loading and Mesh Rendering
- Blinn-Phong Shading
- Physically based Rendering
- Forward lighting pass
- Skyboxes
- Normal Mapping
- Shadow mapping
- Post-Processing
- Scene Hierarchy
- Lua Scripting
An implementation of Entity-Component architecture inspired by Unity3D and Unreal Engine.
- A Entity-Componenet framework with a simple API, where GameObjects are composed of components.
- Fast iterations through components using a custom allocator which ensures that components of a given type are always tightly-packed together.
- Safety Measures to avoid adding duplicate components to GameObjects, removing or accessing non-existent components from GameObjects.
- Automatic deallocation of components and it's resources on GameObject destruction. This means, No need to worry about components once added.
- The framework also provides methods to remove a component on-demand from a GameObject.
I needed to iterate through a collection of components(similar to Unity3D) every frame. There are game objects which are composed of components and these components contain behaviour like Transform, Camera, Light, Mesh Renderer and so on, which need to be updated every frame. I could not afford to iterate through components at different places in memory. So I wrote this allocactor which is nothing but a list of fixed-size memory blocks and actively keeps the objects tightly packed on allocation and deallocation, so as to ensure the best cache locality and fast iterations.
Here is a quick overview of how to use the framework API.
#pragma once
//Include this header to get access to the framework
#include "Illithid.h"
#include "illithid/core/EntryPoint.h"
//Inherit publicly from application to use the API
class TestApplication : public Application
GameObject* barrel01_;
GameObject* barrel02_;
GameObject* barrel03_;
GameObject* cameraObject_;
GameObject* dirLight_;
TestApplication( )
~TestApplication( )
// Initialization code goes here
virtual void Start( ) override
//Create a new Scene
std::shared_ptr<Scene> phongScene = std::make_shared<Scene>( );
//Load Textures from files
//.tex2D is a type which contains meta data about the actual texture
std::shared_ptr<Texture2D> barrel_diffuse = Texture2D::Load( "Assets/Textures/barrel_diffuse.tex2D" );
std::shared_ptr<Texture2D> barrel_specular = Texture2D::Load( "Assets/Textures/barrel_specular.tex2D" );
//Create the material
Shader phongShader( "Assets/Shaders/phong.shader" );
std::shared_ptr<Material> phongMat = std::make_shared<Material>( phongShader );
phongMat->SetTexture( "u_Material.diffuse", barrel_diffuse );
phongMat->SetTexture( "u_Material.specular", barrel_specular );
phongMat->SetFloat( "u_Material.shininess", 32.0f );
//Load the mesh
std::shared_ptr<StaticMesh> barrelMesh = StaticMesh::Load( "Assets/Models/barrel.obj" );
//Start Creating game objects
barrel01_ = GameObject::Instantiate( "Barrel_01" );
dptr<MeshRenderer> barrelRenderer01 = barrel01_->AddComponent<MeshRenderer>( );
barrelRenderer01->Mesh = barrelMesh;
barrelRenderer01->Material = phongMat;
barrel01_->GetTransform( )->Translate( glm::vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
barrel01_->GetTransform( )->Scale( glm::vec3( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f ) );
barrel02_ = GameObject::Instantiate( "Barrel_02" );
dptr<MeshRenderer> barrelRenderer02 = barrel02_->AddComponent<MeshRenderer>( );
barrelRenderer02->Mesh = barrelMesh;
barrelRenderer02->Material = phongMat;
barrel02_->GetTransform( )->Translate( glm::vec3( -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f ) );
//Setting the parent and creating scene hierarchy
//Barrel_01 is the parent of Barrel_02
barrel02_->GetTransform( )->SetParent( barrel01_->GetTransform( ) );
barrel03_ = GameObject::Instantiate( "Barrel_03" );
dptr<MeshRenderer> barrelRenderer03 = barrel03_->AddComponent<MeshRenderer>( );
barrelRenderer03->Mesh = barrelMesh;
barrelRenderer03->Material = phongMat;
barrel03_->GetTransform( )->Translate( glm::vec3( -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f ) );
//Barrel_02 is the parent of Barrel_03
barrel03_->GetTransform( )->SetParent( barrel02_->GetTransform( ) );
cameraObject_ = GameObject::Instantiate( "Camera" );
cameraObject_->GetTransform( )->Translate( glm::vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );
dptr<Camera> camera = cameraObject_->AddComponent<Camera>( );
//Set Camera projection
camera->SetPerspectiveProjection( PerspectiveProjection{ glm::radians( 60.0f ), Screen::Width( ) / static_cast<float_t>( Screen::Height( ) ), 0.1f, 100.0f } );
Camera::SetAsPrimary( camera );
//Create the Scene Hierarchy
phongScene->AddRootObject( barrel01_ );
phongScene->AddRootObject( cameraObject_ );
phongScene->AddRootObject( dirLight_ );
phongScene->AddRootObject( spotLight_ );
for (size_t i = 0; i < pointLights_.size( ); i++)
phongScene->AddRootObject( pointLights_[ i ] );
//Load the Scene
SceneManager::LoadScene( phongScene );
//Load the skyboox from file
//.sbox is a type whcih contains meta data about the skybox textures
Graphics::SetSkybox( "Assets/Skyboxes/YokohamaNights.sbox" );
//Callback for input events
virtual void OnEvent( Event& event ) override
//Must call this, otherwise applicatiion events won't be processed
Application::OnEvent( event );
EventDispatcher dispatcher( event );
dispatcher.Dispatch<WindowResizedEvent>( [ this ] ( WindowResizedEvent& evnt ) -> bool
cameraObject_->GetComponent<Camera>( )->SetPerspectiveProjection( PerspectiveProjection{ glm::radians( 60.0f ), Screen::Width( ) / static_cast<float_t>( Screen::Height( ) ), 0.1f, 100.0f } );
return false;
} );
// Called every frame
virtual void Update( ) override
//Rotating the barrels
barrel01_->GetTransform( )->Rotate( glm::vec3( 0.0f, 0.01f, 0.01f ), TransformationSpace::Local );
barrel02_->GetTransform( )->Rotate( glm::vec3( 0.0f, -0.05f, 0.0f ), TransformationSpace::Local );
barrel03_->GetTransform( )->Rotate( glm::vec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), TransformationSpace::World );
//Input API
if (Input::IsKeyDown( KeyCode::W ) || Input::IsKeyHeld( KeyCode::W ))
cameraObject_->GetTransform( )->Translate( Time::Delta( ) * cameraObject_->GetTransform( )->Forward( ) );
if (Input::IsKeyDown( KeyCode::S ) || Input::IsKeyHeld( KeyCode::S ))
cameraObject_->GetTransform( )->Translate( Time::Delta( ) * cameraObject_->GetTransform( )->Forward( ) * -1.0f );
if (Input::IsKeyDown( KeyCode::A ) || Input::IsKeyHeld( KeyCode::A ))
cameraObject_->GetTransform( )->Translate( Time::Delta( ) * cameraObject_->GetTransform( )->Right( ) * -1.0f );
if (Input::IsKeyDown( KeyCode::D ) || Input::IsKeyHeld( KeyCode::D ))
cameraObject_->GetTransform( )->Translate( Time::Delta( ) * cameraObject_->GetTransform( )->Right( ) );
if (Input::IsKeyDown( KeyCode::ESCAPE ))
Application::Quit( );
virtual void Shutdown( ) override
//Logging facility
IL_TRACE( "Shutdown" );
//Destroying a game object
//Everything in the Scene heirarchy is automatically destroy on Scene unloading
GameObject::Destroy( dirLight_ );