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Add ability to run/exec outer/host commands.
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Setting the "exec" key to ":host" will cause the run command to be
spawned from the current process context of dctest (i.e. outside the
docker compose instance).

Refactor docker-exec to make it more generic and split out the
compose-exec part that calls it. Take stdout and stderr streams in the
input and use those (or if not passed in then just create PassThrough
streams. In execute-step* we create streams for stdout and stderr and do
the accumulation and/or verbose echo'ing of the output/error streams.

For the outer exec functionality, this adds an outer-exec function that
is similar to the docker-exec function. outer-exec calls the more
generic outer-spawn which is a promise-based child_process spawn
  • Loading branch information
kanaka committed May 29, 2024
1 parent 76a2ab3 commit ee41329
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 62 deletions.
146 changes: 84 additions & 62 deletions src/dctest/core.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
[promesa.core :as P]
[viasat.retry :as retry]
[viasat.util :refer [fatal parse-opts write-file Eprintln]]
["util" :refer [promisify]]
["stream" :as stream]
["child_process" :as cp]
#_["dockerode$default" :as Docker]

Expand All @@ -32,59 +34,62 @@ Options:
(set! *warn-on-infer* false)

;; Docker/Compose

;; Generic command execution

(defn wait-exec
"[Async] Wait for docker exec to complete and when complete resolve
to result of inspecting successful exec or reject with exec error."
(defn outer-spawn [cmd {:keys [env stdout stderr] :as opts}]
(fn [resolve reject]
(let [check-fn (atom nil)
exec-cb (fn [err data]
(if err (reject err)
(if (.-Running data)
(js/setTimeout @check-fn WAIT-EXEC-SLEEP)
(resolve data))))]
(reset! check-fn (fn []
(.inspect exec exec-cb)))
(let [cp-opts (merge {:stdio "pipe" :shell true}
(dissoc opts :stdout :stderr))
child (doto (cp/spawn cmd (clj->js cp-opts))
(.on "close" #(if (= 0 %)
(resolve {:code %})
(reject {:code %}))))]
(when stdout (doto (.-stdout child) (.pipe stdout)))
(when stderr (doto (.-stderr child) (.pipe stderr)))))))

(defn outer-exec [command opts]
(outer-spawn command opts)
(fn [err]
(throw (ex-info (str "Non-zero exit code for command: " command)
{:error err})))))

;; Docker/Compose


(defn docker-exec
"[Async] Exec a command in a container and wait for it to complete
(using wait-exec). Resolves to exec data with additional :Stdout and
and :Stderr keys."
[container command {:keys [verbose] :as options}]
[container command {:keys [env stdout stderr] :as opts}]
(P/let [cmd (if (string? command)
["sh" "-c" command]
opts (merge {:AttachStdout true :AttachStderr true}
(dissoc options :verbose)
{:Cmd cmd})
exec (.exec container (clj->js opts))
stdout (or stdout (stream/PassThrough.))
stderr (or stderr (stream/PassThrough.))
env (mapv (fn [[k v]] (str k "=" v)) env)
exec-opts (merge {:AttachStdout true :AttachStderr true :Env env}
(dissoc opts :env :stdout :stderr)
{:Cmd cmd})
exec (.exec container (clj->js exec-opts))
stream (.start exec)
stdout (atom [])
stderr (atom [])
stdout-stream (doto (stream/PassThrough.)
(.on "data" #(let [s (.toString % "utf8")]
(swap! stdout conj s)
(when verbose
(println (indent s " "))))))
stderr-stream (doto (stream/PassThrough.)
(.on "data" #(let [s (.toString % "utf8")]
(swap! stderr conj s)
(when verbose
(Eprintln (indent s " "))))))
_ (when verbose (println (indent command " ")))
_ (-> (.-modem container)
(.demuxStream stream stdout-stream stderr-stream))
data (wait-exec exec)
stdout (S/join "" @stdout)
stderr (S/join "" @stderr)
result (assoc (->clj data) :Stdout stdout :Stderr stderr)]
(.demuxStream stream stdout stderr))
inspect-fn (.bind (promisify (.-inspect exec)) exec)
data (P/loop []
(P/let [data (inspect-fn)]
(if (.-Running data)
(P/-> data ->clj))))]
(when-not (zero? (:ExitCode data))
(throw (ex-info (str "Non-zero exit code for command: " command)

(defn dc-service
"[Async] Return the container for a docker compose service. If not
Expand All @@ -101,6 +106,15 @@ Options:
(.getContainer docker))]

(defn compose-exec
[docker project service index command opts]
(P/let [container (dc-service docker project service index)]
(when-not container
(throw (ex-info (str "No container found for service "
"'" service "' (index=" index ")")
(docker-exec container command opts)))

;; Test Runner

Expand All @@ -113,38 +127,46 @@ Options:
(defn execute-step* [context step]
(P/let [{:keys [docker opts]} context
{:keys [project verbose]} opts
{service :exec index :index command :run} step
{target :exec index :index command :run} step
{:keys [interval retries]} (:repeat step)
env (merge (:env context) (:env step))
index (or index 1)

run-expect! (fn [result]
(when-not (zero? (:ExitCode result))
(throw (ex-info (str "Non-zero exit code for command: " command)
run-exec (fn []
(P/let [container (dc-service docker project service index)
_ (when-not container
(throw (ex-info (str "No container found for service '" service "' (index=" index ")")
env (mapv (fn [[k v]] (str k "=" v)) env)
result (P/then (docker-exec container command {:Env env
:verbose verbose})
(run-expect! result)
{:result result})
(fn [err]
{:error (.-message err)})))
exec (retry/retry-times run-exec
stdout (atom [])
stderr (atom [])
stdout-stream (doto (stream/PassThrough.)
(.on "data" #(let [s (.toString % "utf8")]
(swap! stdout conj s)
(when verbose
(println (indent s " "))))))
stderr-stream (doto (stream/PassThrough.)
(.on "data" #(let [s (.toString % "utf8")]
(swap! stderr conj s)
(when verbose
(Eprintln (indent s " "))))))
_ (when verbose (println (indent command " ")))
cmd-opts {:env env
:stdout stdout-stream
:stderr stderr-stream}
run-exec (if (contains? #{:host ":host"} target)
#(outer-exec command cmd-opts)
#(compose-exec docker project target index command cmd-opts))
exec (retry/retry-times #(P/catch
(P/let [res (run-exec)]
{:result res})
(fn [err]
{:error (.-message err)}))
{:delay-ms interval
:check-fn :result})]

(when-let [msg (:error exec)]
(throw (ex-info msg {})))

{:result {:stdout (S/join "" @stdout)
:stderr (S/join "" @stderr)}})))

(defn execute-step [context step]
(P/let [{step-name :name} step
Expand Down

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