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Mqzn committed Sep 23, 2024
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203 changes: 79 additions & 124 deletions docs/Imperat/Command
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Expand Up @@ -48,157 +48,112 @@ public final class GroupCommand {
### Help template

A help template is an interface that allows you to customize how the help-menu is displayed to the command-sender, there's already a `DefaultHelpTemplate` that looks like this when you execute `/group <group> help`:


the `N/A` represents an unknown description, if it is annoying you, you can set a description per subcommand/usage whether using the classic way or the annotations or just make your own template which doesn't include the description in the `UsageFormatter`


Any help template has 4 main components:
- Header -> the header of the menu at the top
- Footer -> the footer of the menu at the bottom
- **UsageFormatter** -> controls the formatting of each single `CommandUsage`
- **UsageDisplayer** -> controls how the **formatted usages** are displayed together

#### Example Help Template
Here we will be building and creating our custom help-template that will define how the help-menu is displayed, let's call it `ExampleHelpTemplate` as below :-
### Help provider
A help provider is an interface whose only responsibility is to provide help-menu per command
and it needs `ExecutionContext` as a parameter to do so.
Help provider is cached in `Imperat`(the dispatcher) acting as a global help providing service.

You can implement your own help-provider and register it, to define how the help message is displayed as below:
public class ExampleHelpTemplate implements HelpTemplate {

private UsageDisplayer displayer = UsageDisplayer.plain();
private UsageFormatter formatter = new DefaultFormatter();

public String getHeader(Command<?> command) {
"&8&l&m===================&r &6"
+ + "'s help&r &8&l&m===================";

public String getFooter(Command<?> command) {
return "&8&l&m=================================";

public final class ExampleHelpProvider implements HelpProvider<YourPlatformSource> {
public UsageFormatter getUsageFormatter() {
return formatter;
public void provide(ExecutionContext<YourPlatformSource> context) throws ImperatException {
var src = context.source();
var cmd = context.command();

if(cmd.usages().isEmpty()) {
throw new NoHelpException();

src.reply("sending the help for command '" + + "'");
for(var usage : cmd.usages()) {
src.reply("[+] /" + CommandUsage.format(cmd, usage) + " - " + usage.description());

public void setUsageFormatter(UsageFormatter formatter) {
this.formatter = formatter;

public UsageDisplayer getUsagesDisplayer() {
return displayer;

public void setUsageDisplayer(UsageDisplayer displayer) {
this.displayer = displayer;


You can use the default `UsageFormatter` as you can see above, but it's okay to make your own
`UsageFormatter` instead of the `DefaultFormatter`, here's an example of
implementing your own `UsageFormatter`:-

and then registering your help provider
public class ExampleUsageFormatter implements UsageFormatter {

public <S extends Source> String formatUsageLine(Command<S> command, CommandUsage<S> usage, boolean isLast) {
String format = "/" + CommandUsage.format(command, usage);
return "&a" + format + " &r&l-&r &e<yellow>" + usage.description();

imperat.setHelpProvider(new ExampleHelpProvider());

Then inside of your custom help-template, you should just replace `new DefaultFormatter()` with `new ExampleUsageFormatter` *(or whatever the name of your class that implements the `UsageFormatter`)*.
### Templates
Some people would prefer to have their help displayed in the old format
Any help template has 3 main components:
- **Two Hyphens** (header and footer)
- **UsageFormatter** -> defines the formatting of each single `CommandUsage`

UsageDisplayer has already a premade implementation that you should be using (unless you want to make your own implementation) `PlainDisplayer`,
We recommend fetching the instance of `PlainDisplayer` through the method `UsageDisplayer.plain()`.
In imperat, there's an abstract class called `HelpTemplate`, it implements `HelpProvider` which contains these components,
and another abstract class called `PaginatedHelpTemplate` (the name describes it's purpose) which extends `HelpTemplate` adding
the ability to display command usages in the form of pages.
Both classes are sealed, meaning that you can't extend them to make your own templates.
You are forced to use our built-in builders for creation of templates as below

### Paginated Help Template
.header(content -> "------- " + content.command().name() + "'s help --------")
.footer(content -> "-----------------")
.displayer((context, usages)-> {
//define how usages are displayed here

It's exactly the same as a normal `HelpTemplate` but with two extra methods :
- `int syntaxesPerPage()` -> defines how many syntax should displayed per one page
- `String pagesHeaderComponent(int page, int maxPages)` -> controls how the pages header will be displayed as a singular part of the full header.
As you can see above, you can define header, footer, `UsageFormatter` and displayer consumer to override the default display algorithm.

