Navigate at the root of this repository and start Julia with julia --project=app
. Open the package repl with ]
, then type
(app) pkg> dev .; add [email protected];
Once everything has been installed, include app/main.jl
to start the interface on
file demo include a wild card, which is insecure on a server, as it can run arbitrary code.
If you are serving the app publicly, do not include :Wildcard
among the options.
DataVisualization.jl can be compiled to a stand-alone app as follows:
using PackageCompiler
create_app("path/to/DataVisualization", "path/to/new/app/folder",
For instance, provided PackageCompiler is installed in the global environment, one can navigate to the root folder of this repository and run
julia -q --project
julia> using Pkg, PackageCompiler
julia> Pkg.add(url="", rev="pv/bumpmakie")
julia> Pkg.add(url="", rev="master")
julia> create_app(".", "AppFolder", include_transitive_dependencies=false)