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server: bump rustg version 3.1.0-ss220 -> 3.3.0-ss220
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Bizzonium committed Aug 5, 2024
1 parent 5e48444 commit 355e2c8
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Showing 3 changed files with 126 additions and 11 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export BETA_BYOND_MAJOR=515
# Beta Byond Minor
export BETA_BYOND_MINOR=1642
# For the RUSTG library. Not actually installed by CI but kept as a reference
export RUSTG_VERSION=3.1.0-ss220
export RUSTG_VERSION=3.3.0-ss220
#For DMJIT librarry
export DMJIT_VERSION=v0.1.2

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135 changes: 125 additions & 10 deletions code/__DEFINES/
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// It's not in the current directory, so try others
return __rust_g = ""
return __rust_g = "rust_g.dll"
return __rust_g = "rust_g"

#define RUST_G (__rust_g || __detect_rust_g())
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#define rustg_dmi_strip_metadata(fname) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "dmi_strip_metadata")(fname)
#define rustg_dmi_create_png(path, width, height, data) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "dmi_create_png")(path, width, height, data)
#define rustg_dmi_resize_png(path, width, height, resizetype) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "dmi_resize_png")(path, width, height, resizetype)
* input: must be a path, not an /icon; you have to do your own handling if it is one, as icon objects can't be directly passed to rustg.
* output: json_encode'd list. json_decode to get a flat list with icon states in the order they're in inside the .dmi
#define rustg_dmi_icon_states(fname) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "dmi_icon_states")(fname)

// File Operations //

#define rustg_file_read(fname) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "file_read")(fname)
#define rustg_file_exists(fname) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "file_exists")(fname)
#define rustg_file_exists(fname) (RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "file_exists")(fname) == "true")
#define rustg_file_write(text, fname, b64decode) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "file_write")(text, fname, b64decode)
#define rustg_file_append(text, fname) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "file_append")(text, fname)
#define rustg_file_get_line_count(fname) text2num(RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "file_get_line_count")(fname))
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// Git Operations //

/// Returns the git hash of the given revision, ex. "HEAD".
#define rustg_git_revparse(rev) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "rg_git_revparse")(rev)
#define rustg_git_commit_date(rev) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "rg_git_commit_date")(rev)

* Returns the date of the given revision using the provided format.
* Defaults to returning %F which is YYYY-MM-DD.
/proc/rustg_git_commit_date(rev, format = "%F")
return RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "rg_git_commit_date")(rev, format)

* Returns the formatted datetime string of HEAD using the provided format.
* Defaults to returning %F which is YYYY-MM-DD.
* This is different to rustg_git_commit_date because it only needs the logs directory.
/proc/rustg_git_commit_date_head(format = "%F")
return RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "rg_git_commit_date_head")(format)

// Hashing Functions //

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#define RUSTG_HASH_XXH64 "xxh64"
#define RUSTG_HASH_BASE64 "base64"

/// Encode a given string into base64
#define rustg_encode_base64(str) rustg_hash_string(RUSTG_HASH_BASE64, str)
/// Decode a given base64 string
#define rustg_decode_base64(str) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "decode_base64")(str)

#define md5(thing) (isfile(thing) ? rustg_hash_file(RUSTG_HASH_MD5, "[thing]") : rustg_hash_string(RUSTG_HASH_MD5, thing))
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/proc/rustg_create_async_http_client() return RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "start_http_client")()
/proc/rustg_close_async_http_client() return RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "shutdown_http_client")()