You are not required to create your displayer; By default, it's a simple for-loop showing the usages linearly
along with their description on the right.

In `PaginatedHelpTemplate` , there's a default method that combines 2 methods to form the total header of the help-menu that will be displayed, which are:-
- `getHeader` (from the normal `HelpTemplate` interface)
- `pagesHeaderComponent()` (from the `PaginatedHelpTemplate`) which for example shows how the `%currentPage%/%max_pages%` are displayed for a `PaginatedHelpTemplate`

#### Example Paginated Help Template
the header and footer are hyphens for help (`HelpHyphen`) which has some data/content cached with it (`HyphenContent`) which contains:
- Command owning the usages
- current page and max-pages (they are `1` by default if the template isn't paginated)

We will be creating our own paginated help template by creating
a class and calling it for example `ExamplePaginatedHelpTemplate` :-
Here's a quick example below on creating and registering a paginated template
content -> "--------" + content.command().name() + "'s help ("
+ content.currentPage() + "/" + content.maxPages() + ") ------"
.footer((content) -> "------------")

You can use the default `UsageFormatter`, but it's okay to make your own
`UsageFormatter` instead of the default built-in formatter`, here's an example of
implementing your own `UsageFormatter`:-

public final class ExamplePaginatedHelpTemplate
extends ExampleHelpTemplate implements PaginatedHelpTemplate {

public int syntaxesPerPage() {
return 5;
public class ExampleUsageFormatter implements UsageFormatter {

public String fullHeader(Command<?> command, int page, int maxPages) {
return "&8&l&m===================&r &2"
+ + "'s help " + pagesHeaderComponent(page, maxPages) + "&r &8&l&m===================";

private String pagesHeaderComponent(int page, int maxPages) {
return "&8( &a" + page + "&7/" + maxPages + " &8)";
public <S extends Source> String formatUsageLine(Command<S> command, CommandUsage<S> usage, int index) {
String format = "/" + CommandUsage.format(command, usage);
return format + " - " + usage.description();


### Registering your help-template

We should register our help template so that it can be applied
on any help usage(s) as the example below :

dispatcher.setHelpTemplate(new ExampleHelpTemplate());

You can do exactly the same for your Paginated help template
(in this case: `ExamplePaginatedHelpTemplate`) , so for example :
`dispatcher.setHelpTemplate(new ExamplePaginatedHelpTemplate())`

paginated help templates forces you to specify the number of usages to be displayed per one page.
which is `10` usages per page as specified in the example above.
Moreover, the paginated template builder has the same methods as that of the normal template builder.
### Results

**Here i will show you the results of your patience and hard work for learning**
**how to create your own help displaying and customize it:-**
##### For normal help-template
If no usage description is supplied during command creation it will return `N/A` by default.
The `N/A` represents an unknown description, if it is annoying you, you can set a description per subcommand/usage whether using the classic way or the annotations.

![Default Help Template Result](./assets/example-help-command.png)

##### For paginated help-template

![Paginated Help Template Result](./assets/example-paginated-help-command.png)
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions docs/Imperat/
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Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Platforms are classified into:

## Minecraft platforms
Imperat currently has implementations for the current minecraft-related platforms:
- Bukkit/Spigot/Paper
- Bukkit
- Bungeecord

:::tip[Pro Tip]
Expand All @@ -72,5 +72,6 @@ SAME AS BUKKIT but the prefix is `Bungee`

## Other platforms
Coming soon...
- **CLI** for command-line applications
More coming soon...

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