// Icon forge operations //

/// Generates a spritesheet at: [file_path][spritesheet_name]_[size_id].png
/// The resulting spritesheet arranges icons in a random order, with the position being denoted in the "sprites" return value.
/// All icons have the same y coordinate, and their x coordinate is equal to `icon_width * position`.
/// hash_icons is a boolean (0 or 1), and determines if the generator will spend time creating hashes for the output field dmi_hashes.
/// These hashes can be heplful for 'smart' caching (see rustg_iconforge_cache_valid), but require extra computation.
/// Spritesheet will contain all sprites listed within "sprites".
/// "sprites" format:
/// list(
/// "sprite_name" = list( // <--- this list is a [SPRITE_OBJECT]
/// icon_file = 'icons/path_to/an_icon.dmi',
/// icon_state = "some_icon_state",
/// dir = SOUTH,
/// frame = 1,
/// transform = list([TRANSFORM_OBJECT], ...)
/// ),
/// ...,
/// )
/// list("type" = RUSTG_ICONFORGE_BLEND_COLOR, "color" = "#ff0000", "blend_mode" = ICON_MULTIPLY)
/// list("type" = RUSTG_ICONFORGE_BLEND_ICON, "icon" = [SPRITE_OBJECT], "blend_mode" = ICON_OVERLAY)
/// list("type" = RUSTG_ICONFORGE_SCALE, "width" = 32, "height" = 32)
/// list("type" = RUSTG_ICONFORGE_CROP, "x1" = 1, "y1" = 1, "x2" = 32, "y2" = 32) // (BYOND icons index from 1,1 to the upper bound, inclusive)
/// Returns a SpritesheetResult as JSON, containing fields:
/// list(
/// "sizes" = list("32x32", "64x64", ...),
/// "sprites" = list("sprite_name" = list("size_id" = "32x32", "position" = 0), ...),
/// "dmi_hashes" = list("icons/path_to/an_icon.dmi" = "d6325c5b4304fb03", ...),
/// "sprites_hash" = "a2015e5ff403fb5c", // This is the xxh64 hash of the INPUT field "sprites".
/// "error" = "[A string, empty if there were no errors.]"
/// )
/// In the case of an unrecoverable panic from within Rust, this function ONLY returns a string containing the error.
#define rustg_iconforge_generate(file_path, spritesheet_name, sprites, hash_icons) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "iconforge_generate")(file_path, spritesheet_name, sprites, "[hash_icons]")
/// Returns a job_id for use with rustg_iconforge_check()
#define rustg_iconforge_generate_async(file_path, spritesheet_name, sprites, hash_icons) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "iconforge_generate_async")(file_path, spritesheet_name, sprites, "[hash_icons]")
/// Returns the status of an async job_id, or its result if it is completed. See RUSTG_JOB DEFINEs.
#define rustg_iconforge_check(job_id) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "iconforge_check")("[job_id]")
/// Clears all cached DMIs and images, freeing up memory.
/// This should be used after spritesheets are done being generated.
#define rustg_iconforge_cleanup RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "iconforge_cleanup")
/// Takes in a set of hashes, generate inputs, and DMI filepaths, and compares them to determine cache validity.
/// input_hash: xxh64 hash of "sprites" from the cache.
/// dmi_hashes: xxh64 hashes of the DMIs in a spritesheet, given by `rustg_iconforge_generate` with `hash_icons` enabled. From the cache.
/// sprites: The new input that will be passed to rustg_iconforge_generate().
/// Returns a CacheResult with the following structure: list(
/// "result": "1" (if cache is valid) or "0" (if cache is invalid)
/// "fail_reason": "" (emtpy string if valid, otherwise a string containing the invalidation reason or an error with ERROR: prefixed.)
/// )
/// In the case of an unrecoverable panic from within Rust, this function ONLY returns a string containing the error.
#define rustg_iconforge_cache_valid(input_hash, dmi_hashes, sprites) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "iconforge_cache_valid")(input_hash, dmi_hashes, sprites)
/// Returns a job_id for use with rustg_iconforge_check()
#define rustg_iconforge_cache_valid_async(input_hash, dmi_hashes, sprites) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "iconforge_cache_valid_async")(input_hash, dmi_hashes, sprites)


// Jobs Defines //

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#define rustg_noise_get_at_coordinates(seed, x, y) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "noise_get_at_coordinates")(seed, x, y)

* Generates a 2D poisson disk distribution ('blue noise'), which is relatively uniform.
* params:
* `seed`: str
* `width`: int, width of the noisemap (see world.maxx)
* `length`: int, height of the noisemap (see world.maxy)
* `radius`: int, distance between points on the noisemap
* returns:
* a width*length length string of 1s and 0s representing a 2D poisson sample collapsed into a 1D string
#define rustg_noise_poisson_map(seed, width, length, radius) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "noise_poisson_map")(seed, width, length, radius)

// AStar Operations //

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#define rustg_add_node_astar(json) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "add_node_astar")(json)

* Remove every link to the node with unique_id. Replace that node by null
#define rustg_remove_node_astart(unique_id) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "remove_node_astar")(unique_id)
#define rustg_remove_node_astar(unique_id) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "remove_node_astar")("[unique_id]")

* Compute the shortest path between start_node and goal_node using A*. Heuristic used is simple geometric distance
#define rustg_generate_path_astar(start_node_id, goal_node_id) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "generate_path_astar")(start_node_id, goal_node_id)
#define rustg_generate_path_astar(start_node_id, goal_node_id) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "generate_path_astar")("[start_node_id]", "[goal_node_id]")

// Redis PubSub Operations //

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#define rustg_redis_lpop(key, count) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "redis_lpop")(key, count)

* Takes in a string and json_encode()"d lists to produce a sanitized string.
* This function operates on whitelists, there is currently no way to blacklist.
* Args:
* * text: the string to sanitize.
* * attribute_whitelist_json: a json_encode()'d list of HTML attributes to allow in the final string.
* * tag_whitelist_json: a json_encode()'d list of HTML tags to allow in the final string.
#define rustg_sanitize_html(text, attribute_whitelist_json, tag_whitelist_json) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "sanitize_html")(text, attribute_whitelist_json, tag_whitelist_json)

// SQL Operations //

#define rustg_sql_connect_pool(options) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "sql_connect_pool")(options)
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#define rustg_sql_disconnect_pool(handle) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "sql_disconnect_pool")(handle)
#define rustg_sql_check_query(job_id) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "sql_check_query")("[job_id]")

// Text Operations //

#define rustg_cyrillic_to_latin(text) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "cyrillic_to_latin")("[text]")
#define rustg_latin_to_cyrillic(text) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "latin_to_cyrillic")("[text]")

// Time Tracking Functions //

#define rustg_time_microseconds(id) text2num(RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "time_microseconds")(id))
#define rustg_time_milliseconds(id) text2num(RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "time_milliseconds")(id))
#define rustg_time_reset(id) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "time_reset")(id)

/// Returns the timestamp as a string
return text2num(RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "unix_timestamp")())
return RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "unix_timestamp")()

// Toast Operations //

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#define rustg_worley_generate(region_size, threshold, node_per_region_chance, size, node_min, node_max) \
RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "worley_generate")(region_size, threshold, node_per_region_chance, size, node_min, node_max)

// Text Operations //

#define rustg_cyrillic_to_latin(text) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "cyrillic_to_latin")("[text]")
#define rustg_latin_to_cyrillic(text) RUSTG_CALL(RUST_G, "latin_to_cyrillic")("[text]")
Binary file modified rust_g.dll
100644 → 100755
Binary file not shown.

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